Kiwisport Regional partnership fund


About the project
Lead organisation
Project name
Project description
Clear, measurable targets for the project/initiative
(e.g. number of additional kids participating in organized sport as a result of the project)
Project term: (please enter in months) / months
Project start date
(including planning) / Project completion date
(including review and reporting)
Delivery start date
(when will delivery start) / Delivery completion date
(when will delivery end)
Total project cost / $ / Amount applied for / $
Contact details
Lead partner/agency organisation or group
Contact name of the individual project leader
Postal address
Physical address
Daytime phone number
Fax number
Email address
Project partners
List all partner schools and details of involvement
List all partner sports and details of involvement
List all other partners and details of involvement
KiwiSport outcomes
Which KiwiSport outcome does the project/initiative primarly meet? (tick ONE only)
increase the number of school-age children participating in organised sport - during school, after school and by strengthening links with sports clubs / increase the availability and accessibility of sport opportunities for all school-aged children / support children in developing skills that will enable them to participate effectively in sport at both primary and secondary level
Session information
Number of INDIVIDUAL children who will participate in the project/initiative
Session DELIVERY[1] duration (in hours)
for ONE session
Total number of SESSIONS for the project/initiative
% of primary aged children / % of secondary aged children

NOTE: If your application to the Sport Manawatu KiwiSport Regional Partnership Fund SMALL PROJECT FUND is successful, you will need to gather baseline date BEFORE your project commences. The baseline report template is available here on our website:

Send with project budget to:

Email: Page 3 of 3

Post: KiwiSport Small Project Fund, Sport Manawatu, P O Box 797, Palmerston North 4440

Fax: (06) 358 1178

[1] Note: session delivery duration refers to the actual delivery time and excludes setup, travel, etc