Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church

1250 Oakdale Avenue

West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55118

Parish Website:

Very Reverend Archpriest Thomas Begley, Pastor

Right Reverend Archimandrite Duane Pederson, attached

Reverend Priest John Chagnon, attached

V. Rev. Archpriest Paul Hodge, Assisting Priest

Reverend Deacon John Mikhail, Assisting Deacon

Reader Leonard Soroka, Director of Music

Church Phone: 651-457-0854 Pastor’s Phone: 651-882-7809 Cell: 612-723-0681

January 31, 2016



Commemorations: Holy and Wonderworking Unmercenaries Cyrus and John, Martyrs Athanasia and her daughters Theodota, Theoktiste and Eudoxia of Egypt; New-martyr Elias in the Peloponnesus; Nikita of the Kiev Caves, bishop of Novgorod.



When Thou didst submit Thyself unto death, O Thou deathless and immortal One, then Thou didst destroy hell with Thy Godly power. And when Thou didst raise the dead from beneath the earth, all the powers of Heaven did cry aloud unto Thee: O Christ, Thou giver of life, glory to Thee.


Since Thou hast given us the miracles of Thy holy Martyrs, Cyrus and John, as an invincible battlement, by their entreaties scatter the counsels of the heathen, O Christ our God, and strengthen the faith of Orthodox Christians, since Thou alone art good and the Lover of mankind.

We sing the apolytikion of St. George our patron saint.


Thou, O Christ God, Who by Thy Birth, didst sanctify the Virgin’s womb, and, as is meet, didst bless Simeon’s arms, and didst also come to save us; preserve Thy fold in wars, and confirm them whom Thou didst love, for Thou alone art the Lover of mankind.


The Lord will give strength to His people.

Give to the Lord, O sons of God; give to the Lord honor and glory.

The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy (4:9-15)


imothy, my son, the saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance. For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, Who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. Command and teach these things. Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Until I come, attend to the public reading of scripture, to preaching, to teaching. Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophetic utterance when the council of elders laid their hands upon you. Practice these duties; devote yourself to them, so that all may see your progress.

GOSPEL: The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke (19:1-10)


t that time, Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. And there was a man named

Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector, and rich. And he sought to see Who Jesus was, but could

not, on account of the crowd, because he was small of stature. So he ran on ahead and climbed

up into a sycamore tree to see Jesus, for He was to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down; for I must stay at your house today.” So he made haste and came down, and received Him joyfully. And when they saw it they all murmured, “He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.” And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold.” And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham; for the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.”


Holy bread is offered for the health and welfare of Samir and Yasmine Kakish, their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and in loving memory of Jakob Kakish, John Price, Salim, Issa, Julia and Munria Kakish. Fuad and Nijema Sayegh, and Omari Omari.


We will serve a 40 day memorial this morning in memory of Jakob Andrew Kakish. May his memory be eternal!


Coffee hour is offered today by the Kakish family. Please join us for this time of fellowship.

WELCOME to all our guests and visitors. We are delighted to have you visiting and worshipping with us this morning and hope that you return soon. We invite you to participate in the Divine Liturgy, but, sadly, due to the divisions in Christianity, only baptized/chrismated members of the Orthodox Church who have made their Confession before an Orthodox priest and prepared themselves by fasting may receive Holy Communion. Please come forward after Liturgy to venerate the Cross and partake of the Antidoron-Holy Bread. Please join us in the Parish Hall for Coffee Hour after the Liturgy.

Also, please turn off your cell phones and all electronic devices.


Please pray for Jim Etoll, Wally & Maria Golden, Allen & Nick Golden, John Etoll, Yasmin Kakish, Carol Haddad, Betty Ablan, Ted & Camille Goll, Kh. Vergin Khoury, Erma Ziton, Jackson & Hunter Golden, Mavis Aussey, Margaret Boalbey, Norm & Gracie Holmes, Phyllis Hodge, Sarah Vanlerberghe, Kh. Vera Proctor, Kh. Amy Hodge, Ellie Brynjulfson, Edgard Siouffy, Magdalen Ng, Berhane Haliemichael, Rosa Neimy, Sandi Heuer, Andree White, George Saba, Linda Hodge, Mitch, Beverly Zaine, Georgette Engelbrecht and Rosina Schwager, Fr. Dan & Eileen Simon.

If you are ill and wish to be remembered in the Liturgy and daily prayers of the priest, please contact Fr. Tom.



We will serve the evening divine liturgy for the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord on Monday, February 1, at 6:30 P.M.


We will serve Vespers Saturday, February 6, at 5:00 PM.



Our sincere condolences to our beloved Fr. Duane and his family on the falling asleep of his sister Marjean Trebil, January 23, 2016. May God grant His peace and comfort to Fr. Duane and the whole family! May her memory be eternal!

THE DEPARTMENT OF CAMPING has sent information regarding the Order of St Ignatius' Camp Scholarship form to each parish and mission of the Archdiocese . Each parish and mission is eligible to receive $700.00 in camp scholarship funds which may be divided among one to seven campers per congregation attending summer camps recognized by the Department of Camping. Please note that the deadline to submit the completed form to the Department of Campingis Tuesday, March 1st.


Thank you all for your prayers, cards, gifts; well wishes and money for my recovery from neck surgery and many Christmas gifts. Please keep us in your prayers for our continued recovery. – Fr. Daniel & Kh. Simon


The bookstore/gift shop has acquired some unique men's and women's crosses. The store will offer a specialdiscount of 10% on all crosses until the end of February. There has been requests for the store to carry some new choices for crosses. Please let us know if there issomething specific that you are looking for and we will try to find that special treasure. Deb will be on the look for new items during her travels in Greece this upcoming May/June


The annual church calendars are available by the bulletin board. Again we thank Deb Korluka and Icon Arts Studios for donating the calendars.

