Curriculum Vitae of



ECOMatters Inc.

Suite 105,W.B. Lewis Business Centre, 24 Aberdeen Ave.,

PO Box 430, PINAWA, Manitoba, Canada, ROE 1LO

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ECOMatters Inc. is a registered Environmental Technology Verification Entity


Senior Scientist with over 100 publications in seven major topic areas: ecotoxicology, environmental assessment, radioecology, radionuclide behavior, contaminant exposure pathways, soil science and agronomy.

Expert reviewer, presently Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Environmental Radioactivity (an Elsevier journal), previously Editor of Can. J. Soil Sci. and Associate Editor for the J. of Environmental Quality.

Radioecologist/ecotoxicologist in demand for assessment modeling in Canada and internationally.

Project manager, managing the biosphere contributions to assessments of various projects in Canada, and a long series of mission-oriented commercial research projects. Delights in creating synergism among projects.


review and advice on biosphere sampling program for the Swedish nuclear waste agency SKB

conceptual development of indices for trace element and ammonia additions to agricultural land in Canada, for Agriculture and Agri-FoodCanada

evaluate and propose ecotoxicology endpoints for radionuclides, for the French nuclear waste agency ANDRA.

principal investigator for research project evaluating behaviour and impacts of U near Port Hope.

review and parameterize dynamic model of 14C behaviour in the LoireRiver, Electricité de France.

study design and data interpretation for project on dose to transport workers in Canada.

quantitative risk assessments for decommissioning of Whiteshell labs, a Comprehensive Study under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

radiological dose estimates for the ecological effects review of Darlington NGS.

terrestrial pathways for the revised Ontario Power Generation (OPG) derived release limit model.

biosphere model of 36Cl using specific activity concepts, ANDRA.

revised soil model for nuclear waste disposal assessments using OPG SYVAC code environment.

review and parameterize cold-biospheres model for nuclear fuel waste disposal assessments, ANDRA

ecotoxicologist for CEPA project related to emissions from nuclear facilities in Canada.

ecotoxicologist for CEPA project on effect of atmospheric ammonia on plants and ecosystems.

ecotoxicologist for CEPA project to set critical loads to soils from smelter emissions of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and As using state-of-the-art concepts such as free-ion EC25.

EDUCATION, accredation and work history

Ph.D. (Soil science/plant physiology), M.Sc. (Soilplant relations), B.Sc. Honours (unspecialized, physical sciences).

P.Ag. (Professional Agrologist).

C.C.E.P. (CanadianCertified Environmental Practitioner).

Formerly Senior Scientist with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, involved in commercial and vote-funded research and assessments.


Present and ongoing

American Society of Agronomy

Canadian Society of Agronomy (2000-present, Executive Director)

Canadian Soil Science Society (1997-present, Registrar and Office Manager)

CanadianCertified Environmental Practitioner (CCEP)

International Soil Science Society

Manitoba Institute of Agrologists (P.Ag.)

Soil Science Society of America

Union Internationale des Radioécologistes (~1990-present, Board Member)

Previous and term

2001-2008 Chief Editor – Journal of Environmental Radioactivity

19942000 Associate Editor Journal of Environmental Quality

1997 Chair, Editorial Policy Board Canadian Journal of Soil Science, C.J. Plant Science, and C.J. Animal Science

1993-1996 Chief Editor of Canadian Journal of Soil Science

1990-1993 Associate Editor of Canadian Journal of Soil Science

1994 Editor's Citation for Excellence in Manuscript Review,

Journal of Environmental Quality


80.Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman and T.W. Bruulsema. 2008. Monthly ammonia emissions from fertilizers in 12 Canadian Ecoregions. J. Environ. Qual. (in preparation).

79.Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman, M. Beaulieu and M.I. Sheppard. 2008. Ecoregion and farm size differences in feed and manure nitrogen management: 4) Results specific to beef. Can. J. Soil Sci. (in preparation).

78.Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman, M. Beaulieu and M.I. Sheppard. 2008. Ecoregion and farm size differences in feed and manure nitrogen management: 3) Results specific to dairy. Can. J. Soil Sci. (in preparation).

77.Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman, M. Beaulieu and M.I. Sheppard. 2008. Ecoregion and farm size differences in feed and manure nitrogen management: 2) Results specific to swine. Can. J. Soil Sci. (in preparation).

76.Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman, M. Beaulieu and M.I. Sheppard. 2008. Ecoregion and farm size differences in feed and manure nitrogen management: 1) Survey methods and results for poultry. Can. J. Soil Sci. (in preparation).

75.Sheppard, S.C. and C. Grant. 2008. Risk indicator for agricultural inputs of trace elements to Canadian soils. J. Environ. Qual. (in preparation).

74.Sheppard, S.C. 2008. Critical loads changing with time. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (in press).

73.Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard, M. Ilin, J.C. Tait, and B.L. Sanipelli. 2008. Primordial radionuclides in Canadian background sites: secular equilibrium and isotopic differences. J. Environ. Radioactivity (in press).

