Wendy Alexander
951 Hendecourt Place
North Vancouver, BC
V7K 2X5
Would prefer emails to be PDF and emailed with an e-transfer. Payment must be made before the closing date of January 7th.
Or make cheques payable to:Wendy Alexander
(NOT DogWorks please)
Start Times:
Check-in/Familiarization:8:30 am – 9:00 am
JudgesBriefing: 9:00 am
Match Start Time: 9:15 am
Running Order:
Starters/Advanced Gamblers
Starters/Advanced Standard 1
Steeplechase (one level)
Starters/Advanced Jumpers 1
Starters/Advanced Jumpers 2
Prizes will be awarded for placements 1st through 3rd
Toys, treats, collars & leashes will be permitted. Choke chains/pinch collars are not permitted in the ring.
All proceeds will be donated to the 2017 AAC National Team travelling to Spain in April
27882 Quinton Ave
Abbotsford, B.C.
1 Round each of Starters & Advanced Standard
1 Round each of Starters & Advanced Gamblers
2 Rounds each of Starters & Advanced Jumpers
1 round of Steeplechase (one level)
Our Distinguished Judge:
Wendy Alexander
Dog Information:
Dog’s Name:Birth Date:
Dog Height: / See chart on back of entry, if not sure guess and we will measure your dog at the match)
Dog’s Jump Height: 6” 10” 16” 22” 26” (Circle)
Division: Regular Special Veteran
Owner / Handler Information
Gamblers / Starters / Advanced / $12
Standard / Starters / Advanced / $12
Jumpers 1 / Starters / Advanced / $12
Jumpers 2 / Starters / Advanced / $12
Steeplechase / One level / $12
: Any 5 Runs: (pls circle level for each round) $55
Total Due:
You may enter both Starters and/or Advanced classes regardless of your level.
I/We, the undersigned, agree that the host club has the right to refuse my entry for causes, which the organizing committee shall deem to be sufficient:
In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and the holding of the event and the opportunity to have the dog participate or be judged:
I/We agree to hold the organizing committee, the organization which it represents including its members, officers and directors, sponsors of the event, owner of the premises upon which the event is being held and their employees, harmless from any claims for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any persons or thing by the act of this dog while in or upon the event premises or grounds or near entrances thereto, and I/We personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim.
I/We further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from claims of this dog by disappearance, theft, death or otherwise and from any damage or injury to the dog, whether such loss, disappearance, theft, death or otherwise be caused or alleged to be caused by negligence of the parties aforementioned, or by negligence of any person, or any cause or causes.
I/We hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties for damage caused by bodily injuries, including death at any time resulting thereof, sustained by any person or persons, including myself/ourselves or on account of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence of my/our participation in this event, however such injuries, may have been alleged to have been caused by negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees or agents or any other persons.
I CERTIFY that I am the actual owner of the dog, or that I am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner of the dog entered hereon. I also understand that the fun match organizers reserve the right to dismiss my dog from the trial, without right of refund, should behaviour deemed unacceptable occur, including but not limited to dog aggression or abuse of the dog.
Entry is not valid unless signed, dated and received with the correct fees by the closing date.
All competitors are required to clean up after their dog. Anyone failing to do so, will be dismissed from the match with no refund. When not competing, dogs are required to be on leash. A crate or x-pen is strongly recommended.
Class Descriptions: T
his match will be judged under AAC Rules. Complete rules can be found on the AAC website:
Standard: A course that includes all obstacles; obstacles must be performed in order and in the time set by the judge.
Gamblers:Tests the dog's and handler's ability to work at a distance from each other. The object in Gamblers is to earn as many points as possible in the time allowed.
Jumpers: A numbered course consisting of only jumps, tire and tunnels; obstacles must be performed in order and in the time set by the judge.
Steeplechase: A numbered course that includes jumps, tunnels and the aframe and weaves. Either the aframe or the weaves is done twice in the course. This event is all about speed and there is generally a lot of space between obstacles without a lot of tight turns required.
Dog Height Divisions:
Shoulder Height of Dog / Hgt Division12 inches or less / 10 inch
Over 12 inches but under 16 inches (inclusive) / 16 inch
Over 16 inches but under 21 inches (inclusive) / 22 inch
Over 21 inches / 26 inch
If you would like your dog to jump one jump height lower than they measure for, please circle “Special” class on your entry. Or “Veteran” if your dog is over 7 yrs of age or if they have competed in specials for more than a year 5 yrs of age.
Silent Auction
We will be holding a silent auction to raise funds for the 2017 AAC National team. If you have anything you would consider donating for the auction (no matter how small) including baked goods, please email Wendy Alexander at .
Thank you for your support!