Double Click on this Sentence to Insert School Division Name
Insert School Division Name
Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted
Insert Timeframe For Applicability, e.g. 2010-2015
Superintendent / Insert text
Mailing Address / Insert text
Gifted Education Coordinator/ Designee / Insert text / Title
E-mail / Insert text
Local School Board Chairperson / Insert text
Date Approved by School Board / Insert text
Local Planfor the Education of the Gifted
Each school board must review and approve a comprehensive plan for the education of the gifted. That plan must provide specific explanations of the school division’s implementation of the Regulations Governing Educational Services for Gifted Students. School divisions, working in conjunction with their school boards, should determine the appropriate timeframe of applicability for their division’s gifted plan. Historically, division plans span five years. For the technical review, the DOE will request a division to send their most current, approved plan at the time of the review. The applicable timeframe for the division’s plan does not need to correspond to the collection year of their technical review. Information on the DOE technical review schedule can be found at the gifted education homepage at the Virginia Department of Education’s Web site Gifted Ed Homepage -
Section 8VAC20-40-60A of the Regulations states that, “Each school board shall submit a comprehensive plan for the education of gifted students to the Department of Education (DOE) for technical review on a schedule determined by the Department. Each school board shall approve a comprehensive plan for the education of gifted students that includes the components identified in these regulations.” To assist school divisions and school boards in complying with section 8VAC20-40-60A, the Virginia Department of Education has created this template for developing Local Plans for the Education of the Gifted (revised January 2011). This public document addresses all aspects of local services for gifted students, including, but not limited to, the area(s) of giftedness the school division will serve, an operational definition of giftedness in the division and its supporting identification procedures, program services, professional development, curriculum development, and parent and community involvement.
Each section of the plan should address specific procedures and information for each area of giftedness identified by the school division. If a school division identifies students in general intellectual aptitude (GIA) and specific academic aptitude-mathematics (SAA-M), then the section for referral procedures, for example, should reflect the specific referral procedures for GIA and SAA-M. Throughout the local plan template, school divisions may need to copy and paste the drop down boxes, the insert text form fields, and any pertinent information for each area of giftedness identified by the division. In order to be able to ‘choose an item’ from a drop down box, simply right click on the highlighted ‘choose an item’ wording and the drop down arrow should appear on the right. Right clicking on the arrow will then allow the drop down box choices to appear. If certain procedures or policies apply to more than one area of giftedness, simply copy and paste the drop down selection box to reflect all areas of giftedness that are applicable to the procedures or policy.
Once the completed comprehensive local plan for the education of gifted students has been approved by the local school board, the plan shall be accessible to the public through the division’s Web site. The division shall ensure that printed copies of the plan are available to citizens who do not have online access.
For more information, contact the Virginia Department of Education specialist for Governor’s Schools and Gifted Education at 804-225-2884.
General Information regarding the Gifted Program in Insert School Division Name
In section 8VAC20-40-40A of the Regulations, divisions are required to screen, refer, identify, and serve gifted students in at least general intellectual aptitude or specific academic aptitude. School divisions may identify and serve gifted students in career and technical aptitude or visual or performing arts aptitude, or both, at their discretion. On the chart below, please indicate all areas of giftedness that are identified and served within the division. Please copy and paste any additional rows as might be needed to address all areas in Specific Academic Aptitude and/or Visual and/or Performing Arts that are identified by the school division.
Area of Giftedness Identified by the Division / Grades ServedGeneral Intellectual Aptitude (GIA) / Insert grades
Specific Academic Aptitude (SAA) -Choose an item. / Insert grades
Career and Technical Aptitude (CTA) / Insert grades
Visual and/or Performing Arts Aptitude (VPA) - Choose an item. / Insert grades
(Please highlight, copy, and insert SAA and/or VPA rows as necessary to reflect all areas of giftedness served by the school division.)
Part I: Statement of Philosophy and Local Operational Definition of Giftedness for the School Division (8VAC20-40-60A.1)
- Division Statement of Philosophy for the Education of Gifted Students
Insert text
- Division Operational Definition of Giftedness
This section should include an operational definition for each area of giftedness (general intellectual aptitude, specific academic aptitude, visual and/or performing arts aptitude, or career and technical aptitude) identified and served by the division. An operational definition provides the concrete, observable, and/or measurable criteria for ‘giftedness’ used by the division in the identification process. Such a definition might include a listing of the evidence of student readiness for gifted educational services, e.g. evidence of gifted behaviors as determined by a valid and reliable teacher checklist or evidence of superior academic performance based on a norm-referenced assessment of aptitude.
Insert text
Part II: Program Goals and Objectives (8VAC20-40-60A.2)
This section should include goals and objectives for the school division’s gifted education program. Specific references pertaining to each area of giftedness identified by the division should be clearly indicated.