72.Sheppard, S.C., R. DeJong, M.I. Sheppard and S. Bittman. 2007. Estimation of ammonia emission episodes for a national inventory using a farmer survey and probable number of field working days. Can. J Soil Sci. 87: 301-313.

71.Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard, J.C. Tait, and B.L. Sanipelli. 2006. Revision and metaanalysis of selected biosphere parameter values for chlorine, iodine, neptunium, radium, radon and uranium. J. Environ. Radioactivity 89: 115-137.

70.Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I., Sanipelli, B., Gallerand, M.O., Long, J., 2005. Ecotoxicological probable-no-effect concentrations for elements related to nuclear waste. Invited Review - Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology 11(3): 115-136.

69.Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I., Long, J., Sanipelli, B. and Tait, J. 2006. Runoff phosphorus retention in vegetated field margins on flat landscapes. Can. J. Soil Science 86: 871-884.

68.Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I. and Siclet, F., 2006. Parameterization of a dynamic specific activity model of 14C transfer from surface water to humans.J. Environ. Radioactivity 87: 15-31.

67.Sheppard, S.C., Ciffroy, P., Siclet, F., Damois, C., Sheppard, M.I. and Stephenson, M., 2006. Conceptual approaches for the development of dynamic specific activity models of 14C transfer from surface water to humans. J. Environ. Radioactivity 87: 32-51.

66.Sheppard, S.C., Bittman, S., Tait, J., Sommer, S.G. and Webb, J. 2007. Sensitivity analysis of alternative model structures for an indicator of ammonia emissions from agriculture. Can. J. Soil Science 87: 129-139.

65.Sheppard, S.C. 2005. Transfer parameters – are on-site data really better? Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 11: 939-949.

64.Sheppard, S.C. 2005. Assessment of long-term fate of metals in soils: Inferences from analogues. Can. J. Soil Science 85: 1-18.

63.Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard, M.-O. Gallerand and B. Sanipelli. 2005. Derivation of ecotoxicity thresholds for uranium. J. of Environmental Radioactivity 79:55-83.

62.Sheppard, S.C. 2003. An index of radioecology, what has been important? Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 68:1-10, also reproduced as Keynote Presentation, Proc. Intl. Symp. Transfer of Radionuclides in Biosphere – Prediction and Assessment, Mito, Dec. 18-19, 2002, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute report JAERI-Conf 2003-010, pages 17-24.

61.Sheppard, S.C. 2003. Interpolation of solid/liquid partition coefficients, Kd, for iodine in soils. J. of Environmental Radioactivity 70:21-27.

60.Sheppard, S.C. 2002. Three approaches to define the ecotoxicity threshold for atmospheric ammonia. Can. J. Soil Sci. 82:341-354.

59.Sheppard, S.C. 1999. Soil microbial bioassays: Quick and relevant but are they useful? Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 5:697-705.

58.Sheppard, S.C., Evenden W.G. and C.R. Macdonald. 1998. Variation among chlorine concentration ratios for native and agronomic plants. J. Environ. Radioactivity 43:65-76.

57.Sheppard, S.C., Ticknor, K.V. and Evenden, W.G. 1998. Sorption of inorganic 14C on to calcite, montmorillonite and soil. Applied Geochem. 13:43-47.

56.Sheppard, S.C., Evenden W.G. and Cornwell, T.C. 1997. Depuration and uptake kinetics of I, Cs, Mn, Zn and Cd by the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris in radiotracer-spiked litter. J. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 16:2106-2112 (reprinted in Advances in Earthworm Ecotoxicology, S.C.Sheppard et al. (eds), SETAC Press).

55.Sheppard, S.C. 1998. Geophagy: who eats soil and where do possible contaminants go? J. Environ. Geol. 33:109-114.

54.Sheppard, S.C., Johnson, L.H., Goodwin, B.W., Tait, J.C., Wuschke, D.M. and Davison, C.C.1996. Chlorine-36 in nuclear waste disposal: 1) Assessment results for used fuel with comparison to 129I and 14C. Waste Management 16:607-614.

53.Sheppard, S.C. and Motycka, M. 1997. Is the Akagare phenomenon important to iodine uptake by wild rice (Zizania aquatica)? J. Environ. Radioactivity 37: 339-353.

52.Sheppard, S.C. and Evenden W.G. 1996. Progressive extraction method applied to isotopic exchange of 14C. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 27:3059-3071.

51.Sheppard, S.C. and Evenden W.G. 1997. Variation in transfer factors for stochastic models: soil-to-plant transfer. Health Phys. 72:727-733.

50.Sheppard, S.C. and Evenden W.G. 1996. Retention of inorganic 14C by isotopic exchange in soils. J. Environ. Qual. 25:1153-1161.


28.Carew, R., Bittman, S. and Sheppard, S.C. 2007. Economic and social assessment of agricultural ammonia emissions in Canada. (in preparation).

