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Headquarters 2nd Provisional Infantry Regiment
HQ Company
New Windsor, England APO 390
May 30, 1944
Training Outline for Infantry Training
1. General
The following memorandum establishes all training guidelines for a school of the Infantry to be conducted for the 2nd Provisional Infantry Regiment. This training is to be located at the Roop’s Farm Training Area, located in New Windsor.
2. Training
The Staff of the 2nd Provisional Infantry Regiment will be conducting an advanced School of the Infantry for units of the Regiment (see attached list) from the 8th of July to the 10th of July. Each unit will provide identified staff to aid in training. Training will focus on Tasks identified by the School of the Infantry as Expert Infantryman Tasks, and will go towards credit for the Expert Infantryman’s Badge (EIB).
a. patrolling
b. movement to Contact
c. ambush
d. Identifying enemy equipment and uniform
e. Individual weapons qualification
Units sending soldiers to this training are to insure the troops will be prepared for advanced training in the above listed items.
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Cont. Training Memorandum
3. Overview
Units will arrive on Friday the 8th of July at the Roop’s Farm TA. All units will be required to sign and have a Senior OIC or NCOIC on site. The cost per individual will be $15 and will cover site costs and must be presented upon arrival. Individuals will be required to provide a Field phone to the Regimental staff for communications purposes. All weapons will be turned into the CQ desk located at the Toll House, refer to weapons handling procedures letter dated May 30th 1944.
a. Ammo handling procedures will be as follows; all live ammunition will be turned into the CQ desk and secured in AHA (Ammo Holding Area). Soldiers may maintain control of all blank ammo.
b. Soldiers will be required to operate in a field environment and should proper equipment to conduct such operations, per individual unit.
c. Rations will not be provided. Units will need to issue all soldiers with the proper rations prior to training. K-rations, D-rations and 5 and 1 meal are recommend. Soldiers will be required to prepare there own meals, there is no facility support for chow.
d. Inspections will be conducted on weapons and prior to any major movement into the training areas. Cadre staff will inspect soldiers before each training period to insure that the following items are correct.
1. Water, 1 full canteen
2. Rations, 2 meals per individual: K-rations or C-rations, or equivalent.
3. Weapons, properly maintained, serviceable, blank adaptors.
4. Ammunition: all soldiers will layout all blank ammo prior to departing for Infantry training. There will be no ammo in a pack, cartridge belt, GP bag, and bandoleer. All ammunition must be displayed during the formation. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the training event. This is conducted to insure that no live ammo is used during the Infantry Tactics Classes.
5. First Aid: Each Squad will carry a Medics bag. Units will need to identify unit medics.
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Cont. Training Memorandum
4. Cadre
The following lists of individuals have been identified as the Cadre staff by the 2nd Provisional Infantry Regiment.
Capt. Roger RoopOIC4th ID I&R
S/sgt Richard FlanaganNCOIC508th PIR
Sgt Mike HamadayInstructor/evaluator11th Panzer
T5 Lee TrolanInstructor/evaluator508th PIR
5. Classes
The purpose of this training is give individual units advanced infantry training. Infantry training will be conducted on Saturday the 9th of July. Cadre staff will instruct units as a group in a field environment. Each class will have a block instruction and practical exercise following instruction. Students will be required to demonstrate their ability to conduct patrols, ambushes, and movement to contact. There will also be night movement to contact conducted. Students will be instructed on proper techniques to conduct such tactics. Cadre will also evaluate force on force battles. Soldiers will operate as squads against one another and demonstrate tactics.
Live fire operations will be conducted in accordance with the School of the Infantry Standards on Sunday the 10th of July. A standard individual weapons qualification will be conducted on the range. Soldiers will be required to fire individual weapons during a familiarization period and then fire for record. Rifle fire will be conducted, followed by pistol fire. All weapons will be inspected prior to departing to the range.
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Cont. Training Memorandum
6. The Point of Contact for this training is S/sgt Richard Flanagan, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment. Contact Number is 703-655-3533.
Richard M. Flanagan
S/sgt 16223476
Annex 1
Training Schedule
4th ID MP Pltn.
4th ID I&R Pltn.
508th PIR 82nd A/B
36th ID
11th Panzer
8th ID I&R Pltn.
90th ID HQ Co.
33rd. S.C.B.
51st. E.C.B.
Training Outline May 30, 1944
1500 Advon Team Arrives
1700Troop arrival time
1715 Armory opens: Weapons Turn in and Ammunition Turn In, Free Time,
Establish CP
1900 Weapons Draw PMI Class, and weapons Cleaning
--Instructor S/sgt Flanagan
0500First Call
0500-0530Personal Hygiene and Chow
0530Formation & Safety inspection
--Instructors Capt. R.T. Roop & S/sgt Flanagan
0600Point to Point Land Navigation
--Feldwebel Kurt Neuman
0800Tactical movement
--Instructor S/sgt Flanagan
1200Chow K-ration or equivalent
1300Practical Exercise
--All Instructors
1630Establishing an OP/LP
--Instructor Capt. R.T. Roop
1800Tactical break
2000Night Patrol Formation
--All Instructors
2015Night Patrol
2230Night Patrol Ends
2230-0630Unit Time
0630First call
0700Personal Hygiene
0730Unit training time
1000Tactical movement to ranges by unit
1030Range Safety and Operations BRM
--Instructor T5 Trolan
1100Range staff review safety, ammo point established
--Instructor S/sgt Flanagan
1130 Familiarization with weapons
1600Cease fire, police call range
1645Return Bivouac Site
1700Break down bivouac site/ Police Call
***Schedule may be adjusted as per OIC & NCOIC’s descretion***
Directions to the Training Area
From Washington DC
• I-495 north
(Northern Virginia)
• I-270 west
(toward Frederick)
• Rt. 27 north
(toward Westminster)
• Left onto Rt. 407
• Left onto Rt. 31
(toward Liberty Town)
• Right onto Sam’s Creek Rd.
(about 1.5 miles from the intersection of Rt. 407 & 31)
• 3800 Sam’s Creek Rd.
• Parking will be on your right
(follow parking signs)
From Baltimore
• I-695 west
(toward Towson)
• I-70 west
(toward Frederick)
• Rt. 27 north
(toward Westminster)
• Left onto Rt. 407
• Left onto Rt. 31
(toward Liberty Town)
• Right onto Sam’s Creek Rd.
(about 1.5 miles from the intersection of Rt. 407 & 31)
• 3800 Sam’s Creek Rd.
• Parking will be on your right
(follow parking signs)