Focus Area: Align Professional Development and Resources

Recommendation / Who is the target audience? / Who is responsible for action on this item? / What is the expected outcome/impact of this recommendation? / What resources are needed to carry out this recommendation? / What is the feasibility of this recommendation and what current efforts might exist?
1. Needs assessment for professional development around initiatives common core, RTI, UDL, educators effectiveness– data analysis – student achievement, teachers, counselors, classroom instruction/practice / Administrator, teacher leaders, teachers / District Leaders, DPI Title 1 templates, RTI SIR / Identifying more finitely the needs of the district, teachers, and classroom which could inform PD / RTI center, DPI staff, WI Association of school administrators, / Feasible because there are pieces in place. The RTI center has done some of the work
2. Increased PD in the area of multiple means of expression and engagement specifically designed (UDL principles) for members within the target audience)-could include all principles of UDL / Administrator, Teachers, support staff (i.e. IT, learning assistants, related services, etc) / UDL state consultants / Changing practice on a district/statewide level not just individual districts / Train current DPI staff in the principles of UDL making connection with UDL and their area support / Highly feasible with Jolene’s internal group that works on messaging UDL. “Brown bags”
3. Create network for mentoring/coaching around UDL strategies / Schools, Districts, teachers, administrators / Jesse Harness
(connects CESAs), different DPI staff and RTI center, other stakeholders / Increased implementation, shared messaging / RTI statewide leader ship team, collaborative council, sharing with a variety of communities (content specific, ELL, etc), funding support for mentor/coaching-how can funds be intertwined, / Feasible because lots of associations, RTI statewide leader ship team, collaborative council are all in place, increased sharing with a variety of communities (content specific, ELL, etc), funding support for mentor/coaching-how can funds be intertwined i.e. special ed, Title 1

Focus Area: Align Professional Development and Resources

Recommendation / Who is the target audience? / Who is responsible for action on this item? / What is the expected outcome/impact of this recommendation? / What resources are needed to carry out this recommendation? / What is the feasibility of this recommendation and what current efforts might exist?
Create visuals for how initiatives interact and how UDL is interwoven, including online interactivity that illustrates connections and video clips. / District
Beginning priority is building principals / DPI
Prof Orgs
RtI Center / Clear vision and understanding for effective implementation / Current workgroups (prof orgs, DPI)
Consulting service for web design and tools / high
Intentionally infuse integrated messaging into regional and statewide professional development, including the RtI Center, CESAs, and professional organization conferences and supports.
  • Increased communication among these entities for common messaging
/ District
RtI Center
Prof Orgs.
CSN / High quality professional learning for effective and efficient implementation / Increased collaborations / High

Additional Thoughts: