This form is to be completed for all heavy vehicle incidents and returned within 48 hours of the incident occurring, whether or not injury / damage have been sustained. The reporting of this heavy vehicle incident to Main Roads Heavy Vehicle Services does not relate to the requirement to report on-road incidents as required under road law.

Incident Details /
Time (24hrs):
(Road name/s, nearest town or other identifying feature)
Road Type & Condition:
(Sealed, unsealed, wet, gradient, curved, etc.) /
Incident Description: /
Main Reason Why Incident Occurred:
Incident Type:
/ ☐ Animal strike ☐ Crash (injury only) ☐ Crash (injury and damage) ☐ Vehicle failure ☐ Vehicle rollover ☐ Vehicle separation
☐ Near miss ☐ Damage (no injury but property damage)
Other, state below /
Damage Sustained to:
/ ☐ Towing Vehicle ☐ Trailer/s ☐ 3rd parties vehicle
☐ Bridge / structure ☐ Road surface ☐ Roadside furniture
☐ None
Other, state below /
Damage Details:
Injury Type:
/ ☐ 1st aid ☐ Hospital admission ☐ Medical / doctors ☐ Fatality ☐ N/A /
Vehicle Details /
Vehicle Configuration: /
Vehicle Registration Numbers:
/ Prime Mover / Truck: /
Trailer/s: /
Load Description:
Dangerous Goods:
/ ☐ Yes ☐ No /
Dangerous Goods Class:
Main Roads WA Permit Type & Number:
Operator Details
Operator Number:
Operator Name:
Contact Name:
Contact Phone Number:
Email Address:
Driver Details /
Name: /
Company: /
Contact Number: /
Witness Details /
Name: /
Company: /
Contact Number: /
Notification Details /
Emergency Services Notified: / ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ N/A /
Which Service/s: / ☐ DFES ☐ St Johns Ambulance WA ☐ WA Police /
Police Officer / Station: / Crash identification No: /
Main Roads WA: / ☐138 138 ☐ Regional Office / Feedback / Incident No: /
Notified Parties Who Attended The Incident: / ☐ DFES ☐ St Johns Ambulance WA ☐ WA Police
☐ Main Roads Regional Officer /
Traffic Management Required: / ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please specify /
Corrective Action/s /
/ Close Out Date: /
Action to Prevent Recurrence /
/ Close Out Date: /

Reported By

Name: /
Contact Number: /
Date: /
Time: /
Photos /

Email completed form to:

Main Roads WA Heavy Vehicle Services

PO Box 374 | WELSHPOOL DC | WA 6986 | Telephone 138 486 Page 3 of 3