

(Program is New and Institution Currently Offers Distance Learning Programs)


Approval by President or Vice President for Academic Affairs:



School/Division: College of Education

Department: Foundations

Departmental Contact: Marcia Peck

Name of Proposed Program/Inscription: Education Specialist in Teacher Leadership

Degree: EDS

Major: Education

CIP Code: 13.0301

Anticipated Implementation Date: Summer 2017

Indicate whether the program will be nominated for inclusion with the SREB Electronic Campus (Yes or No): No

Note: The institution will submit all approved online programs for inclusion in the Georgia On My Line (GoML) directory.

Approval by Chief Business Officer (or designee):


Contact Information:

Approval by Chief Information Officer or designee:


Contact Information:

1.  Description of the program’s fit with the institutional mission, existing degrees and majors.

In 1996, the College of Education faculty adopted the conceptual framework of “Educators as Architects of Change”. An aspect of this conceptual framework promotes our graduates as mentors and leaders in educational improvement throughout Georgia. This Education Specialist in Teacher Leadership degree will prepare our graduate students to become leaders in addressing current challenges in education such as coaching and mentoring, building collaborative learning communities and designing effective professional development. Additionally, this graduate program in teacher leadership will support two important university strategic directions. First, Georgia College & State University is dedicated to a “focus on excellence in graduate education consistent with the university’s graduate mission as a state university, which is to deliver graduate programs responsive to regional workforce needs.” The EDS in teacher Leadership will address the need of surrounding school systems for teachers trained as school-based leaders with specialized skills in this area. Further, GCSU is committed to “continue to strengthen community and regional ties through programs and partnerships that improve the quality of life or enhance economic, educational or cultural opportunities”, areas this degree addresses. There are no other existing degrees or majors at Georgia College in this field of study.

2.  Program Description and Goals:

A.  Institutional Priority: Describe how the proposed program is aligned with the institution’s academic strategic plan. Indicate where this program falls in terms of the institution’s top priorities for new degrees.

This graduate program in teacher leadership will support an important university strategic direction of being responsive to the changing workforce needs of graduate students due to the fact that it is being delivered online and is also aligned to the new Tiered Certification guidelines. Additionally, the proposed program also aligns with a strategic direction to increase graduate enrollment.

B.  Brief description of the program and how it is to be delivered

Georgia College & State University seeks to create an Education Specialist degree in Teacher Leadership. This new program will be 30 hours and will take four semesters to complete. The program will be administered using a cohort model in that students will all begin the program as a group in the summer and finish the next summer. All students will have the same advisor. The program is devised to equip experienced educators with the knowledge, skills and dispositions in the high needs areas of developing job-embedded professional development based on identified student and teacher needs through coaching and building collaborative learning communities. It will also be considered a new field service certification thereby making the degree attractive to educators who may want to gain knowledge and certification in another educational domain rather than their current field. Additionally, adding a new field to a teaching certificate will in turn qualify the candidate for a pay increase. This new program will also equip candidates with one of the requirements to move up within Georgia’s new Tiered Certification for teachers. At present, there is no other degree at Georgia College that addresses these areas specifically.

The new EDS in teacher leadership is 30 hours, 24 of which are required and will be taken in the teacher leader core. New core classes will be designated with EDTL 7100 notations: EDTL 7100, EDTL 7101, EDTL 7102, EDTL 7103, EDTL 7104, and EDTL 7105. (Please note: All EDTL classes are 4 hours of credit for several reasons. First, perusing the course listing for each class

will illustrate that a large amount of required standards are addressed in each course. Students must be prepared in these courses to be able to demonstrate they have met these standards not only in their coursework, but especially in their practicum in the spring where they will assessed almost exclusively on their performance as a teacher leader. Additionally, each course contains a strong field component wherein candidates are required to implement the strategies learned in the course in an actual classroom or school. Consequently, as illustrated in the course description, each course is composed of 3 credit hours of instruction and 1 credit hour of “field experience”. This 1 hour of credit will be assessed through course assignments as well as through the traditional teacher evaluation tools already in place in each school. This 1 hour of “field experience” should not be confused with the formal practicum in the spring.)

In consultation with their advisor, students will choose an additional six-eight hours of content courses in an area of prior certification. Students may take their six hours of content courses within the EDTL 7200 level courses which are offered for teacher leadership students, or students have the option of taking their content courses in their area of certification with other programs at GCSU. For example, a student with a certification in secondary English, may choose to take an EDTL 7200 content course or they may choose to take an English content course through Arts and Sciences, or an English pedagogy course with the secondary education program. Students choosing to take content courses outside of the EDTL program, will be advised that those courses may not be offered online necessitating that the student travel to campus.

This program will be delivered totally online. One purpose of this program is to make a quality graduate program available to the widest number of students possible in the region and beyond. Many graduate students who may wish to earn this degree are working professionals with families and additional responsibilities. Driving to a central location for class every week is not convenient, and in some cases even possible, due to distance or childcare. This online program will contribute to educational improvement due to its accessibility to all educational professionals no matter their circumstances.

While there are other online teacher leadership programs available to graduate students in Georgia, this program is unique in that it will be offered by Georgia College, a brick and mortar school with an outstanding reputation for its education programs. Research has demonstrated that even if courses are delivered online, students tend to enroll at a university closer to where they live or with whom they have had past educational experiences. Additionally, the socio-cultural nature of student learning is also addressed in all core courses. Such a stance is based in extensive research findings noting the importance of white middle-class teachers understanding the ramifications of race, class and gender in the learning process. By responding to these areas of need this program in teacher leadership will further support the Georgia Board of Regents core characteristic of, “a commitment to public service, continuing education, technical assistance, and economic development activities that address the needs, improve the quality of life and raise the educational level within the university’s scope of influence.”

