Focus Group Responses for Standard 4
Strategic Thinking and Planning
- Effective planning and evaluation occur within the institution at multiple levels across units and lead to priorities and clear institutional implementation activities.
We Do This Well / Aspects Need Our Attention / Needs Significant Development / Not Enough Evidence
9% / 73% / 18% / 0%
- Where does planning occur?
- Faculty level
- Department level
- Program level
- Developing assessing portfolio project
- Are there too many steps; are all the steps necessary?
- Non-credit always evaluating course offerings to cull out courses hat don’t work and apply resources toward successful courses
- Persistence = $ = student success
- Persistence requires institutional commitment
- Is there a way to make necessary changes mid process?
- Need a clearer picture of why students are at UHMC and their purpose while at UHMC
- Develop survey for determining student motivation for attending UHMC.
- Ambiguity is a given
- Difficult to plan for all student needs
- Peer pressure to attend and drop out
- Survey monkey to determine when students want classes
- Some programs are disconnected
- How are we aligned throughout the institution
- What are our vision, mission and goals?
- Will our mission continue?
- Business model layered over education model to increase revenue
- Ability to make course changes faster to improve educational effectiveness/student learning
- Institutional planning activities are well defined, evaluated and align with the institution’s strategic objectives and priorities.
We Do This Well / Aspects Need Our Attention / Needs Significant Development / Not Enough Evidence
0% / 64% / 36% / 0%
- Is it time to revisit mission/vision?
- Is AA supporting or and obstacle to student success?
- Proactively anticipate consequences of change
- Don’t loose or weaken “community”
- Evaluation and Assessment are important
- Responsive to workforce and community
- Look outside college for information
- Partnerships are essential
- Planning processes are informed by appropriately defined and analyzed data, and included evidence of educational effectiveness, including student learning.
We Do This Well / Aspects Need Our Attention / Needs Significant Development / Not Enough Evidence
9% / 27% / 55% / 9%
- Not there yet, but have made great strides
- We don’t have a shared vision of role of program review
- Need to create meaning for institution wide data/information
- Still short of culture of evidence
- Lack of clarity
- Wrong metrics
- Faculty seem to feel disconnected from administrative planning
- Planning incorporates quality assurance, assessment and tracking, comparative data, and use of results to revise and/or improve the process.
We Do This Well / Aspects Need Our Attention / Needs Significant Development / Not Enough Evidence
9% / 36% / 55% / 0%
- Yes!
- What are the forums on campus to analyze data/information?
- Where do we ask if student learning happens?
- Do we need more formality?
- Assessment at early stage of development
- Assessment tools are being developed
- Institutional outcomes not defined
- Institutional research capacity is used to assess effectiveness and student learning.
We Do This Well / Aspects Need Our Attention / Needs Significant Development / Not Enough Evidence
0% / 18% / 64% / 18%
- No
- Sporadic
- Not easy to collect needed data
- Create research structure upfront
- More training
- Knowing what evidence to collect
- Student services perspective
- What is it that you need to know about your students
- What are the leading indicators?
- Align with system priorities without sacrificing institution quality
- Look at distance traveled
- Need to develop a better understanding of students
- Work back from drivers
- Think Big
- Incorporate NSF REU
- More linkages with faculty (partnering) and student research projects
- Explore partnerships with other universities and colleges
- Remain open to visiting scholar research
- College leadership (faculty, staff and administration), are committed to continuous improvement.
We Do This Well / Aspects Need Our Attention / Needs Significant Development / Not Enough Evidence
18% / 73% / 0% / 9%
- Yes, to a degree
- Ned to create systemic process to maintain focus on continuous improvement through analysis of data, not data alone
- Contract renewal process help for temporary faculty. What about permanent?
- Inquiry into teaching and learning leads to improvement in curricula, pedagogy and evaluation.
We Do This Well / Aspects Need Our Attention / Needs Significant Development / Not Enough Evidence
27% / 27% / 45% / 0%
- Act more like a system
- Data an excellent prompt for analysis/discussion
- Average faculty not involved with discussion
- Pockets are involved
- Need more consistency
- Assessment should create structure to lead this conversation
- Small programs find it difficult to engage colleagues
- Math has system list
- System connections are important
- Most student life offices are one person shows
- Stakeholders are actively involved in the assessment of the effectiveness of educational programs and their feedback is disseminated and used to inform improvement.
We Do This Well / Aspects Need Our Attention / Needs Significant Development / Not Enough Evidence
0% / 45% / 55% / 0%
- We don’t know where students go…
- Internships programs survey
- Survey of lectures
- Internal and external stakeholders