Ready Made Still Life – Rubric

Name: Period:

Name: ______Period: ______

What you’re getting graded on / 10-9
work is excellent,
enthusiastic effort,
creative / 8-7
work is good,
genuine effort,
thoughtful / 6-5
work is competent
or average,
minimum effort,
somewhat thoughtful / 4-3
work is inadequate,
poor effort, weak,
careless, obvious signs of
indifference / 2-0
Little to no effort, incomplete
______/10 Pts / Strong and thoughtful, composition; the drawing fills up most, if not all, of the paper / Thoughtful composition; the drawing fills up most, if not all, of the paper / Some thought went into the composition; the drawing fills up some of the paper / There are signs of a planned composition; the drawing is too small; most of the drawing paper is left empty / Little to no attempt was made to plan a complete composition; partly drawn
Exploration & Development of Ideas
______/10 Pts / Completed drawing shows that excellent, clear, & thoughtful decisions were made when choosing the area of the room and objects to draw. The area/objects chosen are interesting and eye catching. / Completed drawing shows that clear & thoughtful decisions were made when choosing the area of the room and objects to draw. The area/objects chosen is interesting and eye catching. / Completed drawing mostly shows that thoughtful decisions were made when choosing the area of the room and objects to draw. The area/objects chosen is boring and uninteresting. / Completed drawing shows that some thought went into deciding what area of the room and objects to draw. The area/objects chosen is boring and uninteresting. / Completed drawing shows that Little to no thought went into deciding what area of the room and objects to draw. The area/objects chosen is boring and uninteresting.
Organization & Relationships
______/10 Pts / Good, clear, & thoughtful use of texture, value, and unity was used to complete the drawing. / Clear & thoughtful use of texture, value, and unity was used to complete the drawing. / Thoughtful use of texture, value, and unity was used to complete the drawing. / Some thought went into the use of texture, value, and unity in the completed drawing. / Little to no thought went into the use of texture, value, and unity in the completed drawing.
Control of Materials, Media, and Processes
______/10 Pts / Outstanding exploration and experimentation with the materials: pencils and blending tools. Highly accomplished ability to control the media and shading processes. / Very Good exploration and experimentation with the materials: pencils and blending tools. Proficient ability to select and control the media and shading processes. / Demonstrated Some ability in exploring and experimenting with the materials: pencils and blending tools. Attempts are made to control the media and shading processes. / Demonstrated a little exploration and experimentation with the materials: pencils and blending tools. Some limited ability to control the media and shading processes. / Very Limited to No exploration and experimentation with the materials: pencils and blending tools. Slight evidence of ability to control media and processes.
Value Variations, Surface Textures & Details
______/10 Pts / The entire drawing includes ALL of the value variation, surface textures, and details from the objects. / The entire drawing includes MOST of the value variation, surface textures, and details from the objects. / SOME of the drawing is completed; missing parts– includes some of the value variation, surface textures, and details from the objects. / Most of the drawing is missing – includes very little value variation, surface textures, and details from the objects. / Little to no attempt was made to create value variations, surface textures, and details from the objects
Check List
______/10 Pts / Outstanding ability in recognition and organization of the use of at least 4 of the 7 criteria from the checklist. Highly accomplished ability to express realism through direct observational drawing skills. / Very Good ability in recognition and organization of 4 of the 7 criteria from the checklist. Proficient ability to express realism through direct observational drawing skills. / Some recognition and organization of 3 of the 7 criteria from the checklist. Attempts are made to express realism through direct observational drawing skills. / Little recognition and organization of 2 of the 7 criteria from the checklist. Some limited attempts are made to realism through direct observational drawing skills. / Very Limited to no recognition and organization of 1 of the 7 criteria from the checklist. Very limited to no attempts are made to express realism through direct observational drawing skills.
Personal Vision & Presentation
