University of St. Francis
Student Complaint Process
Academic Issues
Students with grievances that involve academic issues should file those grievances according to the "Grievance Procedure: Grading and other course matters"described in the University Catalog. This is initiated with a Documentation of Formal Grievance form secured from the Registrar's Office within 10 work days of contested occurrence or receiptof grade report. This form can be found at:
Nonacademic Issues Process
The purpose of this process is to provide guidelines which promote constructive dialogue, understanding, and resolution of student complaints and concerns. A complaint expresses dissatisfaction with the performance or action of a University student, employee or process which the student believes to be unfair or inconsistent with University policy or usual practices.
Any student who believes that the policy on Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Nondiscrimination has been violated should contact the Title IX Coordinator or deputies. It is also possible for students to notify an administrative advisor or faculty member, or any member of the community may contact Campus Safety and Security. These individuals will in turn notify the Title IX Coordinator. The University website also includes a reporting form at may serve to initiate a complaint.
If a student has a complaint about USF’s accommodations for disabilities, the Disability Coordinator and Learning Specialist in the Academic Resource Center of the Library has been designated as the ADA/504 Coordinator responsible for coordinating efforts to comply with these disability laws, including investigation of any complaint alleging noncompliance.
Students are encouraged to take complaints about a person or office directly to the person against whom the complaint is directed. However, not all complaints can be resolved one on one. Therefore, the university has created an online process by which a student can file an official complaint ( Complaints submitted on this form will be directed to the person who can most appropriately address the complaint. Students will be notified of the actions taken regarding the complaint.
- The complaint must be filed in a timely fashion, usually within 90 days of the occurrence of the action that led to the complaint.
- The student will be notified of the actions taken to address the complaint.
- All attempts at resolution will be made by the office or person directly related to the complaint.
- If there is no resolution, the complaint will be sent to administrator overseeing the department with the complaint for possible mediation should both parties agree to it.
- If a mediation is completed, a written response from the administrator overseeing the department with the complaint will be provided to the complainant within 10 days of the receipt of the complaint.
If an on campus student does not feel that their complaint has been resolved they can contact the Illinois State Board of Higher Education: On this page is “File a Complaint Online”.
If an online student does not feel the complaint has been resolved, they may take the complaint a step further to their state higher education department. The State Complaint Process is a compilation of all the complaint process web links and/or explanation of the process for the 68 agencies within the US (including Puerto Rico and Washington, DC).
If a student has exhausted all of the University of St. Francis options and their state options for handling complaints, the student may contact our accreditation organization: the Higher Learning Commission, 30 N. LaSalle St, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504, (800) 621-7440FREE; (312) 263-0456; Fax: (312) 263-7462
Off Campus State Complaint Process
If an online student does not feel the complaint has been resolved using the USF complaint policy, they may take the complaint a step further to their state higher education department.The State Complaint Process is a compilation of all the complaint process web links and/or explanation of the process for the 68 agencies within the US (including Puerto Rico and Washington, DC).
Complaint Process: Each school or course/program domiciled outside the State of Alabama shall designate a registered state agent who is a resident of Alabama to service all complaints against the school. For the University of St. Francis, the state agent is Mr. Maurice Gandy of Mobile AL who can be reached at .In the event that he cannot be reached, contact Janine Hicks at .
Alabama Community College System Complaint Form:
Complaint Process:The Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (ACPE) processes complaints allegingviolations of stateinstitutional authorization law relativeto postsecondary institutions or programsin Alaska. The complaint investigation process is described inAS 14.48.130and20AAC17.130‐145.Students areencouragedto pursue thecomplaint process at the University of St. Francis prior to contacting ACPE. If the USF grievance process does not result in a resolution, the student may appeal. Students would have the availability of appeal to the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education, PO Box 110505, Juneau, AK 99811-0505.
To requesta complaint form,please send an email to:EED.ACPE‐or questions orassistance relativeto complaints, please contact the ProgramCoordinator for Institutional Authorization (907‐465‐6741)oratEED.ACPE‐kaCommission on PostsecondaryEducation; P.O. Box 110505;Juneau, AK 99811‐0505.
Complaint Process: In accordance with State law, the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education ("Board") is responsible for investigating student complaints against educational institutions licensed by this Board. Pursuant to Arizona Administrative Code Rule R4-39-403, the complaint procedure is stated as follows:
Any complaints regarding the University of St. Francis should follow the procedure at the beginning of this document. If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the institution’s grievance procedure, the student may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. The student must contact the State Board for further details. The State Board address is 1400 W. Washington Street, Room 260, Phoenix, AZ 85007, phone number: 602-542-5709, website address: Student Complaint Form
Program Availability in your State:
Currently, there are no programs available in your state.