- Identification:Insert text
- Delivery of Services:Insert text
- Curriculum and Instruction:Insert text
- Professional Development:Insert text
- Equitable Representation of Students:Insert text
- Parent and Community Involvement:Insert text
Part III: Screening, Referral, Identification, and Service Procedures
- Screening Procedures (8VAC20-40-60A.3)
This section should provide screening procedures for each area of giftedness identified and served by the division. These procedures should include the annual review of student data used to create a pool of potential candidates for further assessment. Specific references pertaining to each area of giftedness identified by the division should be clearly indicated.
Screening Procedures for Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Screening Procedures
- Referral Procedures (8VAC20-40-60A.3)
This section provides referral procedures for each area of giftedness identified and served by the division. These procedures shall permit referrals from parents or legal guardians, teachers, professionals, students, peers, self, or others. Theseprocedures should include to whom referrals are submitted and the timeline for the division to provide parents/guardians with the results of the eligibility process. Specific references pertaining to each area of giftedness identified by the division should be clearly indicated.
Referral procedures for Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Referral Procedures
C.Identification Procedures (8VAC20-40-60A.3)
This section provides identification procedures for each area of giftedness identified and served by the division. Identification in GIA programs shall be K-12 and must include a nationally norm-referenced aptitude test. Identification in SAA programs shall be K-12 or as assessment instruments exist to support identification, and must include either a nationally norm-referenced aptitude or achievement test. Identification in CTA and VPA programs shall be at the discretion of the school division. Specific references pertaining to each area of giftedness identified by the division should be clearly indicated.
- Multiple Criteria Listing (8 VAC 20-40-40D.3)
This section includes the three or more categories that divisions shall include to develop a profile or composite for each student being considered. This listing of categories should be repeated for each area of giftedness identified by the division. Please copy and paste the section below to support all identified areas of giftedness. NOTE:Selection of either item 5a or 5b or both counts as a single category.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
1. Assessment of appropriate student products, performance, or portfolio
2. Record of observation of in-class behavior
3. Appropriate rating scales, checklists, or questionnaires
4. Individual interview
5a. Individual or group-administered, nationally norm-referenced aptitude test(s) (must be included for GIA)
5b. Individual or group-administered, nationally norm-referenced achievement test(s)
6. Record of previous achievements (awards, honors, grades, etc.)
7. Additional valid and reliable measures or procedures
2. Additional identification information for Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Identification Procedures
D. Placement Procedures (8VAC20-40-60A.3)
This section provides procedures for the placement of gifted studentsin each area of giftedness identified and served by the division. Theseprocedures include information about the identification and placement committee.
1. Identification/Placement Committee (8VAC 20-40-40D)
- This section includes the number of persons comprising the Identification/Placement Committee by category.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Classroom Teacher(s)
Gifted Education Resource Teacher(s)
School Psychologist(s)
Assessment Specialist(s)
Principal(s) or Designee(s)
Gifted Education Coordinator
Other(s) Specify:
- Type of Identification/Placement Committee
This section indicates the type of Identification/Placement Committee the division uses.
School-level Division-level
- Eligibility (8VAC20-40-60A.3)
This section includes a chart detailing all criteria that could be considered in the identification process for a specific area of giftedness identified by the division. A description of the eligibility process used by the committee to make decisions regarding eligibility for services shall follow the chart. It includes a timeline for making eligibility decisions within 90 instructional days ofthe school division’s receipt of the parent’s(s’) or legal guardian’s(s’) consent for assessment.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Measure / Administered/Completed by / Scored by / Provided to the committee by
Ex. Behaviors checklist / Current classroom teacher / School gifted education teacher / School division gifted education coordinator
Insert eligibility decision process, including timeline
- Determination ofServices (8VAC20-40-60A.3)
This section describes the process of determining appropriate educational servicesfor identified K-12 students.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Process of Determining Educational Services
Part IV: Notification Procedures (8VAC20-40-60A.4)
This section includes the procedures used for (a) notifying parents/guardians when the individual identification process is initiated; (b) requesting permission for individual testing and/or collection of additional information; (c) requesting permission for provision of appropriate service options; and, (d) parents/guardians wishing to file an appeal of the identification outcome, change in placement, or exit decision. Any procedural differences pertaining to a specific area of giftedness identified by the division should be clearly indicated.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Notification Procedures
Part V: Change in Instructional Services (8VAC20-40-60A.5)
This section includes the policy for written notification to parents or legal guardians of identification and placement decisions, including initial changes in placement procedures or exit policy from the program.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Policy
Part VI: Evidence of Appropriate Service Options (8VAC20-40-60A.10)
This section provides evidence that gifted education service options from kindergarten through twelfth grade are offered continuously and sequentially, with instructional time during the school day and week to (i) work with their age-level peers, (ii) work with their intellectual and academic peers, (iii) work independently; and (iv) foster intellectual and academic growth of gifted students. Parents and legal guardians shall receive assessment of each gifted student’s academic growth. Career and Technical aptitude programs and Visual and/or Performing Arts programs are offered at the discretion of the school division.
