Biological IssuesBSC 1930
Name:Meg Delgato, Ph.D. Contact Phone Number: 727-341-4422
Elizabeth Sirna, M.D.
Expectation for Instructor follow up: 24 via email M-F; 48 hours weekends via email
Contact Information:;
Office Hours:Tuesdays before or after class (other times by appointment)
Office Location: BB209 (classroom)
Dean: Dr. John ChapinAcademic Chair: Mark Italia
Office Location: SeminoleOffice Location: LY
Office Number: LI 281Office Number:206
Required Texts: NONE
Required Materials: None
Course Location: BB209
Meeting Days & Times: Tuesdays3:00PM - 4:15PM
Learning modality: Blended
Course Dates: 08/17/2015 – 12/03/2015
Withdrawal Date:10/22/2015
Free Skate Topics [100 points each X 6]600 (60%)
Documentary Film Review150 (15%)
Group Project – Service Learning250(25%)
TOTAL: 1000
Free Skates: A Free Skate is equivalent to a 2-week unit of study centered on the specific themes that emerge from the topics of interest generated by you as a student in this course. Once the Free Skate themes are determined, your instructor will determine the activities and/or assessments (both inside and outside of class) that will make up the 100 points designated for the specific Free Skate. Students can expect a wide range of activities for grading that could include discussion posts, homework questions, summaries of research articles, in-class debates, mini-presentations. More details on the specific expectations in terms of how each Free Skate work will be accounted for and graded will be provided in class.
Documentary Film Review: Students will select a documentary on a topic related to biology to watch and review/critique. The specifics of the assignment are posted in your course content. Film selections must be approved prior to submittal of assignment. If your film has not been approved by one of the instructors, you can expect a 20% point reduction.
Group Project: Students will develop a service learning project to share information learned in the class with school and community members. The project will require a class-developed source list with annotations, an educational product (such as a fact sheet or brochure) and a reflection piece upon completion of the project. Hours of service will also be documented in Noble Hour.
Grade Determination:
Timely submission of Assignments: All assignmentsare due on the designated due date. After the due date, there will be percent reduction in grade based on the number of days late – typically 10% each day the work is late.
Overall final grades will be assigned according to the following scale:
A90-100900 - 1000
B80-89800 - 899
C70-79700 - 799
D60-69600 - 699
F<=59<= 599
The college-wide attendance policy is included in the Syllabus Addendum at
Regular class attendance is expected of all students. Successful completion of this course requires regular class attendance. If you miss a class, you are responsible for making up the material. Students who miss the first two weeks of class will be automatically withdrawn from the class. If you decide to no longer attend class or must withdraw for any reason, you are responsible for ALL paperwork to be completed and turned in by OCTOBER 22, 2015.
ACTIVE CLASS PARTICIPATION: Students who are not actively participating in class will be reported to administration on OCTOBER 22, 2015. Administration will automatically withdraw (WF) students for non-participation. Active class participation will be judged based on timely submission of at least 70% of assigned work AND attendance. A student who has submitted 70% or more of the assigned work (in a timely manner) and/or has NO MORE THAN 3 absences by that deadline will be considered to be actively participating; A student with less than 70% timely submission of material and/or more than 3 absences will be deemed “not actively participating” and assigned a grade of “WF” by Administration. Missing EITHER one counts as an absence.
The student survey of instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement.
Course Description:
This course is designed to allow the student an opportunity to investigate current biological issues of importance to society through lecture and discussion. Issues may include, but are not limited to, methods of science, ethical issues in science, biological impact of environmental change, genes and genomes, biodiversity and evolution, populations, ecology and conservation of species and natural habitats, sociobiology, reproductive strategies, and the biological basis of cancer, AIDS and other diseases. 47 contact hours.
Course Goals:
1.The student will apply the scientific method in defining, analyzing and solving problems throughout the course and in life situations.
- The student will identify, discuss and recognize the relevancy to humans and all other living organisms of selected biological issues related to genetics, environmental change and the biological nature of disease.
3.The student will identify and discuss selected biological issues related to organism diversity, ecological relationships, and evolution.
4.The student will analyze, formulate and participate in discussions related to selected biological issues.
Course Objectives:
1.The student will apply the scientific method in defining, analyzing and solving problems throughout the course and in life situations by:
a.understanding the terms (including dependent and independent variables) and premises involved in solving problems scientifically.
b.describing and presenting solutions regarding contemporary issues and problems using scientific methodology. These issues can include but are not limited to: genetics, fertility and the environment, biodiversity, conservation, medical technology and ethics.
2.The student will identify, discuss and recognize the relevancy to humans and all other living organisms of selected biological issues related to genetics, environmental change, and the biological nature of disease by:
a.describing and defining the causes of genetic diseases.
b.describing and explaining the significance of genomic sequencing and the ethical issues surrounding genetic engineering.
c.describing and explaining the biological basis of diseases not related to genetics, and the impacts these diseases have on society.
3.The student will identify and discuss selected biological issues related to organism diversity, ecological relationships, and evolution by:
a.recognizing natural systems, their components, and interrelationships.
b.describing the importance and value of natural ecosystems and the impact of organisms, including humans on these systems through destruction or alteration.
c.describing the importance of temporal changes in organisms and ecosystems.
- describing the importance of biological diversity and diverse communities.
e.explaining the importance of the interaction of human society and the natural environment including, but not limited to economics, social issues, and the establishment of a system of bioethics.
- The student will analyze, formulate and participate in discussions related to selected biological issues by:
- identifying the pertinent arguments concerning the given biological issue.
- presenting those arguments in cogent manner during group meetings of the class.
- Your participation in this class is critical for the learning process.
- You should treat the opinions of others with respect and tolerance.
- You should complete all assignments on time and with thoughtfulness.
- You should practice academic honesty in all your work. This includes working independently on ALL assignments unless you are told otherwise. All work you submit should be YOUR OWN. Unauthorized collaboration will result in a zero for the assignment, which cannot be dropped as your lowest grade.
- You should come to class on time and remain for the entire class.
- You should contact me promptly if there is a problem requiring my attention.
- Total availability to address any concerns or issues that may interfere with the learning process.
- That the class will be kept moving at a reasonable pace in order to satisfy the learning objectives.
- Thoughtful and critical responses to your written assignments to further enhance your complete understanding of the subject.
- Presentation of key elements within the assigned activities to help structure and organize your ability to learn the material.
- Fair and objective grading policies.
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the parameters set in this syllabus.
I understand that I must have continuous access to, and fluency with a computer and related software throughout the course.
I understand that it is my responsibility to complete all assignments in a timely manner and that my grade will suffer should my assignments not be completed by the deadlines. I will not expect time extensions for late assignments unless I have worked the details out with my instructor.
I promise that all work performed and submitted in this class will be my own. I understand that if any submitted assignment is determined not to be of my own work or if I am suspected of using prohibited resources while completing an assignment, then I will be subject to disciplinary measures as stated in the syllabus and the college catalog, including failing the class.
I understand that rudeness has no place in this course. I will communicate with others in a respectful, appropriate and polite manner. I also realize that failure to do so can result in my being withdrawn from the course.
I understand that excessive, unexcused absences will result in a withdrawal from the course.
Please send an email to me via your course that states: “I have read, understand, and agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and Academic Honesty Policies of the SPC ( )”