Complaint Process: To file a complaint against a private postsecondary institution subject to the laws of the Postsecondary Education Act:
Complaint Process:Before submitting a complaint with Colorado’s Department of Higher Education (DHE), you must exhaust opportunities with the University of St. Francis. If the institutional procedure has been utilized with no resolution, visit the Colorado DH website to determine your next step in reporting a complaint/grievance to the Colorado Department of Higher Education.
Complaint Process:Before contacting the Office of Higher Education, you must first exhaust the school’s internal grievance or complaint procedures. These policies are usually published in the institution’s catalog, student handbook and/or posted on the institution’s website.
Once you have pursued your concerns using the institution’s dispute resolution procedures, and have not reached a mutually agreeable resolution, you may proceed with filing a formal complaint with the Office of Higher Education. To do so, contact the Education & Employment Information Center at (800)842-0229 orand ask for a complaint form which must be completed and sent to our agency.
Complaint Process:Link not found for complaint process. General link: .The Delaware Department of Education will investigate complaints. Such complaints must bein writing and verified by the signature of the person making the complaint. Oral, anonymousor unsigned complaints will not be investigated. Until the web site is functional, please writeor call for more information. The Delaware Department of Education; Teacher andAdministrator Quality; John W. Collette Resource Center; 35 Commerce Way; Dover, DE19904. The Delaware Department of Education phone number is 302‐857‐3388.
Complaint Process:The commission investigates and processes complaints against institutions.Investigation and resolution of complaints take varying amounts of time. If the Education Licensure Commission (ELC) takes formal disciplinary action. If the ELC closes your complaint with a finding that there has been no violation committed, the ELC will notify you of such in writing. Complaints to the ELC made on this form must be signed and dated by the individual making the complaint.
Complaints are made available to the institution or facility so that he/she may file a response to the allegations with the ELC.The ELC will not accept any anonymous complaints
Use the following form and procedures to file a public complaint - Public Complaint Form
- Download and print the form.
- Fill out the appropriate information.
- Sign and date the form at the bottom.
- Mail or hand deliver the form to:
Education Licensure Commission
810 First Street, NE, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20002
202-727-6436 (Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm)
Complaint Process:To file a complaint against a nonpublic postsecondary institution in Florida, please write a letter or send an e-mail containing the following information:
- Name of Student (or Complainant)
- Complainant Address
- Phone Number
- Name of Institution
- Location of the Institution (City)
- Dates of Attendance
- A full description of the problem and any other documentation that will support your claim such as enrollment agreements, correspondence, etc.
Send Letter To:
Commission for Independent Education
325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414
Tallahassee, FL. 32399-0400
Or E-mail:
Or Fax: 850-245-3238
Note: Documents received in this office are considered public record. Confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. This office cannot give legal advice to any individual or take any legal action on behalf of any individual. We will investigate your complaint to see what assistance, if any, we may be able to offer.
Complaint Process: Any person/student claiming damage or loss against an institution subject to the regulation of Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (located at may file a verified complaint with the executive director after going through the complaint process published by the institution. The Complaint must contain a detailed description of the claim, including dates, times, and full names of all involved. Verification means that the complaint must be signed by the
student/person filing the complaint and notarized and states that the matters set forth in the complaint are true and correct.
Complaint Process: The Hawaii Postsecondary Education Authorization Program (HPEAP) complaint process:
STEP 1:You may file a complaint with HPEAP after you exhaust all administrative remedies available at the institution. Note, however, if your complaint involves a violation of state or federal criminal law, this requirement does not apply.
STEP 2:Are you a former student? If it is still within two years after you discontinued enrollment at the institution, you may file a complaint. If two years has passed, the time within which you could file a complaint has passed. Note, however, that if your complaint is related to obtaining transcripts, the two-year restriction does not apply.
STEP 3: Complete and submit the HPEAP complaint form. HPEAP may investigate complaints based on possible violations of Act 180, SLH 2013 or any rules promulgated under this Act. HPEAP does not have jurisdiction to consider complaints that infringe on the academic or religious freedom of, or question the curriculum content of an institution.
STEP 4: After you complete the HPEAP complaint form, HPEAP determines whether your complaint was properly filed and whether it warrants investigation. If a complaint warrants investigation, HPEAP forwards the complaint to the institution. The institution has 30 days to respond in writing to the complaint. During the 30-day period, the institution, with HPEAP’s assistance, may attempt to resolve the complaint with you. If HPEAP determines at any time that the complaint no longer warrants investigation, HPEAP dismisses the complaint.
STEP 5: If a complaint is not resolved within the 30-day period, HPEAP may: 1) dismiss the complaint based on the response of the institution or 2) investigate and, where appropriate, take disciplinary action in a manner consistent with Hawaii Revised Statutes chapter 91. Student Complaint Form
Complaint Process:Complaints about institutions with “No physical presence” in Idaho should/will be referred to the state authority inthestatewheretheinstitutionisbased.
