Pupil Premium Grant Projected Allocation
Dartford Primary Academy
Total Number of Pupils on roll (Year R – 6) / 612Total number of Pupils eligible for PPG / 140
Total number of Pupil Premium students with SEN/AEN / 12
Amount received per pupil / £1320
Total amount / £184,800
Pupil Premium Allocation / Projected amount to the intervention / Who will be the focus of intervention / Intended outcomes / Monitoring of impact
Additional teacher to support across KS2 for students that are working below age expected levels. / £45,000 / Targeted students. / For the gap to close in KS2 between PPM students and Non PPM students. / Documented on the Provision Map
Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Quality Assurance process for Teaching staff by SLT (for example, learning walks, observations, drop ins, book looks, diet of the day).
Attainment and progress data.
HLTA employed to deliver a range of interventions across KS2 to support with Literacy, Numeracy and SALT. / £20,000 / Targeted students. / Improve attainment and progress in Year 3, 4 5 and 6. / Documented on the Provision Map
Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Quality Assurance process for Teaching staff by SLT.
Attainment and progress data
HLTA employed to deliver a range of interventions across KS1 to support with Literacy, Numeracy and SALT. / £20,000 / Targeted students. / Improve attainment and progress in Year R, 1 and 2. / Documented on the Provision Map
Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Quality Assurance process for Teaching staff by SLT.
Attainment and progress data
Parental groups/support to be led by a HLTA to support with a range of difficulties that are impacting and relating directly to the child’s ‘school life’. / £3,500 / Parents / Parents to feel supported when dealing with difficult situations within the home. / Meetings, SDQ’s, Leuvens Scale, Boxall Profile
Subsidising school trips and extracurricular activities/award ceremonies. / £3,500 / All Pupil Premium students / To ensure inclusion for all students. / Percentage of uptake
Meetings, SDQ’s, Leuvens Scale, Boxall Profile
KS1 Breakfast club tuition for extra Literacy input. / £3,900 / Targeted students. / Improve attainment and progress in Year R, 1 and 2. / Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Attainment and progress data
Breakfast club provided for Pupil premium children free of charge. / £3,000 / All Pupil Premium students / To ensure where all possible all students have the same start to the day. / Parental Questionnaire
Identified Pupil premium children with poor attendance and live in walking distance of the school are collected and brought to school via the school’s minibus. / £10,000 / All Pupil Premium students/parents. / To improve attendance for Pupil premium students. / Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Attainment and progress data
Attendance data
Support with the purchasing of school uniform for Pupil Premium Children. / £6,000 / All Pupil Premium Students / To ensure where all possible all students are wearing the same uniform and that does not have a dramatic effect on a family’s income.
Pupil premium children are the first children which are invited to attend the specific ‘holiday schools’ in KS2. / £1500 / Year 5 and 6. / To offer a range of learning opportunities. / Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Attainment and progress data
Pupil premium children are the first children to access a Peer Mentor. / £200 / Year 3 and Year 6 / To support social and emotional needs where needed. / Documented on the Provision Map
Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Meetings, SDQ’s, Leuvens Scale, Boxall Profile
Specific Parental support from dedicated attendance officers. / £6000 / All Pupil Premium Students / To give support to parents/carers/extended families when needed. / Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Meetings, SDQ’s, Leuvens Scale, Boxall Profile
Attendance data
ELSA sessions primarily targeted at Pupil premium students. / £5,500 / All Pupil Premium Students / To support social and emotional needs where needed. / Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Meetings, SDQ’s, Leuvens Scale, Boxall Profile
Pupil Premium students will be targeted for Mathletics. / £1,500 / All Pupil Premium Students / To improve attainment and progress in Maths across the school. / Documented on the Provision Map
Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Attainment and progress data
Where possible Pupil Premium families will be given support with accessing the internet. / £2000 / All Pupil Premium Students / To ensure inclusion. / Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Attainment and progress data
Pupil Premium students will be the first students invited to take part in the choral project. / £850 / Year 3, 4 5 and 6 / To ensure inclusion. / Documented on the Provision Map
Pupil Premium children will be picked first to attend the extra-curricular activities. / £21,000 / All Pupil Premium Students / To ensure inclusion. / Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Attainment and progress data
Home work/lunch time clubs / £1,000 / All Pupil Premium Students / To improve attainment and progress in all topics across the school. / Documented on the Provision Map
Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Attainment and progress data
Targeted 1:1 phonics / £5,000 / Year 1, 2 and 3. / To ensure an improvement in reading / Documented on the Provision Map
Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Quality Assurance process for Teaching staff by SLT.
Attainment and progress data
Targeted 1:1 SALT via Talk boost / £10,000 / Year R, 1 and 2 / To ensure an improvement in talking/communicating / Documented on the Provision Map Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Quality Assurance process for Teaching staff by SLT.
Attainment and progress data
To develop an provision for more able students in both Literacy and Numeracy / £2,500 / To improve attainment and progress for students in Year 3, 4 5 and 6. / Documented on the Provision Map
Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.
Attainment and progress data
Quality Assurance process for Teaching staff by SLT.
Dedicated Student Support Mentor / £15,000 / All Pupil Premium Students / To support social and emotional needs where needed. / Discussed at Pupil progress meetings.