CSI: Social Problems project rubric
CATEGORY / 50-Excellent / 40-Good / 30-Satisfactory / 20-DoesnotmeetsetstandardsResources / 3 Academic Resources have been used during the research process, 1 book (fiction/non-fiction), and one other source and all sources are cited in MLA format / 2-3 Academic Resources have been used during the research process, 1 book (fiction/non-fiction) and all sources are cited in MLA format / 1-2 Academic Resources have been used during the research process, 1 book (fiction/non-fiction) or other source attempted to cite material in MLA format / 1-2 Academic Resources have been used during the research process and no attempt was made to cite material in MLA format
Content / In the project you have presented both sides of the social issue, provided at least 5 examples of evidence to support your perspective of the issue using your resources and classroom discussion / In the project you have presented both sides of the social issue, provided at least 4 examples of evidence to support your perspective of the issue using your resources and classroom discussion / In the project you have presented both sides of the social issue, provided at least 3 examples of evidence to support your perspective of the issue using your resources and classroom discussion / In the project you have presented both sides of the social issue, provided at least 1 or 2 examples of evidence to support your perspective of the issue using your resources and classroom discussion
Product / The final product is well thought out, creatively written/formatted, uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation. The final product is well thought out, creatively written/formatted, uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. If technology was used, all technology is easy to navigate/works correctly / The final product is well thought out, somewhat creatively written/formatted, has few if any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation. If technology was used, most of it is easy to navigate/works correctly / The final product is unorganized and only somewhat thought out, has few errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation. If technology was used, most of it works correctly / The final product is unorganized and little to no time was put into the project, has many errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation. Technology does not work properly
Presentation of Information / When sharing the information with your classmates, you speak clearly, share both sides of the issue with evidence supporting your opinion, explain your final product, and answer classmates' questions / When sharing the information with your classmates, you speak somewhat clearly, share both sides of the issue with evidence supporting your opinion, and explain your final product / When sharing the information with your classmates, you speak somewhat clearly, share one side of the issue with evidence supporting your opinion, explain your final product / When sharing the information with your classmates, are difficult to understand, share one side of the issue with little to no evidence supporting your opinion
Created October 5, 2010 using Total Points______out of 200