______/10 Pts / Outstanding demonstration of personal and creative response to creating a Ready Made Still Life Drawing. Highly Accomplished personal evaluation and critical thinking skills are clear in ALL of the choices and decision you made in completing your drawing. / Proficient demonstration of personal and creative response to a Ready Made Still Life Drawing. Competent personal evaluation and critical thinking skills are clear in ALL of the choices and decision you made in completing your drawing. / Adequate demonstration of personal and creative response to creating a Ready Made Still Life Drawing. Adequate personal evaluation and critical thinking skills are clear in the choices and decision you made in completing your drawing. / Some demonstration of personal and creative response to creating a Ready Made Still Life Drawing. Some personal evaluation and critical thinking skills are clear in the choices and decision you made in completing your drawing. / Little to no demonstration of personal and creative response to creating a Ready Made Still Life Drawing. Little to no personal evaluation and critical thinking skills are present in the choices and decision you made in completing your drawing.
______/10 Pts / Outstanding ability to create a gradual change in values through blending/shading techniques within ALL of the different shapes and background areas. / Very Good show of ability to create a gradual change in values through blending/shading techniques within Most of the different shapes and background areas. / Demonstrated Some ability to create a gradual change in values through blending/shading techniques within Some of the different shapes and background areas. Some areas look striped. / Demonstrated Limited ability to create a gradual change in values through blending/shading techniques. Most of the different shapes and background areas look striped. / Demonstrated Very Limited to no ability to create a gradual change in values. All or most of the different shapes and background areas look striped.
______/10 Pts / Careful time and extreme care was put into the entire drawing; all areas of the paper are clean and smudge-free. Excellent use of class work time. / The entire drawing was done with care and good use of time; most of the areas of the paper are clean and smudge-free. Good use of class work time. / Some time and care was put into the entire drawing. Parts of the drawing appears to be sloppy and “rushed”; some areas of the paper are messy and smudged the drawing paper has a few creases and/or folds/tears. Some class work time was wasted. / The entire drawing is sloppy and appears to be “rushed”; some areas of the paper are messy and smudged, the drawing paper has several creases and/or folds/tears. Majority of class work time was wasted. / Little or no attempt was made to take care during the drawing; time was wasted; the paper is messy and smudged, the drawing paper has been crumpled.
On Time & Complete
______/10 Pts / Work is completely done, no additions or corrections need to be made, Work was turned in ON TIME – on the due date ______/ Work is done, little to no additions or corrections need to be made, Work was turned in ON TIME – on the due date / Work is half way done, some additions or corrections need to be made, Work was turned in after the due date –______/ Work is almost done, a lot of additions or corrections need to be made, Work was turned in several days after the due date –______/ Work is incomplete, it is turned in without being finished, Work was turned in several days after the due date –______

Total points: ______/100 points

REFLECTION : _____/15 Points Possible

Extra Credit: ___/1 Theory of Art : ______

(Choices: Expressivism, Formalism, Imitationalism, or Instrumentalism)

Extra Credit: ___/1 Art Style: ______

(Choices: Abstract Art, Non-Objective, or Realism)

5 Points – Complete, Good Answers 3.5 Points – Complete 0 Points – Not done, incomplete

___/ 5 – What knowledge, techniques and/or concepts did you learn by completing this art problem? Include what Elements of Art and/or Principles of Design you used and how you used them to create your work.

____/ 5 - Explain & Describe the successful aspects of your work – What makes your work great – USE JUDGEMENT in your explanation – make references in your answer to your actual artwork as evidence:

_____/ 5 - Explain & Describe possible revisions to your work (if you were to do this project again, what would you do differently to make it even better) USE JUDGEMENT in your explanation – make references in your answer to your actual artwork as evidence:

Ready-Made Still Life Check List

Name: ______

Area of Classroom: ______

*Must have at least 4 of the following 7

______Organic Objects

______Strong Contrast

______Straight Edges

______Something out of the Ordinary

______Unusual Point of View

______Multiple Objects

______Spatial Depth