Martina Ortbauer / born march 5, 1977, Eisenstadt, Austria
Academic Qualifications obtained
Dr.rer.nat / Biology / University of Vienna / 04. 2005
Mag.rer.nat / Biology / University of Vienna / 02. 2001
Studies in Biology / University of Vienna / 1995-2001
University Assistant / Department of Nutritional Sciences, Emerging Focus Nutrigenomics, Univ. Vienna (Prof. Jürgen König) / 12.2011-present
Post-doctoral Researcher / Department of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna(Assoc. Prof. Christian Luschnig) / 2009-2011
Research Scientist / Baxter Innovations GmbH (Vienna, Orth a.d. Donau) / 2008
Post-doctoral Researcher / Department of Biomolecular Structural Chemistry,"Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy" Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Univ. Vienna (Prof. Robert Konrat) / 2005–2008
Doctoral Student / Department of Chemical Physiology of Plants (Prof. Marianne Popp) & Department of Biomolecular Structural Chemistry(Prof. Robert Konrat), Thesis: "Mechanism of protein stabilization by cyclitols", Univ. Vienna / 2002-2005
R. Benjamins, M. Ortbauer, J. Leitner, D. Lucyshyn, N. Malenica, B. Scheres and C. Luschnig, A novel plant-specific regulator of transcription coordinates root tropism by spatial control of PIN2 auxin carrier expression, submitted to Development2012
M. Ortbauer, Abiotic Stress Adaptation: Protein Folding Stability and Dynamics,InTechOpen, Book Title: Abiotic Stress, book chapter in print, 2012
J. M. Anzola, T. Sieberer, M. Ortbauer, H. Butt, B. Korbei, I. Weinhofer, A. E. Mullner, and C. Luschnig, Putative Arabidopsis Transcriptional Adaptor Protein (PROPORZ1) is required to modulate histone acetylation in response to auxin, PNAS2010107, 10308-10313
Aichinger, M., Ortbauer, M., Reipert, S., Zauner, W., Bogner, P., Froschauer, E., Nowikovsky, K., Lingnau, K., von Gabain, A., Schweyen, R. and Henics, T., Unique membrane-interacting properties of the immunostimulatory cationic peptide KLKL5KLK (KLK), Cell Biol Int. 2008 Nov 32(11) 1449-58
Ortbauer, M., Popp, M., Functional role of polyhydroxy compounds on protein structure and thermal stability studied by circular dichroism spectroscopy, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2008 Apr 46(4) 428-34
Ortbauer (-Jaindl), M., Popp, M., Cyclitols protect glutamine synthetase and malate dehydrogenase against heat induced deactivation and thermal denaturation, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 345, Issue 2, 30 June 2006, Pages 761-765
Other relevant activities/experiencePeer-reviewer for international journals
Enzyme and Microbial Technology
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
International Presentations
Ortbauer, M., A. Schedlbauer, P. Ozdowy, K. Bister & R. Konrat, Meta-structure based prediction and experimental analysis of human emerin and osteopontin, Poster, XXIIIrd International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, August 24-29, 2008, San Diego, California, USA
Ortbauer (-Jaindl), M., Martin Tollinger, Karin Kloiber and Robert Konrat, NMR studies of protein stability and dynamics in the presence of cyclitols, Poster, XXIIND International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, August 20-25, 2006, Göttingen, Germany
Ortbauer (-Jaindl), M., Karin Kloiber, Martin Tollinger and Robert Konrat, The influence of myo-Inositol on stability and dynamics of SH2 and CspA, Poster, Frontiers of Biomolecular NMR, June 29th - Juli 1st, 2006, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ortbauer (-Jaindl), M., Protein-cyclitol interactions studied by CD and NMR spectroscopy, oral presentation, RSC Structural Biology and Biophysics, Australian National University, Canberra ACT, Australia, November 16, 2005
National Presentations
Ortbauer, M, Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana protein PIN2 PROMOTER BINDING
PROTEIN 1, oral presentation, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 19.5.2011
Ortbauer, M. Protein Folding and Dynamics „Probing Osmolytes by NMR“, Characterization of plant-specific DNA-binding protein PPPI, oral presentation, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 07.12.2010
Ortbauer (-Jaindl), M., CspA, protein dynamics, and protein stabilization probed by NMR spectroscopy, oral presentation, SFB seminar, Austrian Science Fund, 27.06.2006
Martina Ortbauer (-Jaindl), Karin Kloiber, Martin Tollinger and Robert Konrat, The influence of myo-Inositol on stability and dynamics of SH2 and CspA, Poster, 7. Igler NMR Tage Obergurgl, February 12th - February 15th, 2006
Ortbauer (-Jaindl), M., Robert Konrat, Marianne Popp, The function of cyclitols in the stress metabolism of plants, Wissenschaftstag, Inst. of Ecology and Conservation Biology, April 2, 2004
Ortbauer (-Jaindl), M., Robert Konrat, Marianne Popp, Die Funktion von Cycliten als Stressmetabolite in Pflanzen, Präsentation von Forschungsprojekten, Festsaal der Universität Wien, March 2, 2004
Sponsorship (Förderungspreis)of theBurgenlandstiftung Theodor Kery for the project: Proteins - function, dynamics and stability, Ortbauer (-Jaindl), M (2008)
Forschungsstipendium der Universität Wien (2002-2003)
Leistungsstipendium der Universität Wien (2001)