Entomology & Genetics CCP Level
0.5 Credit
Mr. DeBoer
Course Description and Outline
Entomology is the study of insects, a group of organisms which greatly impact man’s life and livelihood. You will learn to identify many common species and help complete an insect collection. Genetics highlights the inheritance of traits. Am I going bald? How do genes affect the flavor of food? Why is “Genetic Engineering” such a powerful tool? This class requires field-work activities, including time outside of school hours.
Class Preparation:
Students are expected to come to class prepared each day. This includes:
1. Notebook/binder
2. Pen/pencil
3. Handouts, completed assignments, etc.
4. Dressed appropriately for outside insect collection when necessary.
This course is graded on a point system. Points can be accumulated based on assignments completed. For example, if you earn 18 points from a 20 point homework assignment and 70 points out of a 100 point test, you would accumulate 18 + 70, or 88 points out of a possible 120. To determine your average, you would simply divide the points you actually earned (88) by the total number of points (120) and multiply by 100.
88 / 120 x 100 = 73%
Throughout each quarter I post grades regularly on PowerSchool. I strongly suggest that you keep track of your grades as they are posted. Check with guidance if you need your password.
1) Homework- The purpose of homework is to supplement and reinforce classroom activities. You will need to read information from the internet outside of class regularly. Unless specifically told otherwise, homework must be handed in before the start of class in order to receive full credit. INCOMPLETE HOMEWORK RECIEVES NO CREDIT (but can be competed and turned in late for reduced credit.) Homework will not be accepted for credit once it has been tested on in class. If you were absent, you must make a note on your paper so I know to accept it and change the zero recorded in the grade book. Homework will vary in proportions and will be weighted accordingly.
2) Classwork- Occasional assignments will be given that requires a partner or two. The point value will depend on the intensity of the assignment.
3) Quizzes & Tests- Will be given periodically and are announced well in advance. The point value for quizzes will range between 20 to 50 points.
4) Projects- Both portions of the course have a significant project. The entomology portion of the class has a required insect collection and the genetics portion has a Drosophila (fruit fly) genetics experiment with write-up and analysis.
5) Participation- Will be monitored and at times be a part of a group grade. The point value will be assigned in rubrics for group work and projects. Outside collection effort is closely monitored by the teacher as well as being graded by peers/lab partners.
You should be prepared and ready to take notes each and every class. Weather or teacher absence often requires a change in outdoor activities so be ready every day. Notebooks will be checked for completeness and accuracy. A complete and organized notebook is necessary for success since most test questions in this course are directly from the notes given in class. For Entomology you MUST go on-line to get your notes. For this you need to visit the school’s website and search for the class page under SHS. www.southingtonschools.org/page.cfm?p=6569
This practice allows more time for collecting insects during school hours.
You are all upper classmen. Behavior norms are well-known to you and you will be given the respect to “do the right thing” without being told. Outside insect collecting is still a school based activity and learning opportunity. Maturity is required to maintain a productive work ethic with minimal direct supervision. However, failure to “do the right thing” will result in action by the teacher to correct the problem.
If a student is absent or on a field trip, the missed work must be made up on the day the student returns. This includes tests and quizzes. You may refer to your student handbook for any other inquiries.
Extra Help:
Make-up or confusion remedy is available after schools on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday. If you feel you need extra help on class related content don’t be shy to ask. I prefer you make an appointment so I know you are coming (sometimes school meetings make the teacher unavailable). Be sure you bring proper materials for the subject you wish to review.
revised 8/15