AASHTO Research Advisory Committee (RAC)/TRB Conduct of Research (COR)
Coordination and Collaboration Committee
Please note action items are in red
- Introductions/Housekeeping - All
- Introductions
RAC Task Force Members Present: Michael Bonini, Nancy Chinlund, Georgene Geary and Leni Oman, Lori Putnam, and Sue Sillick.
Conduct of Research Committee Members Present: Jason Bittner, Sam Elrahman, and Phil Roke (for Felicia Young).
Others Present: Frank Law and Chris Worley
- Note TakerGeorgene Geary
- Changes/Additions to Agenda?None
- Corrections to 1/6/2009Meeting Notes? None
- Report on Action Items
- TRNews Article – Sue reported that Sam E. drafted the article and Steve A. was working on the final edits. The Spring TRNews is focusing on libraries so the plan is for maybe the summer issue. Sam volunteered to contact Barbara Post to see what the upcoming themes will be to see if any tie directly to the article.
- Research Funding Guidebook ( – Sue S. reported that the Guidebook was published on the web before TRB and has already had some additions since it has been out. There is a need to continue to complete and add programs, including USDOT agencies and other government agencies.
- Updates/maintenance – Need volunteers
It was noted that volunteers are needed to contact other Federal agencies to identify any competitive solicitation programs they have available. A Goal was defined to fill in the remaining Federal gaps by TRB 2010. Kim F. is working with the International Committee and Sam S.has volunteered to help in this area if needed. Leni will check with the Environmental area.
- Unfunded Research Needs Portal (
- TRB Update –It was reported thatChris Jenksis still working on this and has promised to complete it after the SCOR meeting this week.
- Website/WIKI Development -Nancy C. shared the Transportation Research Collaboration SharePoint website, and took the group on a brief tour of the site (). It has four main areas derived from the COR communication paper; Setting the Research Agenda, Collaborating, Carrying Out Results and Delivering Results/Communicating Value. Linda Preisen has agreed to be the contact listed on the website; her contact information is provided on the site. Nancyrequested the committee to also go look at the site, and provide any input. Contact Frank Law to get signed up to add content to the site.
- Under Additional Collaboration Maria Chau created a Ning site, to be used by the transportation research community for professional networking. “Linked-In” can also be used as a platform for professional networking. Over the next few weeks, the web tools subcommittee will be exploring the potential of each option.
- SCOR Strategic Plan – Role for Task Force–Review of Progress for goals 2A1, 2B1, 2B2, and 2B3 (Attached) – Nancy C. reviewed the updates to the SCOR Strategic plan
- RITA Communities of Interest and Collaborative Website Update (http://www.rita.dot.gov/)–Lori Putnam described some of the history relating to the Communities of Interest. She noted that they are looking at making some changes to the groups, before they would become fully populated. Lori has taken over for Dawn Tucker and will be added to the Website/WIKI Task Force subcommittee. Leni suggested a national webinar to teach folks more about web tools and how to use them effectively.
- UTC Spotlight Conferences Update – Jason B. reported on the goal of these conferences which is to create a network of researchers in an area and facilitate discussion between practitioners and researchers. He discussed the past conference and through a follow-up email also provided additional information as follows:
In 2008, RITA's third Spotlight Conference was held on "The Impact of Changing Demographics on the Transportation System" in Washington, D.C.
Conference speakers addressed diverse demographic changes that are likely to affect the U.S. transportation system over the coming decades, including: issues related to our aging population, changes in ethnicity, shifts in the rural/urban/suburban/exurban population balance and their effect on mobility and transportation safety, and workforce issues associated with changing demographics. TRB will develop and publish a final report of results as an "E-Circular".
The 2009 Spotlight Conference is on Infrastructure Preservation and Management and the 2010 conference focus is Sustainable Transportation and the Environment. The e-circulars from the 2006 and 2007 RITA/TRB UTC Spotlight Conferences are as follows: E-C114, Research Opportunities in Radio Frequency Identification Transportation and E - ?, Research Issues in Freight Transportation (does not yet have a publication number).
The University of Wisconsin will host a meeting following up to the Freight Spotlight conference on Oct. 20 in Long Beach, CA. The meeting is being billed as a Workshop focused on "Freight Research at UTCs: Integrating Efforts", and will be held the day before the National Urban Freight Conference being held on Oct. 21-23, to take advantage of everyone who will be in town. The Workshop website is .
- Coordination with Other RAC Task Forces Update–Sue S. reported that a liaison has been identified for all the Task Forces except for Education. They are as follows:
Administration – Chris H.
Value of Research – Larry O.
Funding – Jeff Brown
Quality – Mike B.
Futures – Sue S
TKN – Leni O.
Peer Exchange – There is no need for overlap in membership.
- Other coordination and collaboration activities?
Californiashared with the group that they are concerned with issues related to intellectual property. They are looking for information on how other states are handling these issues, and are also working with FHWA>
- Objectives
- Partnering articles in TRNews/COR newsletter, etc.
- Unfunded research needs portal.
- RIP data entry, training, and marketing.
- Website/WIKI Development.
- Research Funding Guidebook.
- Implementation of International Scan Coordination and Collaboration Items
- Outreach to facilitate coordination and collaboration, market tools, survey for additional needs.
- Meetings– Next Meetings– Mark your calendars!
- 5/27/09, 7/22/09 (may have meeting in conjunction with RAC meeting), 9/23/09.
- 5/27/08Agenda items(All) – Suggestions?