27.Grant, C.A. andS.C. Sheppard. 2007. Fertilizer impacts on cadmium availability in agricultural soils and crops. Human Ecol. Risk Assess. (in press).

26.Lofts, S., P.M. Chapman, R. Dwyer, M.J. McLaughlin, I., Schoeters, S.C. Sheppard, et al. 2007. Critical loads of metals and other trace elements to terrestrial environments. Environ. Sci. Techn. 6326-6331.

25.Whicker, F.W., K. Bunzl, P. Dixon, E.M. Scott, S.C. Sheppard, G. Voigt. 2006. Sampling for radionuclides in the environment. Journal of the ICRU 6(1), Report 75, 93 pages.

24.Sheppard, M.I., Sheppard, S.C. and Grant, C. 2007. Solid/liquid partition coefficients to model trace element critical loads for agricultural soils in Canada. Can. J. Soil Science 87: 189-201.

23.Doyle, P.J., Gutzman, D.W., Sheppard, M.I., Sheppard, S.C., Bird, G.A. and Hrebenyk, D. 2003. An ecological risk assessment of air emissions of trace metals from copper and zinc production facilities. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 9:607-636.

22.Whicker, F.W., K. Bunzl, P. Dixon, M. Scott, S. Sheppard and G. Voigt. 2001 . Quantities, units and terms in radioecology. Journal of the ICRU 1(2):3-44.

21.Grant, C.A., D.N. Flaten, D.J. Tomasiewicz and S.C. Sheppard, 2001. The importance of early season P nutrition. Can. J. Plant Sci. 81: 211-224 [translated as “A importancia do fosforo no desenvolvimento initial da planta”. Informacoes agronomica. Potafos -Associacao Brasileira para Pesquisa da Potassa e do Fosfata. Setembro/2000. No. 95. Pp 1-5].

20.Voigt, G., E.M. Scott, K. Bunzl, P. Dixon, S.C, Sheppard and W.F. Whicker, 2000. Radionuclides in the Environment: Radiological quantities and sampling designs. Radiation Protection and Dosimetry 92: 55-57.

19.Bunzl, K., Desmet, G., Dixon, P., Scott, E.M., Sheppard, S., Voigt, G. and Whicker, W. 1998. Some perspectives on sampling of radionuclides in the environment: report on a workshop held on ‘Sampling Radionuclides in the Environment’ J. Environ. Radioactivity 43: 89-95.

18.Evenden, W.G., Sheppard, S.C. and Killey, R.W.D. 1998. Carbon-14 and tritium in plants of a wetland containing contaminated groundwater. Appl. Geochem. 13:17-21.

17.Amiro, B.D., Sheppard, S.C., Johnston, F.L., Evenden, W.G. and Harris, D.R. 1996. Burning radionuclide question: What happens to iodine, cesium and chlorine in biomass fires? Sci. Total Environ. 187:93-103.


25.Sheppard, S.C. and Addison, J.A. 2008. Soil sample handling and storage. Chapter 4, Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, Second Edition, Canadian Society of Soil Science, CRC Press of the Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, pages 39-49.

24.Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I., Ilin, M. and Thompson, P. 2005. Soil-to-plant transfers of uranium series radionuclides in natural and contaminated settings. Radioprotection 70: S253-S259.

22.Sheppard, S.C. 2003. Transfer parameters – when do we know enough. Keynote presentation, Intl. Symp. Radioecology and Environmental Dosimetry, Rokkasho, Japan, October 22-24, pages 3-12

21.Sheppard, S.C. 2003. Health physics and radioecology. Japanese Journal of Health Physics 38:275-276.

20.Sheppard, S.C. 2003. Who gets to be an author … fallout from a recent controversy. J. Environmental Radioactivity 68:89-91.

19.Bird, G.A., P.A. Thompson, C.R. Macdonald and S.C. Sheppard. 2002. Ecological risk assessment approach for the regulatory assessment of the effects of radionuclides released from nuclear facilities. IAEA Third International Symposium on the Protection of the Environment from Ionising Radiation, Darwin, Australia, July 22-26.

18.Sheppard, S.C. 2001. Toxicants in the environment: bringing radioecology and ecotoxicology together. Invited paper, In. “Radioactive Pollutants Impact on the Environment”, F. Brechignac and B.J. Howard, Eds., Pages 63-74, Institut de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire Collection, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, France.

17.Sheppard, S.C., Bembridge, J.D., Holmstrup, M. and Posthuma, L. (Editors) 1998. “Advances in Earthworm Ecotoxicology”, SETAC Press.

16.Sheppard, S. C. and Evenden, W. G. 1998. An approach to defining a control or diluent soil for ecotoxicity assays, In: “Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Seventh Volume, ASTM STP 1333”, E. E. Little, A. J. DeLonay, and B. M.Greenberg, Eds., Pages 215-226, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1998.

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