The formulation of a basic methodology of intervention, consensus-based and coordinated, in the place of the fact or the scene of the crime will optimize the use of
resources and surely will help to increase the percentage of clarification of
offenses, central objective in the fight against impunity.
As a result, the document which presents mainly lists
basic rules to take into account in order to avoid later errors that hinder the
collection of tests related to the investigation of the crime and is specifically directed to the first moments of intervention both police and court
Ordem dos Advogados do.
We must not overlook that the expert procedures are eminently scientific and are performed on tangible aspects, physical and actual crime scene or associated with it, including the author and its participants, so that
it is of fundamental importance the preservation, conservation and stewardship acresite
the fact.
It is essential that those who prevent in the place of the fact, which
can then be described as Scene of the crime, aware of the
basic rules relating to your access to and treatment of the site of the fact with the
purpose of that their actions as the first person and retain authority that arrives, preserve the evidence that would reveal the truth of what happened. Ignorance or improper treatment on an involuntary basis can cause the destruction of the
1. The fact is the physical space in which there has been an
event capable of a scientific research with the criminal
purpose of establishing his nature and those who spoke.
2. The location of the event is characterized by the presence of elements, traces
and/or evidence that might uncover the circumstances or characteristics of what
happened there.
3. The location of the event is called SCENE OF THE CRIME when the
nature, circumstances and characteristics of the event for
suspecting the commission of a crime.
4. The PLACE OF THE always done shall be considered as potential SCENE OF THE
CRIME until otherwise determined.
5. Verified the existence of the crime scene or SCENE OF THE CRIME
lies immediately its preservation to ensure the inviolability of the elements, traces or signs that may exist and to prevent any
loss, alteration or pollution.
The police officer or security force who arrive or intervene initially
care must be all the necessary precautions in order to preserve the sanctity of the place of
fact or SCENE OF THE CRIME, for which you will need to meet the budgets down described, which do not necessarily require a sequential follow, given that
define activities that can be met simultaneously:
1. Get quickly to the site.
2. Remain in continuous state of alert on the premise that could be
a crime in progress.
3. The priority aim is both to ensure that injured people receive
medical care how to minimize the contamination of the scene, in the presence of
people injured or deceased must:
a. Assess the victim in order to find vital signs, the nature of
their injuries, their position and their clothing
. Call the medical staff
. Provide first aid and take steps for its
immediate transfer to a medical center, and must set the position
of the body through photographic imagery. Not to be possible the
photo shots should demarcate with chalk the place in which the victim, while preserving the place demarcated by any element, trace and/or indications that he could find.
Solved the emergency, you must continue with the work in the
4. Record the time of arrival to the site.
5. Observed globally the PLACE THE FACT in order to assess the scene,
prior to the development of the procedure itself and determine who are the
victims, alleged perpetrators and/or participants, witnesses or the general public.
6. Clear the PLACE OF THE evicting the curious and restricting
access to the site.
7. Observe and record the presence of persons, vehicles or any other
element or circumstance that, in principle, might relate to the
8. Define the boundaries of the SITE OF THE FACT in order to protect and secure it,
establishing a perimeter wide.
9. Use twines, tapes, vehicles, the own staff or any other
existing medium at their disposal for the demarcation, protection and isolation of the place
of fact, when I will try to open places.
10. Closing the gates, when I will try enclosed places, either by placing
staff in front of doors and windows or sealing these sectors.
11. Have the immobilisation of items that by their nature are easily
removable and that may be linked to the fact that occurred.
12. Safeguard of their destruction, disappearance or manipulation, the
electronic elements, cellular, pen drive, computers, printers, phones, cameras
, film cameras, photocopiers and all digital storage material
13. Safeguard the integrity of victims, alleged perpetrators and/or participants, witnesses,
agents of the security forces and the general public, both against
leads to the fact that occurred as to the possibility of explosions,
toxic fumes, landslides, electrical shock, etc.
14. Containment and provide assistance to the victims.
15. Take all necessary precautions before impending dangers to minimize the
possibility that material goods could be damaged.
16. Communicate the whole of what is observed and acted, by the quickest route, to the
superiority, for the purpose of your intervention to ensure public order and security, as well as the staffing expert specialists to intervene.
17. Prevent access to the SITE OF THE FACT of unauthorized persons except
for emergency services until the arrival of the Police or
forensic science.
18. Strictly control that is not incorporated into the area covered by the
secured perimeter, strange elements.
19. Outline in writing what is observed and acted, to the Coordinator.
20. Take registration of persons who, by reason of their duties, enter the
secured perimeter.
21. To instruct the medical staff and the fire brigade to which do not clean or change the
scene, so as to avoid the movement or the alteration of objects arising from
within the same.
