Sign out Items for Distribution
- What Triple P Data do you currently collect?Think about the data that you individually collect or that your agency collects.
- Sign out items for distribution
- Tip sheets
- Free items to give away
- # of people referred
- Don’t collect a number, they know their clients and know who they would use Triple P with and makes an excellent guess when asked
- Incorporate Triple P into client goals – tracked on the goal form
- Count when Triple P is discussed during intake
- Deliver part of Triple P at every visit (doesn’t record but knows that she does it)
- Write whatever Triple P is being done with families in day planner
- Completes Pre/Post assessments, parenting scales
- Intake forms (none are common for community)
- # of groups
- # of people attending/# of participants
- Chart on activity (NOD)
- Check off which Tip sheet used
- How/Where you heard on some forms
- Did track if the participants were connected to FCS but not anymore
- Referrals
- Triple P Café attendance, seminarattendance
- Level 3 activitieswith clients
- We use or agency sign in sheets, Triple P online survey data collection for all levels of Triple P
- Our agency does not collect data specific to Triple P. The TP programming offered to clients is recorded in each client’s individual electronic file, and is reported to Gwendy/Brent when requested.
- Number of individual sessions done with parents in home- done retrospectively when requests come from Counties
- How many groups are run a year and how many parents have engaged in groups.
- What Triple P Data do you not collect that you might be able to?Think about how you currently do your role within your agency.
- #delivered // during every visit
- Triple P during one-to-one sessions
- Actuals verses estimations
- Group Sessions of Triple P and not topic of focus so that it is easier to report on. Topic of focus may include Triple P activities but it is harder to keep track of that, but if they were just Triple p sessions it would be easier
- Has moved from delivering seminars to delivering one-to-one visits (not as easy to track)
- # of children impacted, # of children at home being cared for, # of children not in parental care
- Parenting Scales
- Transitions scales
- # of families
- # of co-parents attending (separately)
- # of Tip Sheets
- I do not have any suggestions
- At present, I am the only staff person within our agency that offers Triple P. Although I am not using it on an incredibly regular basis, I am able to collect any information needed when I do engage with clients for this purpose.
- Not sure there is much more to collect since Triple P philosophy and strategies embedded in other parenting teaching and coaching
- Assessment tools if someone else can do some scoring (it’s being considered at our agency as an AA role soon), How many parents engage in other Triple P Interventions (Standard, Primary, Enhanced)
- What challenges do you have collecting Triple P data? Think about how you currently do your role within your agency and how collecting data is difficult.
- Confusing with what is to be counted
- Not sure if just talking about service/program is something that should be counted
- Not consistent between workers within the same agency
- How do we count ‘messages’ of Triple P
- What are the boundaries with data (understanding what should/shouldn’t be counted)
- Data definitions
- Privacy issues with one-to-one data
- Not easy to get out of agency database
- What is counted, how many times
- New database – can it be counted easily in it? Adding a tick box?
- Doesn’t know where to put all of the information into the Triple P database (parenting scales)
- Triple P International is difficult to pull parenting scales from
- Roles identified and/or defined with Triple P – practioners have many different methods to provide support to clients that it isn’t just Triple P they are doing, so many things to pick from and isn’t their main job
- No plan for delivery of services or data collection
- Retraining needed on parenting scales (pre/post)
- Time
- Coordination of data between agencies (referrals, services)
- Forget to record on a paper copy
- Remembering to tally/keep track when Triple P resources/ideas are shared with participants
- I do not see it as an issue.
- Not offering the program on a regular basis limits the amount of data I am able to collect.
- Triple P not done in its pure format therefore not sure if should collect
- Not having the time or an organized way to collect data. Resentful of last minute requests to back date speculative data.
- What do you think would help to overcome those challenges?Think about what would make data collection easier for you in your role.
- Needs to be simple
- Short and easy to access
- 1 page
- Overcome multiple databases, instead of having to do 2 entries
- Data entry support???
- Special Needs Strategy – will that help with data collection of Triple P (Gold Care)
- Clear descriptions of what data is needed
- What is ……
- What does …… mean …..
- How do we report …….
- Tear off sheet (pad) of data sheets with all the information needed
- Reminders sent out asking for the stats – frequently
- Supervisors/managers need to be aware of time required to collect stats
- Define their individual roles with Triple P = expectation, what are they to focus on etc. (Supervisors/managers)
- Everyone uses the same data collection format
- No solution – our clients are often in times of transition and crisis; during which Triple P is not appropriate.
- If this is data relevant to the network, even though it is not done in a standardized way, could respond quarterly to an email requesting # contacts where Triple P teaching done
- A clear expectation of what’s needed, a quick way to input it, the suggestion of a sticky pad with boxes to complete for the details necessary to collect. This may be asking too much but an app where you click on some numbers as you go along with your work. Each agency needs to be behind this plan. Historically they were so clinicians won’t make it a priority if their boss doesn’t.
- What would you like the Triple P workgroup to know about data collection?
- Want to see the data back to understand the why, what etc.
- Provide stats monthly instead, hands on process
- Provide Triple P messaging to non-Triple P partners to lessen confusion (not data related)
- Overcome/work with the different delivery methods of Triple P to have more consistency between the deliveries
- How many families do you provide Triple P to? All of them
- The online is very easy to use and takes only a minute or so to complete
- Keep it simple and categories clear.
- I am happy to help within what is plausible for me to do with my time schedule and I completely understand the need for stats. That being said, I will resent the time and energy it will take me to contribute to this cause if other’s are held accountable to input CLEAR and ACURATE stats that are evidence based Triple P work (when asked) and possibly have a secondary area for “casual” Triple P work.