Complaint Process: The Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) procedure for filing complaints about a college or university are:It may be that there is an Ombudsman at the institution who hears both sides of a dispute and attempts to resolve it. If there isn’t an Ombudsman, most colleges and universities have a Dean or Office of Student Affairs that assists students with a wide variety of services.
- If the concern has to do with financial aid or tuition and fees, you should go directly to the financial aid or business office of the institution you attend.
- If it is a grade dispute, you should try to resolve it with your professor, the chairperson of the department, the dean of the college where you are enrolled, or the vice president for academic affairs, in that order.
- If the concern involves the behavior of an individual student or professor, you should address this concern with that person first. If this is not feasible, you may choose to discuss your concern confidentially with your academic advisor or with the office of student services.
Complaint Process: The Commission for Higher Education is responsible for responding to formal complaints against public, independent non-profit and proprietary institutions of higher education in Indiana. While the Commission has limited authority over colleges and universities, and cannot offer legal advice or initiate civil court cases, Commission staff will review submitted complaints and work with student complainants and institutions.
Student Complaint Form
Complaint Process:In an effort to assist Iowa's students and families in their pursuit of continued education, the Iowa College Aid Commission (Iowa College Aid) has created this form to document concerns, questions and complaints related to postsecondary educational institutions. Iowa College Aid will review submitted forms and determine the appropriate course of action. Actions may include, but are not limited to: contacting the constituent, contacting the institution in question and/or referral to another agency. In all cases, the constituent will receive written response to his or her request and the request from will be retained for Iowa College Aid's records.
Complaint Process: It is the mutual goal of the Kansas Board of Regents and the certified institutions to provide quality educational training and programs. When problems arise, students should make every attempt to find a fair and reasonable solution by taking the following steps:
- Discuss the problem thoroughly with the teacher. (If there is no resolution continue to Step 2)
- Discuss the problem with the manager or director of the school. (If there is no resolution continue to Step 2)
- Discuss the problem with the owner of the school. Unless the complaint involves a violation of a state law that KBOR (Kansas board of Regents) is authorized to enforce, KBOR cannot intervene or direct the school to change its decision.
Complaint Process:A person with a complaint or grievance involving misrepresentation against a college licensed under this administrative regulation shall make a reasonable effort to resolve the complaint or grievance directly with the college. If a mutually satisfactory solution cannot be reached, the procedures established in this section shall be followed.
- A person shall submit a written complaint to the president which contains evidence relevant to the complaint and documentation that a reasonable effort was made to resolve the complaint directly with the college.
- The president shall require an institution to file a written response setting forth the relevant facts concerning the consumer complaint, including a statement on the current status of the complaint, and any resolution of the complaint.
- The president shall review the facts as presented and may intervene to bring the matter to a satisfactory conclusion through facilitation, but the facilitation shall not include legal action on behalf of any party.
Complaint Process:Click on the link below for the Student Complaint Procedure for the State of Louisiana Board of Regents:
ComplaintProcess:Adisputeresolution requestformisavailablefromtheDepartmentand onits websiteat: Individualsfilingcomplaintsare encouraged tousethedisputeresolutionrequest formto ensurethatnecessaryinformation forprocessing
acomplaintissubmitted. In addition tothecomplaintprocess, complainantsmaywish to indicateonthe formawillingness toparticipatein mediation asanotheroption availableforthe resolution ofdisputes. If,
however, acomplaintinvolvesgeneral,systemicallegations, whetherornotaccompanied byallegations concerningaspecificfamilyand/orstudent,thecomplainantmaynot resolve thosesystemicallegations through mediation.TheDepartmenthasformulated a specificpolicyandprocedure, includingaseparate
form, forsystemiccomplaints, availableon theDepartment’swebsiteat:
Complaintsmaybesubmitted to:
23 StateHouseStation
Augusta, Maine04333-0023
ComplaintProcess:Astudentmustfirstexhaustthecomplaint/grievanceproceduresestablished bythe institution.Maryland Higher Education Commission - Individuals who wish to submit a complaint may use the following contact information:
Academic Affairs – Student Complaints
Maryland Higher Education Commission
6 N. Liberty Street, 10th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21207
StudentComplaintProcess [pdf]
TheBoard ofHigherEducationreceivesand referscomplaints/inquiriesto thespecificcollegefor clarificationand response. It isthecollege'sBoard ofTrusteeswhichhasresponsibilitiesforestablishing and enforcingpoliciesnecessaryforthemanagementof the institution underitsauthority.
Tosubmitacomplaint, complete the complaintform.
ComplaintProcess: All complaints and inquiries should be submitted using our Michigan On-line Consumer Complaint Form.When you submit the form you will immediately be informed of your Web File Number. Make a record of this number. To file a written complaint by mail or fax go to: Consumer Complaint/Inquiry Form (printed)
ComplaintProcess:Whenacomplaintmaybe filed withtheOfficeofHigherEducation-The followingpointscanhelp you decideifacomplaintmightbeappropriateforyoursituation: