United States Magistrate Court at Fort Leonard Wood is part of the United States Federal Court system for the Western District of Missouri. The court handles all U.S. District Court Violation Notices issued as a result of misconduct on the installation. U.S. District Court Violation Notices may be issued for traffic offenses committed by soldiers and civilians on Fort Leonard Wood, or to civilians who commit criminal offenses on Fort Leonard Wood. The Magistrate Court at Fort Leonard Wood does not handle Armed Forces Traffic Tickets.
All U.S. District Court Violation Notices are processed through the Central Violations Bureau (CVB). Questions about when your court date is, how you can pay your fine, or how you can update your contact information should be directed to the CVB. Please contact the CVB at 1-800-827-2982, or visit the CVB’s website.
If you received a citation on Fort Leonard Wood for a violation of state law, federal law, or installation regulation, the citation will indicate whether you have a mandatory court appearance.
- With a mandatory court appearance, you must appear in Magistrate Court. You will receive official notification of your court date through the mail at the address you provided. If you provided incorrect address information, you can correct it by contacting the CVB as described above.
- Without a mandatory court appearance, you have the option of paying a fine to the CVB rather than appear in court. The CVB processes all payments through mail or online. The CVB also processes fines via telephone at 1-800-827-2982, option 0 tospeak with a representative.
- For more information, contact the CVB as described above. If you do not pay the fine, you will be notified of a mandatory court date through the mail at the address you provided.
If you fail to appear in court on the date and time ordered, the court may issue a summons ordering you to appear or issue a warrant for your arrest. If you are charged with a motor-vehicle violation, the court may also report your failure to appear to your state’s driver’s license agency which can affect your driving privileges or your vehicle registration.
For information regarding on-post driving suspensions or requests for restricted driving privileges/reinstatement, please consult FLW Reg 190-5, or call the number below.
The Magistrate Court Clerk’s Office is located in Building 315, Room 223A.
Phone: (573) 596-0676
Fax: (573) 596-0632
DSN: 581
Civilian Liaison
The civilian liaison is the Fort Leonard Wood point of contact for civilian law enforcement, judicial systems, and local municipalities. In that regard, the civilian liaison helps coordinate law enforcement and prosecution efforts between on and off post agencies.
The civilian liaison alsomanages the installation bar list. Individuals who are barred from the installation are not permitted to be physically present on any part of Fort Leonard Wood. Once instituted, a bar can only be lifted by the Commanding General or his or her designee.
Finally, the civilian liaison serves as a point of contact for individuals seeking to subpoena official information from the installation. Although Missouri ceded exclusive jurisdiction to the United States in 1978, the State of Missouri reserved the right to service of process on Fort Leonard Wood. However, subpoenas and service of process must still comply with 32 CFR §§516.40-516.56 and AR 27-40, paragraph 7-2b, and therefore will be reviewed before they can be served on Fort Leonard Wood. The civilian liaison facilitates that process.
The Civilian Liaison’s Office is located in Building 315, Room 306B.
Phone: (573) 596-0190
Fax: (573) 596-0632
DSN: 581