Bring in your old church calendar icons to Sue Perry. The Sunday school students use them to make icons. Also, we plan onan icon class for adults to make icons too. If you are interested in doing so, please sign up on sheet in Social Hall. There will be a minimal charge for wood. Thank you. Sue Perry


For those who use envelopes for weekly donations, your stewardship envelopes are available on the table outside the church hall. If you do not see your name or your child’s, please see Denise Ferraro.


February 1, Presentation of Lord – Mary R. NA
February 7, Joe & Rita Khoury Joe Khoury
February 14, (Open)

To schedule Holy Bread and/or memorial, please contact Joannie Alevizos. It is completely proper to have more than one memorial or Holy Bread on a Sunday. When signing up for Holy Bread, please indicate “yes” or “no” if you will also be providing coffee hour. If you would like to host a coffee hour please contact Sanaa Jubran. It is important to e-mail or call Fr. Tom AND Brigitte Khoury at by Wednesday noon prior to the Sunday of your memorial, with your information in order to print the bulletin in a timely manner.

Providing Meals for U of M OCF
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) chapter at the UniversityofMinnesota is looking for people to potentially bringmealsto meetings which we hold every other Thursday throughout the school year. The meetings are held at Saint Lawrence Catholic church (address is:1203 5th St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414). Themealstypically consistof: a main course, a salad, a dessert, and some bottled water. I know mostof you do not have a student at the UofM currently, but it would mean a lot to theOCFif you considered bringing amealto share with the students! The dates available currently are: 2/4, 2/18, 3/3, 3/31, 4/7, and 4/21.If you are willing to do so please contact Jerrius Jubran at:r via text/call: (651)285-2319


Join us for our annual Super Bowl Party, Sunday, February 7, 2016. Starts at 4:00 pm, kick-off at 5:30 pm. Come watch the game on the BIG SCREEN. It’s a potluck so bring your favorite drink and food to share and a canned food item for the food shelves. Check out the flyers.


The St George Men’s Club will be hosting this year’s wine tasting which will be on Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 7:00 pm. Hors d’oeuvres will be served along with the wine selections. Donation is $25.00 per person. Please see George Khoury for tickets.


Please register by sending a deposit of $75.00 to Icon Art Studios, 13921 127th Street North, Stillwater, MN, 55082. All inquiries can be sentvia e-mailor by calling 612-889-5868.

Session 2 will study and write an icon of St. Panteleimon - 4th century Greatmartyr and Unmercenary healer living during the time of Emperor Maximian. Feast Day July 27.
St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church on Lake Calhoun, 3450 Irving Ave. South, Minneapolis 55408
Thursdays from 6:00 to 9:00 on February 11, 18, 25 and Tuesday March 1, Thursday 10, 17.
Tuition cost is $165.00 plus materials.

Session 3 will contemplate the sacrament of Holy Unction and will study and write and icon of “The Merciful Jesus”.
The Basilica of Saint Mary, Hennepin at Sixteenth Street, Minneapolis 55403
From 9:00 am to 1:00 pm on Saturdays during Great Lent; February 20, 27, March 5 and 12.
Tuition including materials: $295.00.

Pleasecontact uswith any questions or inquiries.

The AW will meet on Sunday, February 7. Get a bite to eat, then we will announce the meeting. Thank you, Sue Perry

The AW will again be collaborating with the humanitarian aid project of the IOCC to fund/make emergency health kits. The ladies are asking for donations during the months of January and February. Last year they had a record of 228 hygiene kits. If you have questions please see Denise Ferraro or Vicky Michaels.

NEDA walk

Please come and join us at the Mall of America for the annual NEDA walk Sunday, February 28, 2016. We would love it if you can join our team and help us walk for the National Eating Disorder Association. You can join our team by going to and joining our group "jukko bots". If you have any questionsemail me at . If you are unable to come donations will be appreciated. Thank you! - Mary Rahme


If you would like to have an announcement published in the weekly bulletin, please note you must submit the information by Wednesday NOON before the Sunday you desire to have it in the bulletin. Please make sure the spelling of the names is correct.


The Parish Council has determined that anyone wishing to use the kitchen at any time must contact George Khoury to reserve their date and time on the kitchen calendar.

Please remember, if you host a coffee hour you need to clean up the kitchen, take home the used linens, wash and return them, wipe the tables, take out the trash bags and put them into the dumpster. This is everyone's responsibility. Please help to preserve our beautiful hall.

It's More Than A Free Dinner Once a Week - FOCUS MN is Free Meals AND also Food Shelf, Clothes Closet, and is building a Mobile Clinic!. The Orthodox Community is working miracles! Please help out by bringing Shampoo, Toothpaste/Toothbrushes, Aluminum Foil, Baggies - various sizes, Paper Towels, Coffee, Tuna, Spaghetti, Sauce, Cereal, Clothing, Men’s Shoes or giving of your time or money. For more info, go to or contact our FOCUS liaisons Pat Percy, Sue Perry or Lisa Mikhail.


A donation to Neighbors food shelf can make a bag full of groceries go a long way. By mixing and matching items, we can help a family eat balanced, nutritious meals. Many families assisted by our food shelf are working, yet still hungry. Making a contribution of food or dollars to Neighbors stays at Neighbors. The smallest things can make a big difference. Please give your cash donations to George Droubie or Michelle Apman. Thank you!