Abbreviations of the titles of the Waverley Novels
01WA Waverley
02GM Guy Mannering
03AN The Antiquary
04aBD The Black Dwarf
04bOM The Tale of Old Mortality
05RR Rob Roy
06HM The Heart of Mid-Lothian
07aBL The Bride of Lammermoor
07bLM A Legend of the Wars of Montrose
08IV Ivanhoe
09MO The Monastery
10AB The Abbot
11KE Kenilworth
12PI The Pirate
13FN The Fortunes of Nigel
14PP Peveril of the Peak
15QD Quentin Durward
16SR Saint Ronan’s Well
17RG Redgauntlet
18aBE The Betrothed
18bTA The Talisman
19WK Woodstock
20CC Chronicles of the Canongate
21FM The Fair Maid of Perth
22AG Anne of Geierstein
23aCR Count Robert of Paris
23bCD Castle Dangerous
24SF The Shorter Fiction
25a Introductions and Notes from the Magnum Opus: Waverley to A Legend of the Wars of Montrose
25b Introductions and Notes from the Magnum Opus: Ivanhoe to Castle Dangerous
Abbreviations of the titles of books in the Bible
Old Testament
Amos Amos
1Chr 1 Chronicles
2Chr 2 Chronicles
Dan Daniel
Dt Deuteronomy
Ec Ecclesiastes
Esther Esther
Exod Exodus
Ezek Ezekiel
Ezra Ezra
Gen Genesis
Hab Habakkuk
Hag Haggai
Hos Hosea
Isa Isaiah
Jer Jeremiah
Job Job
Jl Joel
Jon Jonah
Jos Joshua
Jg Judges
1Kg 1 Kings
2Kg 2 Kings
Lam Lamentations
Lev Leviticus
Mal Malachi
Mic Micah
Nah Nahum
Neh Nehemiah
Num Numbers
Ob Obadiah
Prov Proverbs
Ps Psalms
Ru Ruth
1Sam 1 Samuel
2Sam 2 Samuel
Song Song of Solomon
Zech Zechariah
Zeph Zephaniah
New Testament
Acts Acts of the Apostles
Col Colossians
1C 1 Corinthians
2C 2 Corinthians
Eph Ephesians
Gal Galatians
Heb Hebrews
Jas James
Jn John
1Jn 1 John
2Jn 2 John
3Jn 3 John
Jude Jude
Lk Luke
Mk Mark
Mt Matthew
1Pet 1 Peter
2Pet 2 Peter
Phil Philippians
Rev Revelation
Rom Romans
1Thess 1 Thessalonians
2Thess 2 Thessalonians
1Tim 1 Timothy
2Tim 2 Timothy
Tit Titus
Abbreviations of the titles of Shakespeare’s works
Ado Much Ado about Nothing
Ant Antony and Cleopatra
AWW All’s Well that Ends Well
AYL As You Like It
Cor Coriolanus
Cym Cymbeline
Err The Comedy of Errors
Ham Hamlet
1H4 1 Henry IV
2H4 2 Henry IV
H5 Henry V
1H6 1 Henry VI
2H6 2 Henry VI
3H6 3 Henry VI
H8 Henry VIII
JC Julius Caesar
Jn King John
LLL Love’s Labour’s Lost
Lr King Lear
Luc The Rape of Lucrece
Mac Macbeth
MM Measure for Measure
MND A Midsummer Night’s Dream
MV The Merchant of Venice
Oth Othello
Per Pericles
PPilg The Passionate Pilgrim
R2 Richard II
R3 Richard III
Rom Romeo and Juliet
Shr The Taming of the Shrew
Son Sonnets
TGV Two Gentlemen of Verona
Tim Timon of Athens
Tit Titus Andronicus
Tmp The Tempest
TN Twelfth Night
TNK The Two Noble Kinsmen
Tro Troilus and Cressida
Ven Venus and Adonis
Wiv The Merry Wives of Windsor
WT The Winter’s Tale
General abbreviations
This list is restricted to abbreviations frequently used in the databases. For other abbreviated titles the reader is referred to the relevant eewn explanatory notes.
AV The Authorised Version of the Bible
BCP The Book of Common Prayer
Cheviot Andrew Cheviot, Proverbs, Proverbial Expressions, and Popular Rhymes of Scotland (Paisley and London, 1896)
Child Francis James Child, The English and Scottish Popular Ballads, 5 vols (Boston and New York, 1882–98)
eewn The Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels, ed. David Hewitt et al., 30 vols (Edinburgh, 1993-2012)
Herd Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, Etc., ed. David Herd, 2nd edn, 2 vols (Edinburgh, 1776)
Kelly James Kelly, A Complete Collection of Scotish Proverbs Explained and made Intelligible to the English Reader (London, 1721)
Macintosh Donald Macintosh, A Collection of Gaelic Proverbs, and Familiar Phrases (Edinburgh, 1785)
Minstrelsy Walter Scott, Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, ed. T. F. Henderson, 4 vols (Edinburgh, 1902)
OED The Oxford English Dictionary, 12 vols (Oxford, 1933)
Ray J[ohn] Ray, A Compleat collection of English Proverbs, 3rd edn (London, 1737)
Reliques Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, ed. Thomas Percy, 3 vols (London, 1765)
SMM The Scots Musical Museum, ed. James Johnson, 6 vols (Edinburgh, 1787–1803)
Strauss Emanuel Strauss, Dictionary of European Proverbs, 3 vols (London, 1994)
Tilley Morris Palmer Tilley, A Dictionary of the Proverbs in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1950)
TTM The Tea-Tale Miscellany; or, A Collection of Choice Songs, Scots and English, ed. Allan Ramsay, 10th edn, 4 vols with consecutive page numbering (London, 1740)
Vulgate The Vulgate version of the Bible
Weber Tales of the East, ed. Henry Weber, 3 vols (Edinburgh, 1812)
WN Waverley Novels