Fr. Paul Hughes
St. James’ Presbytery
40 Underwood Rd.
Hattersley, Hyde.
SK14 3DH
Tel 0161 368 3618
St. James the Great
In St. Anselm’s Local Pastoral Area
Parish Newsletter
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
15th October 2017
First ReadingIsaiah 25:6-10 Isaiah tells of the heavenly banquet to which God invites us: he will supply finest foods and wines; wiping away the tears from every cheek. We look forward to this by doing our best to heal suffering and bring joy.
Second ReadingPhilippians 4:12-14, 19-20 Paul tells us: There is nothing I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength. There are no limits to what we can achieve when we trust God, rather than ourselves. His strength is sufficient.
GospelMt 22:1-14 Jesus tells a parable about a wedding banquet: the invited guests refuseto attend, when the king presses them some make excuses others seize the servants, maltreated them and killed them. The king punishes their evil acts and now invites everyone he can find, bad and good alike. A man not wearing a wedding garment will not speak to the king, who addresses him as friend, and is excluded from the banquet. This parable refers to God’s kingdom which has room for all people no one is excluded other than those who refuse the invitation and those who refuse God’s offer of friendship.
WeprayforallofoursickespeciallyFr. Chris Dwyer, Sister Colette, Abelardo & Lolita Barayuga, Susan Beavan, Carol Bennett, Joan Boucher, Michael Bowker, Natalie Brown, Anthony Brownridge, Sharon Cilgram, Ann & Bernard Clarke, Kath Courtney, Kath Coyne, Hilda Donald, Jill Doyle, Carla Edwards, Pat Edwards, Rebecca Edwards, Beryl Evans, Terence Farrell, Mary Fletcher, Margaret Flood, Paul Flaherty, Albert Halfpenny, Louisa Johnston, Wilfred Johnson, Linda Jones, Peter Jones, Alice Lucas, Mary McCabe, Wendy McLoughlan, Martin Maher, Lucy Morrow, Linda & Michael O’Malley, Michael O’Reilly, Veronica Philbin, Violet Redfern, Peter Riley, Joe Singleton, Christine Smedley, June Smith, Karen Smith, Martin Smyth, Emma Stoneley, Clara Walker, and Leonie Willett, andall in nursing homes and hospitals. We pray also for doctors, nurses and all who care for the sick.
Let us pray for those who have died, may our risen Lord welcome them to paradise.
This week’sSaints: Tues, St. Ignatius of Antioch St. Ignatius of Antioch died ~107, Bishop of Antioch for 40 years. He was martyred by being thrown to the wild animals at the public games in Rome. Wed, St. Luke a physician, born into a pagan family but converted to Christianity; he was companion of the apostle Paul and wrote both his Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles.Thurs, St Peter of Alcantara was a 16th century Spanish Franciscan of the Stricter Observance and a confessor and spiritual director of St Teresa of Avila. He was chosen as patron of Shrewsbury Cathedral by Bertram, the 17th Earl of Shrewsbury, who paid for the building of the cathedral but died aged 23 two months before it was opened in 1856. A Catholic, the Earl had a great devotion to the saint.
If you think God is calling you to serve his Church more fully than at present, think and pray seriously about it, and talk to Fr. Paul.
If you know of any Sick & housebound parishioners who are unable to attend Mass & not, at present, receiving Holy Communion at home but would like to do so, please let Fr. Paul know as soon as possible.
Parish Healing Masses for sick, infirm & housebound: Next Mass Sat 2 Dec2.00 p.m. For all who feel the need of healing in any aspect of life. Please let us know of anyone who needs transport. No 12.00 noon Mass on those days.
Parish Bonus Ball: 11th October No13 – WinnerMaureen Evans.
Sponsor the Sanctuary Lamp: £10 a week. Fill in form, & give it with £10 to Fr. Paul.
Second collections for 2017 Notice in Porch. Hattersley Food Store. Notice in Porch.
Please check the parish notice board each weekend to keep up to date.
Christmas Fair planned for Sun 26 Nov in St. James’ School hall 12.15 after Mass. Please show your usual generosity & provide bottles, & other items for raffles and fancy goods. Please try to avoid being on the last minute as this makes planning & organisation difficult. Come along on the day, we are always in need of helpers, see list on notice board in porch for volunteers to organise and ‘run the stalls’.Your parishneedsyoursupport!Poster in porch.
Christmas Fair Raffle Tickets available today! Please take and sell as many as possible.
cbm: is an international Christiandisability and development organization which seeks to improve the quality of life of people living with and at risk of disability in some of the world’s poorest communities; it asks for your support. Posters in porch.
Today Sun 15 Oct there will be a retiring collection for the work of cbm.
A series of Talks on the Faith: April – May 2018 Dept. for New Evangelisation is proposing
a series of four talks to be given in both the north and the south of the Diocese. These will be on the Sacraments and will take place on consecutive Wed evenings and Sat mornings.
40 Days for Life (Manchester). Want to end abortion? The autumn campaign is from 27 Sept to 05 Nov. Register at or call
Michael on 07810 791032. Poster in porch.
Development Officer required for Walsingham Trust. Poster in Porch.
Adoremus – National Eucharistic Pilgrimage & Congress, 7 – 9 Sept, Liverpool 2018
Fri 7 SeptTheological Symposium, with workshops for Parish catechists, (especially for those involved in First Holy Communion programs), RE teachers, hospital and prison chaplains, seminary communities and extraordinary ministers. The sessions will focus on Scripture, Ecclesiology, Eucharistic Language and Catechism and a workshop on the Rites and Music for Eucharistic Adoration.Sat 8 Sept– at the Echo Arena in Liverpool, (10,000 pilgrims), for a six- hour stage programme, including a Congress Mass, keynote speakers and a drama highlighting the beauty of reverence and devotion. The day will conclude with Adoration.Attendance either day also includes “privileged places” to one of 2 solemn Masses at The Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King in Liverpool on Sun 9 Sept.
A web page with an online returns form for Shrewsbury Diocese the link is
ACTS – Adult Catholics Together SpirituallyExploring our Catholic Faith through the Arts:. annual retreat Fri 20 Oct (pm) until after lunch Sun 22 Oct. Those aged 20 – 35 very welcome. Canon David Roberts will lead the retreat at St Winefride's, Holywell (N. Wales). Payment by anonymous donation (suggested cost £100). Please contact Siobhan Cartwright at / 0161 477 2783/07761 138947.Lifts may be available if required.
Are you a catholic teacher but not teaching in a catholic school? Your diocese needs you. Poster in Porch.
One day conference on Inspirational Catholics in Healthcare, for Juniors and Students in all Healthcare Professions. Sat 4 Nov 2017 at St Aloysius Catholic Church, Euston, London. Contact or via our Facebook page: more details. Poster in porch.
Come on ... in the name of Jesus – full day retreat celebrating conclusion of the centenary of Fatima, Sat 28 Oct 10.00am to 4.30 pm at St Hilda’s Northenden. Talks by Fr Nick Kern How to read the Word of God, and a view of the liturgical calendar & Fr Lonappan Arangassery What do you really know of the Holy Mass? The day includes celebration of Mass, Scriptural reading & Lectio Divina, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Rosary procession led by Fr Kevin Murphy & Fr Francis Nnadi. Please bring a packed lunch with you. For more details contact 07835043222 / 0161 9982895. All welcome. Poster in porch.
Shropshire Churches Together Ecumenical Prayer Service commemorating the 500th
anniversary posting/nailing of the 95 theses by Martin Luther. Poster in porch.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Diocesan Formation Day: Sat 18 Nov Registration from 9:30 am 10:00 am—1:00 pm Harrytown Catholic High School Romiley,
Stockport, SK6 3BU Poster in Porch.
New Testament Module for the Catholic Certificate of Religious Studies Sat 11 Nov 10:00am – 3:30pm, Our Lady’s, Ellesmere Port, CH65 8BY. Poster in porch.
What is Pope Francis asking of us?You are invited toSt Peter and St Raphael's Church, Stalybridge SK15 2HBonSat 4 Nov 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. with Mass at 12:15 p.m. Poster in porch.
Mass Times and Intentions
Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11.00 a.m.Parishioners
15 October
Monday 16 9.15 a.m.Morning Prayer
9.30 a.m.Karen Smith
Tuesday 17St. Ignatius of Antioch9.15 a.m.Morning Prayer
9.30 a.m.Mary Singleton
Wednesday18St Luke9.15 a.m.Morning Prayer
9.30 a.m.Priest’s Intention
Thursday19St. Peter of Alcantara9.15 a.m.Morning Prayer
9.30 a.m.Charlotte Nagle
Friday209.15 a.m.Morning Prayer
9.30 a.m.Staff & pupils of
St. James’ School
Saturday21 12.00noonSick & infirm of parish
Twenty NinthSunday in Ordinary Time 11.00 a.m.Parishioners
22 October
Sacrament of individual Reconciliation (Confession) Sunday 10.45 a.m. – 10.55 a.m.
Prayer of the Church4 Mass attendance last weekend75.
Opening Prayer of Mass for Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
May your grace, O Lord, we pray,
at all times go before us and follow after
and make us always determined
to carry out good works.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Prayer of St. Ignatius of Antioch for Martyrdom
I am the wheat of God,and am ground by the teeth of the wild beasts,
that I may be found the pure bread of God.
I long after the Lord,the Son of the true God and Father, Jesus Christ.
Him I seek, who died for us and rose again.
I am eager to die for the sake of Christ.
My love has been crucified,and there is no fire in me that loves anything.
But there is living water springing up in me,
and it says to me inwardly:"Come to the Father."
British Summer Time Ends Sat 28 Oct – clocks go back one hour