22. Record the name and registration number of the medical professional responder, designation
of the health care center to which it belongs and phone of the same, as well as the name and
address of the place where you will move to the victim.
23. Document any statement or comment made by the victim, the
alleged perpetrator and/or participants or witnesses of the scene.
24. Avoid moving the body from its original position, except that Medien justified
reasons to remove it promptly (for example: imminent danger to another person, obstacle to perform some task urgent expert, possibility of
occurrence of some catastrophe).
25. The police personnel or the security forces to intervene in the place of
fact should refrain from talking about the fact or the circumstances of the
same with third persons unrelated to the investigation.
26. Use, during the entire procedure, coverages for the hands in order to avoid
leaving new designs papillary or contaminate the samples with the breathability of the
27. Refrain from smoking and/or spit in the PLACE OF FACT
28. Avoid leaving abandoned personal effects or disposable material used in the
place of fact.
NOTE: "The Police Officer or security force to intervene initially, at all times take into account the personal safety measures and appropriate biosecurity, in order to not become a new victim.
The present Protocol OF FEDERAL PRESERVATION, was developed, discussed and
agreed upon by the following people, through the course training of trainers
of the National Training Program of the Secretariat of Security, the Ministry
of Justice, Security and Human Rights
Body Lic Eloy Emiliano Nave
Body Teaching 2nd Commander Daniel Vázquez Teaching body Lic Alejandro Vázquez Teaching body Prefect Lic Jorge Norberto Delgado Teaching body Prefect Adolfo Aranda Teaching body Dr. Julio César Acuña Teaching of Santa Cruz. Insp. Hugo Ortiz
Jujuy raised. Jorge Germán Vargas
Subcrio. Dr. Antonio Manuel Vargas
Chubut Province of Jujuy. Subinsp. Karen busts
of Chubut. Ppal. Hugo Mario Melipil Barrera
of. Subinsp. Adam Barnabas Chubut Figueroa
Neuquén grew up. Manuel Eduardo Gómez
of. Ayte Ruben Antonio Chaco Valenzuela
NIP Of. Ppal. Lic José Daniel Diaz
of PSA. Lic Maximilian Dardanelli
Sub-inspector Silvina Maria PFA Florence crystals
of. Ppal. Mr. Hugo Dante Flores
Coordinator of the National Program of Criminology of the Undersecretariat of Criminal Policy of the Ministry of Justice, Security and Human Rights
Address National Gendarmerie
of Airport Security Police
Prefectura Naval Argentina
Naval Prefecture Argentina
Argentine Federal Police
Crime Division of the Santa Cruz Police
Chief Homicide Division of the Directorate of Research
Institute of Vice_rector Upper
Address Public Security Police
Division Judicial Police Investigations of the city of Esquel
2oj. Head of the Police Investigations Division of the city of Rawson
Head of the Department crimes against property and Special Laws responsible for sections photos and fingerprints of the Metropolitan Forensic Division.
Section Chief accidentology and planimetry teaching from the Higher Institute of the Police of airport security procedures of the Area Police Superintendent of Police ballistics expert scientific and Expert documentologia Documentologo Division Salta Solis
Formosa Subcrio. Abel Dario Burguener
Criminology of the Police of Salta Bachelor of Criminalistics Second Division Chief Criminology - Judicial Department
Address of Crimes against the people - Cordoba Of. Ayte. Mayco Vilmar Gutierrez street Staff Psychologist Member Department Analysis of the Pro Administrative Secretary Cordoba criminal behavior. Francisco Javier Prosecreatrio Chilo administrative (2 ºChief Àrea) - Judicial Police Officer second in Scientific Police Ushuaia. Tierra del Fuego Of. Ppal. Lic Paulo Oscar Molina Bachelor of Criminalistics 3er. Division Chief Complex homicides and crimes of the Directorate General of Tucuman. Ppal Jorge Eduardo Dib investigations by the Police of the province of Tucuman
Subcrio Rio Negro. Oscar Alberto Gonzalez 2or Chief Commissioner. 20A. General Conesa
Aux.P. P. Vanina Solitude Bertolini Mendoza Perito-Division Forensic Identifications Arias Aux. P. P. Lic Vanina Lourdes Mendoza Perito-Division Forensic Identifications Garay Garcia
of. Insp. Liked Ariel Kings Scientific Police - responsible for the Division Mendoza Ochoa Forensic Identifications
Lic in Criminalistics. Police of the province of Misiones. Ppal. Juan Carlos Vazquez
Subcrio Missions. Carlos Alberto San Juan Section homicides Washington Vallejo
San Luis Insp. Fernando Daniel Villegas 2nd Head of the Forensic Division