Innovation Week 2016 Risk Assessment Document (for visiting schools).
Science Week 2016 is made up of 50 shows/performances/activities which take a variety of different forms from hands on sessions with live animals to explosives. As you would expect these therefore provide varying risks and hazards that need to be considered throughout the week.
All staff associated with this event, whether Sevenoaks School or visiting staff are asked to read through the relevant pages sent via email to ensure that the requested actions are taken to provide a safe and comfortable environment for the exciting timetable we have in place to celebrate Innovation Week 2016.
For the majority of shows we have a generic risk assessment for the venue which encompasses visitors to the Pamoja hall, but there are events that have more specific requirements and therefore extensions necessary to cover hazards and risks not referred to in the above model are needed.
A full Risk Assessment for the venue, travel and parking etc. is given below.
First Aid.
It is paramount that we know about any students that have specific medical conditions and/or behavioural problems to ensure that we include this in our risk assessments so that we may take the necessary precautions to ensure student safety. This information was requested on the booking form for this event, but if any new information has come to light since this was sent then please inform Graeme Lawrie on 07950670799 or via email on .
There will be a qualified first aider on site for each and every event as well as eye wash stations, first aid kits etc. If these are used at any point during the event by a member of Sevenoaks Staff an accident form must be submitted to Graeme Lawrie and the Health and Safety representative for the school – Mrs Linda Kilgallon. Copies of completed visiting pupil’s accident forms will be sent to the relevant school for information.
All risk assessments and judgements for this event follow the procedures set out below: -
1. Identify Hazards.
2. If possible, eliminate Hazard.
3. If not possible, substitute with safer alternative.
4. If not possible to eliminate the hazard, r3educe risks “at source”.
5. Institute procedures and systems of work in conjunction with instruction and supervision.
6. Use of personal and protective equipment.
Fire Evacuation Procedures.
The fire precautions regulations require employees to undertake fire assessments as part of any activity. This is fundamental during an event whereby we may have close to 450 young students in an enclosed space. All events will start with a brief explanation of what to do in the case of a fire in the venue.
The fire collection point for these events will be the ‘Flat’(the area to the front of the Pamoja Hall). Visiting schools are asked to gather in their own group and then supervising staff to take a register before Graeme Lawrie checks with each group to ensure that all are present.Please ensure you have a register of all pupils attending with you.
The application of the assessments for this event is a matter of professional judgement by a competent person or persons. Upon completion of these assessments it is important that significant findings are recorded and reported to the appropriate person. It is important that serious matters are reported to Mrs Linda Kilgallon who has responsibility for health and safety matters within the school.
Any issues should be raised with Graeme Lawrie initially.
All visiting staff will be asked to confirm via email that they have read and understood the risk assessments included in this email.
More specific risk assessments for activities your pupils will be engaged in will be sent separately if relevant. It is unlikely these will be needed as they are for the performer and venue to ensure hazards are identified and preventative measures are in place.
Department / Music Production - General / Location – Pamoja HallActivity / Risk/Hazard / Control Measures
In concert hall / Stage Area
- Trip hazard on steps – LOW (8)
- Trip hazard edge of stage – LOW (3)
- Risk of head injury if underneath retractable seating stand once unfolded - MED (9)
- Slips and trips due to cables onstage - LOW (6)
- Trip hazard – entering or leaving auditorium during performance – low lighting – LOW (6)
Edge of stage has wooden strip perpendicular to stage floor boards acting as a contrast – auditorium area fully lit – teacher inducts all students at beginning of term – visiting companies inducted into stage awareness
Side stage entry doors are locked to restrict access to areas. Onstage supervision.
Ensure all temporary cable routes are tidy and taped down once finalised.
Audience guided to seating by FOH staff - Contrasting edging on all steps
Backstage area – Wing space
- Means of escape in wing areas blocked by equipment – MED (10)
- Safety of electrical equipment – LOW (4)
All items PAT tested – including hire items. Cabling taped down securely – electrical equipment kept to a minimum and switched off at mains – pupils made aware of potential hazard
Foyer – Public Area
- Trip hazard on steps – LOW (8)
- Chairs tipping over – LOW (2)
Flooring level and chairs often linked together further improve stability
Risk Rating / Consequence (Extreme) 5 4 3 2 1 (Neglible)
(Calculate by multiplying the consequence of an event by the likelihood of it happening) / Likelihood (Almost certain) 5 4 3 2 1 (Rare)
20+ / Immediate action required, inform HoD / Assessors name:
Adam Leigh
High 12+ / Senior Management attention needed / Assessment date: 19/07/2015
Moderate 9+ / Inform line manager / Review date:19/07/2016
Low / Manage by routine procedures
Location - Sevenoaks School / Solefields Carpark ONLY
Persons at Risk / Severity / Likelihood / Control Measures / Risk Rating
Hazards Identified Note Serious Hazards or conditions of imminent danger must be supported with documented safe systems of work, health and safety plans etc. / Employees / Visitors / pupils / Extreme / Moderate / Slight / Very likely / Likely / Unlikely / Very unlikely /
- Marshals and prefects on duty in Solefields to direct visitors to venue - Pamoja Hall.
- Adequate signage from the carpark to the venue. All visitors to use tunnel to avoid crossing main road.
- Visitors to use crossing outside the Sennocke centre. Visitors to stay on right side of the 'Flat' into venue. GAL to email all staff prior to events to remind them of visitors crossing outside the Sennocke centre.
- In case of poor weather, estates to grit the main path from Solefields to venue thoroughly.
- Car Park sign posted from main road in all directions.
Transport accident in carpark - into carpark / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Injury in transition from transport in carpark / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Injury from carpark to venue / x / x / x / x / x
Crossing road outside Sennocke Centre / x / x / x / x / x
Crossing 'Flat' with school group / x / x / x / x / x
Transport parking in wrong location / x / x / x / x / x / x
Control Measures Notes –
Please ensure that coach driver knows where to park - GAL to forward map to all attendees prior to the event.
Marshals/prefects to be on duty to control parking and transition from Solefields to the venue.
Please be careful when exiting and entering coaches etc. in carpark. Follow signage through the tunnel - DO NOT cross the main road. Please be careful on the crossing outside the Sennocke Sports Centre and outside the venue.
This RA is a guide only and visiting staff should adapt these as they see fit to accommodate their own groups.
RA produced by GAL 01/02/2016 / Checked by LSK / Sevenoaks School