- Service Options are Continuous and Sequential
This section provides evidence that the division’s program of curricula and instruction for gifted learners is continuous and sequential. GIA programs need to provide evidence from kindergarten through twelfth grade. SAA programs need to provide evidence that service options are continuous and sequential from identification until twelfth grade.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Evidence of Service Options
- Service Options Provide Instructional Time with Age-level Peers
This section includes a description of the instructional strategies or program model that allows gifted students to interact with their age-level peers during the school day and week.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Evidence of Service Options
- Service Options Provide Instructional Time with Intellectual and Academic Peers
This section includes a description of the instructional strategies used in the division to accelerate and enrich the content for gifted learners beyond the grade-level or course expectations for all learners. The description should include how these academic needs are met during the school day and week.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Evidence of Service Options
- Service Options Provide Instructional Time to Work Independently
This section includes a description of the instructional strategies or program model used in the division to allow gifted learners to work independently during the school day and week.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Evidence of Service Options
- Service Options Foster Intellectual and Academic Growth
This section includes a description of the instructional strategies used in the division to foster intellectual and academic growth during the school day and week.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Evidence of Instructional Strategies
- Procedures for Assessing Academic Growth in Gifted Students
This section includes a description of the procedures used by the division to assess the academic growth for gifted learners.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Procedures
Part VII: Program of Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction (8VAC20-40-60A.11)
The Regulations Governing Educational Services for Gifted Students defines appropriately differentiated curriculum and instruction as curriculum and instruction adapted or modified to accommodate the accelerated learning aptitudes of identified students in their areas of strength. Such curriculum and instructional strategies provide accelerated and enrichment opportunities that recognize gifted students’ needs for (i) advanced content and pacing of instruction; (ii) original research or production; (iii) problem finding and solving; (iv) higher level thinking that leads to the generation of products; and (v) a focus on issues, themes, and ideas within and across areas of study. Such curriculum and instruction are offered continuously and sequentially to support the achievement of student outcomes, and provide support necessary for these students to work at increasing levels of complexity that differ significantly from those of their age-level peers. This section provides a description of the school division’s appropriately differentiated curriculum and instruction demonstrating accelerated and advanced content for gifted learners.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Description of Appropriately Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction
Part VIII: Policies and Procedures for Access to Programs and Advanced Courses (8VAC20-40-60A.12)
This section provides the school division’s policies and procedures that allow access to programs of study and advanced courses at a pace and sequence commensurate with the learning needs of the gifted student.
Click here to select area of giftedness.
Insert Policies and Procedures
Part IX: Personal and Professional Development (8VAC20-40-60A.13)
School divisions must provide evidence of professional development based on the following teacher competencies outlined in 8VAC20-542-310 below.
1. Understanding of principles of the integration of gifted education and general education, including:
a. Strategies to encourage the interaction of gifted students with students of similar and differing abilities; and
b. Development of activities to encourage parental and community involvement in the education of the gifted, including the establishment and maintenance of an effective advisory committee.
2. Understanding of the characteristics of gifted students, including:
a. Varied expressions of advanced aptitudes, skills, creativity, and conceptual understandings;
b. Methodologies that respond to the affective (social-emotional) needs of gifted students; and
c. Gifted behaviors in special populations (i.e., those who are culturally diverse, economically disadvantaged, or physically disabled).
3. Understanding of specific techniques to identify gifted students using diagnostic and prescriptive approaches to assessment, including:
a. The selection, use, and evaluation of multiple assessment instruments and identification strategies;
b. The use of both subjective and objective measures to provide relevant information regarding the aptitude/ability or achievement of potentially gifted students;
c. The use of authentic assessment tools such as portfolios to determine performance, motivation/interest and other characteristics of potentially gifted students;
d. The development, use, and reliability of rating scales, checklists, and questionnaires by parents, teachers and others;
e. The evaluation of data collected from student records such as grades, honors, and awards;
f. The use of case study reports providing information concerning exceptional conditions; and
g. The structure, training, and procedures used by the identification and placement committee.
4. Understanding and application of a variety of educational models, teaching methods, and strategies for selecting materials and resources that ensure:
a. Academic rigor through the development of high-level proficiency in all core academic areas utilizing the Virginia Standards of Learning as a baseline;
b. The acquisition of knowledge and development of products that demonstrate creative and critical thinking as applied to learning both in and out of the classroom; and