C.  Goals/objectives of the Program

The goals for this proposed program are to equip candidates with the knowledge, skills and dispositions to be an expert and leader in mentoring and coaching, professional development, adult learning, building collaborative learning communities, as well as best practices in advancing student success.

The program standards are:

1. Candidates who complete the program are teacher leaders who will facilitate the design and implementation of sustained, intensive, and job-embedded professional learning based on identified student and teacher needs.

2. Candidates who complete the program are teacher leaders who work with stakeholders to promote the development of a school culture that fosters excellence and equity in teaching and learning and focuses on continuous improvement creating a sense of belonging and building a collaborative work environment.

3. Candidates who complete the program are teacher leaders who demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of curriculum and apply this knowledge to the alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to standards.

4. Candidates who complete the program are teacher leaders who model best practices in pedagogy and serve as a mentor and coach for other educators.

5. Candidates who complete the program are teacher leaders who work with others to design and implement assessment practices and analyze data for monitoring and improving teaching and learning through data-informed decision making.

6. Candidates who complete the program are teacher leaders who access and conduct research, and apply research findings to improve teaching and learning.

7. Candidates who complete the program are teacher leaders who demonstrate the ability to collaborate with stakeholders to improve student learning and to guide positive change.

D.  Location of the program – main campus or other approved site

The program will be delivered fully online. Faculty members teaching in the program have offices on the Milledgeville campus that were assigned to them previous to this program, therefore no additional facilities will be needed.

3.  Curriculum: List the entire course of study required and recommended to complete the degree program. Provide a sample program of study that would be followed by a representative student. Include Area F requirements (if applicable).

A proposed program of study is included in Appendix A.

Appendix B provides information about courses, including course descriptions, any prerequisites, and whether courses are existing courses or new courses.

Appendix C provides the course rotation for the program.

Appendix D delineates the standards and learning outcomes for the program required by GAPSC.

Appendix E outlines GAPSC regulations for the practicum.

Appendix F outlines our plan for guiding students who are still in the old EDS program when the new EDS in Teacher Leadership begins.

Documentation of approval of the program by all relevant campus curriculum governance bodies is found in documents contained in this proposal.

The proposed program is consistent with nationally accepted trends and standards in education. With the additional responsibilities placed on administrators in schools, teacher leaders are needed to serve as co-instructional leaders and to work one-on-one with teachers in order to improve student achievement. Additionally, educators wish to gain an understanding of how social class, gender and race impact the teaching and learning process as, locally and nationally, poor students and students of color continue to perform academically at low levels when compared with their middle class and white peers.

This proposed program requires a minimum of twenty hours of field experiences. As the students in this program will be practicing teachers, field experiences will be conducted within their own classrooms. Supervision of these field experiences will be conducted as part of the state mandated teacher evaluation process by the educator’s supervisor. Candidates will be required to obtain the necessary paperwork to document these evaluations. Within each core course, several assignments will be required which ask students to complete assignments within their classroom and report and reflect on these experiences. The documentation of the supervision reports and the class assignments will serve as documentation of the completion of the field experience. Candidates are also required to complete a supervised leadership practicum. This supervision will be organized according to PSC guidelines which are delineated in Appendix E. Candidates will receive leadership experiences at a variety of educational levels.

All core courses will be offered within a specific sequence. Students may also take online content course within the program, or they may take content courses in their certification field outside of the program. The program, therefore, has been designed so students will always have the courses they need each semester in order to graduate within the four-semester time frame.

All EDTL content will be delivered online. Students who choose, in consultation with their advisor, to take a content course outside of the program, may have a course that is not totally online and the advisor will note as such when planning the program with each student.

4.  Admissions criteria. Please include required minima scores on appropriate standardized tests and grade point average requirements.

Admissions criteria for the new EDS in Teacher Leadership would align with admissions to other EDS programs in the College of Education and include: (a) application to Georgia College & State University Graduate School; (b) valid Georgia teaching certificate at level T5 or higher, Professional, Advanced Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate, or leadership certificate, service field certificate, or Life certificate is required; (c) two letters of recommendation; (d) passing score on the graduate writing assessment, or exempting this assessment by an approved score on the GRE of 305 or the MAT of 400, or by being a prior graduate of GCSU; (e)graduate GPA of 3.0. Additionally, due to the nature of the program, students will also be required to submit a leadership assurance form which provides verification that the candidate’s school administrator: a)supports the decision to pursue the degree; b)recommends the candidate for participation in the program; and, c)agrees to provide the necessary resources for completion of the degree requirements, including time and access to teachers and stakeholder groups so that candidate may observe, mentor, conduct research, and provide professional learning among other things.

5.  Availability of assistantships (if applicable).

The College of Education has graduate assistantships position for students that have been admitted to a graduate degree program in the College of Education. Applicants who are accepted to the new EDS in Teacher Leadership will be eligible to apply for stipends for assistantships. Eligibility requirements are admission to a graduate degree program in the College of Education and a completed application for graduate assistantship. Approval is granted by chairperson or director of the hiring department, the student’s graduate coordinator, and the Associate Dean of the College of Education. Students must maintain good academic standing (3.0 GPA) and be recommended to continue in their position by their supervisor in order to be maintained in the program.