The Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM in the HS Chorus Room. Present were: Tom Opperman, Jeff Oppor and Chairperson Charlie Wasrud. Discussion took place regarding the lighting bids for the Aquatic Center. The bids were presented at the September 10 BOE meeting, the fee from US. Lamp for the design fee and travel expenses was presented. A motion by Tom Opperman, seconded by Jeff Oppor to recommend approval of the bid from Master Electric in the amount of $17,804.25 and for services from US Lamp in the amount of $2495.60.

A discussion on the Water Shed Project at the football field in Scandinavia took place. The work has been completed and approved by Greg Peterson from the Waupaca County Land Conservation Department. The seeding of the mound system will take place with the hopes of something starting to grow before snow sets in.

The Personnel Committee Meeting took place at 7:45PM in the HS Chorus Room. Present were:Bruce Beyersdorf, Kristen Hoyord and Bill Peterson. Discussion took place on the approval of Co-curricular contracts for teacher mentors, elem. student council, middle school forensics and high school forensics positions. A motion to approve the six teachers for mentoring was made by Mrs. Hoyord, seconded by Mr. Peterson. A motion to approve the elementary student counciladvisor was made by Mrs. Hoyord, seconded by Mr.Peterson. A motion to approve middle school forensics was made by Mrs. Hoyord, seconded by Mr. Peterson. A motion to approve co- coaches for high school forensics was made by Mr.Peterson, seconded by Mrs. Hoyord.


Regular School Board Meeting

Monday, October 8, 2012

I. The regular meeting was called to order in the High School Chorus Room by President Tom Opperman at 8:00 pm by stating “This is a public meeting of the School Board of Iola-Scandinavia. Prior to this meeting, notice was given to the County Post West, the official paper of the School District of Iola-Scandinavia.” Roll call was taken and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Board Members Present: Mr. Opperman, Mr. Peterson, Mrs. Hoyord, Mr. Wasrud, Mr. Beyersdorf, Mr. Oppor, and Mr. Wilhite

Administration present: Mr. Braun,Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Wojcik, Mr. Novak, Mrs. Vold, Mrs. Hardel

Observers: Holly Neumann, Tony Neumann, Mary Jo Gerhardt, Tom Hanby, Toya Lund, Bill Lund

II.A motion was made by Mr. Wasrud, seconded by Mr. Wilhite to approve the agenda as written. Motion carried.

III.Mr. Wasrud asked that the minutes be amended by removing “no report” from the Buildings and Grounds committee report. A motion was made by Mr.Peterson, seconded by Mr. Beyersdorf to approve the minutes, of the September 10, 2012 regular board meeting. Motion carried.

IV. Auditing and approval of board and lunch bills: A motion was made by Mr. Wasrud, seconded by Mr. Peterson to approve the board and lunch bills in the General Fund General Fund (checks 53625-53811) void (53654, 53719); Electronic funds transfer – General (201200054-201200075); Pupil Activity (Checks 24823-24857); ISRA (checks 1863) Motion carried.

V. Treasurer’s Report and Pupil Activity Account – Mr. Peterson presented the treasurer’s

report. The cash flow and pupil activity reports were reviewed. A motion was made by

Mr. Wasrud, seconded by Mr. Wilhite to approve the reports as presented. Motion carried.

VI.Public input/comments –

Mr. Bill Lund updated the board on the donation of $5000.00 from Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region to be used toward the One to One Computer Project. Board President, Mr. Opperman, thanked Mr. Lund and all involved for their work on the project.

Mr. Lund also invited the BOE to a reception and tours guided by members from the team of student “Super Geeks”. This will be held on Wednesday, October 24 beginning at 2:00 pm at the high school. This is an opportunity to check out the new HP3115m computers as well as ask questions.

VII.District Administrator’s report:

Elementary-Tess Lecy-Wojcik

Secondary - Sara Anderson

District-Duane Braun –information was sharedwith the Board of Education that our Third Friday count for DPI was 731. Our Open Enrolled In was 40 and our Open Enrolled Out was 35. We had a drop in enrollment mainly because of the Senior Class of 2011-12 was 68 and the 4K Class of 2012-13 was 46.

VIII.Old Business:

IX.Committee reports:

A.Finance - Chairperson Peterson (Mr. Beyersdorf, Mr. Opperman)- No report

  1. Buildings and Grounds - Chairperson Wasrud (Mr. Opperman, Mr. Oppor)-
  1. A motion was made by Mr. Wasrud, seconded by Mr. Wilhite to approve a bid from Master Electric in the amount of $20,299.85 to replace the existing lighting in the pool area of the Aquatic Center, with new energy efficient lighting fixtures. This Motion was rescinded by Mr. Wasrud and Mr. Wilhite.

A motion was made by Mr. Wasrud, seconded by Mr. Wilhite to approve the bid from Master Electric in the amount of $17,804.25 and for services from US Lamp in the amount of $2495.60. Motion carried

  1. Transportation – Chairperson Oppor (Mr. Peterson, Mr. Wasrud)- No report
  1. Curriculum - Chairperson Beyersdorf (Mrs. Hoyord, Mr. Wilhite)-No report
  1. Policy & Legislation – Chairperson Wilhite (Mr. Beyersdorf, Mr. Wasrud)- No report
  1. Personnel & Nominations – Chairperson Wilhite (Mrs. Hoyord, Mr. Peterson)

1. Motion by Mr. Wilhite, seconded by Mr. Peterson to approve Tom

Hutchison, Stacey Wester, Tamela McCartney, BrianTucker, Chris Nelson, Mark Wester, Teacher Mentor Positions for 2012-13. Motion carried

  1. Motion by Mr. Wilhite, seconded by Mr. Beyersdorf to approve John Turba, Elementary Student Council Advisor for 2012-13. Motion carried
  2. Motion by Mr. Wilhite, seconded by Mr. Peterson to approve Loni Kucksdorf, Middle School Forensics Coach for 2012-13. Motion carried
  1. Motion by Mr. Wilhite, seconded Mrs. Hoyord to approve Chelsea Liesch, Laura Scott, High School Forensics Coaches for 2012-13. Motion carried

G.Negotiations - Chairperson Opperman (Mrs. Hoyord, Mr. Oppor)-No report

X.New Business:

  1. Motion by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Wasrud to approvefourYouth Options Applications. Motion carried
  2. Motion by Mr. Beyersdorf, seconded by Mr. Oppor to approve the Consortium Agreement with Waupaca County Charter School Project. Motion carried

XI. A motion was made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Wilhite at 8:35 pm togo into executive

session in accordance with Wisconsin Statute 19.82(1) and 19.85(1)(c) and (e), to discuss pending grievances of and negotiations with the ISAA and theDistrict Administrator’s Position. Motion Carried.

Motion carried with a roll call vote. (yes) Mr. Beyersdorf, Mrs. Hoyord, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Oppor, Mr. Wasrud, Mr. Wilhite.

XII. A motion was made by Mr. Wasrud, seconded by Mr. Wilhite to reconvene in open session at

9:25pm. Motion carried

  1. No action was taken at this time.

A Special Meeting Date was set for October 22, 2012.

XIII. A motion was made by Mr. Wilhite, seconded by Mr. Beyersdorf to adjourn the meeting at 9:26

pm. Motion Carried