General Education Council
Course Renewal Form Part D (for General Education Courses ONLY)
NOTE: For courses that will be new to the catalog or that require changes to the catalog copy, Academic Policies and Procedures Proposal Form, Parts A and B, should be submitted to AP&P.
Renewal year:
Course prefix, number, and title:
College Dean
List the other groups that have considered this proposal, the action taken, and the date that action was taken.
Approving Body / Action /Date of Action
Approved / Not Approved / Not Applicable
Department/Program Curriculum Committee
College Council(s)
Faculty Coordinating Committee
General Education Council
Checklist for form submission:
Annual Course Data: attach annual course data form(s) for this course
Syllabus: attach a sample syllabus for the course that includes the learning outcomes identified for this course.
Narrative: attach narrative responses to each of the prompts
Office Use Only : Substantial Changes or Improvement (SACS)Narrative Report:
Answer the following in a narrative report. Your narrative needs to include how you have measured student learning and how the data from student learning measures was used to improve the course.
1. Are you still addressing the general education goals assigned to this course? Provide evidence of how you’ve measured student learning in regard to the goals indicated.
2. Thinking about the current General Education goals for this course, indicate if you would like to add or delete any General Education Goals. If you are requesting to add goals, provide learning outcomes and methods of assessment for those goals.
3. Based on your annual data (examples), course learning outcomes, and evidence for addressing the goals of general education, and other data, provide your rationale for why this course should be renewed.
Required For ILE Courses Only:
4. If your class is involved in an Integrated Learning Experience theme, provide a statement on how the courses with the theme are currently collaborating to address the theme.
Gen Ed Renewal Course Information Report
Course Number Course Name
Course Description:
Historical Studies
Literary Studies
Quantitative Literacy
Wellness Literacy
Science Inquiry
Writing in the Discipline
Senior Capstone
Integrative Learning Experience
Liberal Studies Experience
1. Thinking Critically and Creatively
2. Communicating Effectively
3. Making Local to Global Connections
4. Understanding Responsibilities of Community Membership
Articulate at least two learning outcomes that all sections of this course will assess / General Education learning goal to which this outcome relates / For General Education Program assessment purposes, describe some of the methods instructors will use to assess how students are performing on this outcome. (Give as much detail on your assessment methods as possible.)ILE THEME DESIGNATION:
Number of Sections Current Year Since Last Renewal (Each Previous Year)
Seat Capacity Current Year Since Last Renewal (Each Previous Year)
Seats Completed Current Year Since Last Renewal (Each Previous Year)
Number of times offered Current Year Since Last Renewal (Each Previous Year)
Status of Faculty Teaching the Course: #___ Non-Tenure Track / #___ Tenure Track
Timeline (for this, the pilot year – annual timeline may vary)
This process & timeline:
Finalize Draft Documents and Visuals via email in UAAC Sub-Group
UAAC – 1st meeting prior to Gen Ed Council (include Mike Mayfield & Michael Krenn)
Gen Ed Staff (in re workload) – prior to Gen Ed Council
Gen Ed Council – 1st meeting Sept 25
Associate Deans, Chairs, Deans, Provost, Councils, etc. – Introduce at Retreats, additional information/process in October
Announcement and Information Distributed – by whom?
Deans Define Cohorts for Renewal Review: October 15
Deans forward cohort lists for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 to Gen Ed
Current year is pilot year with select courses (no more than 20) involved; Deans develop pilot group and forward course list to Gen Ed. After pilot year, the pilot group will be added to the 2020 cohort.
Departments develop assessment plans for each course in the cohort: January of Year 1
College Assessment Committees will review plans?
Draft form?
First cycle of rolling process introduces courses with shorter review cycle. Pilot year gets renewed immediately, 2019 has full 4-year cycle. Assessment plans for all gen ed courses are therefore due this year.
Renewal Reports due May of Year 3; processes through groups on front page (FCC, Gen Ed Council, etc) throughout the fall.
Guidelines for a 4-year plan that would apply to each cohort (timeline documents)
Website or asulearn site (from Gen Ed, linked from IRAP) with – have as much as possible available during current year and use this year to help further populate the form – up by Oct/Nov:
§ Examples of assessment plans –models for both multiple sections & single section, methods for each (Possibly in asulearn template available to assessment groups)
§ Each example includes sample methodology (assignment with rubric, etc – sample from Gen Ed forms)
§ How to keep collect and report data (over review period and yearly)
§ Link to rubrics for each goal
§ List of goals and descriptions
§ Examples of how to organize the review process overall for departments
§ Sample Action Plan
§ FAQ : how do you take data and use it to improve course
Course data information sheets distributed: “fall” (until dashboard is live?)