Kenneth Otter, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 475
Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
7/15 – Present Associate Professor, Master of Arts in Leadership, Saint Mary’s College of California, Moraga, California.
7/08—Present Co-director, The Leadership Center, Saint Mary’s College Moraga, California.
7/09 – 6/15 Director, Leadership Studies Programs, Saint Mary’s College Moraga, California.
1/08 – 4/12 Lecturer, Trans-Global Executive MBA Program, Saint Mary’s College, Moraga, California.
7/05 – 6/09 Program Director, Master of Arts in Leadership, Saint Mary’s College Moraga, California.
3/03 – 7/05 Program Co-director, Bachelor of Arts in Human and Community Services, Saint Mary’s College Moraga, California.
7/95 – 8/03 Adjunct Faculty, School of Consciousness and Transformation, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California.
9/94 - 6/97 Adjunct Faculty, Organization Development and Transformation Program, School for Transformative Learning, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California.
9/94 - 6/99 Adjunct Faculty, Bachelor Completion Program, School for Transformative Learning, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California.
4/92 - 6/99 Adjunct Faculty, John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, California.
9/93 – Present Core Faculty, Tamalpa Institute, Kentfield, CA
7/93 – 12/99 Core Faculty, Institute for Deep Ecology, Occidental, CA.
8/13 – Present Principal, Leadership Learning Designs, Point Reyes Station, California
9/85 – 7/2013 Human, Organizational and Leadership Development Consultant, San Francisco, California.
1/90 - 5/93 Individual, Group, and Family Counselor, Barr Professional Clinic, San Francisco and Sausalito, California
4/89 - 5/92 Group Counselor/Program Consultant, Teens Kick Off, San Francisco, California.
5/88 - 1/90 Clinical Staff Trainer, Forest Farm Chemical Dependency Treatment Center, Forest Knolls, California.
10/85 - 5/88 Individual, Group and Family Counselor, Forest Farm Chemical Dependency Treatment Center, Forest Knolls, California.
2013 Certificate, Executive and Organizational Coaching, Teacher’s College, Columbia University, NY.
2012 Doctor of Philosophy. Humanities, with a concentration in Transformative Learning and Change, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California.
2010 Certificate, The Art and Practice of Leadership Development, Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
2009 Certificate, Values Coaching. Values Technology, Inc. Santa Cruz, CA
2009 Certificate, Powers of Leadership, Whidbey Institute, Whidbey Island, Wash.
1998 Masters of Arts in Organizational Development and Transformation, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California.
1986 Completed 54 units toward Master of Arts in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling. International College, Los Angeles, California.
1986 Certificate in Somatic and Counseling Psychology, Tomales Psychotherapy Training Program. Tomales, California.
1984 Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts, with specialization in Movement Education, Anna Halprin, tutor. International College, Los Angeles, CA
1982 Certificate in Movement and Expressive Arts Education. Tamalpa Institute, Kentfield, California.
1981 Certificate in Massage Therapy and Holistic Health Studies. North American School of Natural Medicine, San Rafael, California.
2016 Paper Presentation: “Educating Managers-as-Coaches: the Role of Transformative Learning,” co-authored with Pauline Fatien Diochon. 2nd Annual Columbia University Coaching Conference, New York, NY.
2016 Paper Presentation: Ethical Dilemmas in Coaching: From Deviation to Transformation, co-authored with Pauline Fatien Diochon. 2nd Annual Columbia University Coaching Conference, New York, NY.
2016 Paper Presentation: “The Participatory Turn: Widening the Lens of Inquiry into Collective Leadership.” Methodological Challenges in Collective Leadership Research Conference. New York University, New York, NY.
2016 Case Study: “Putting Values to Work at KKT: Nourishment for a Positive Leadership Culture” (in press), co-authored with Tone Ringstad & Sigbjørn Smeland. In R. Koonce, P. Robinson & B. Vogel (Eds.) Developing leaders for positive organizing. Bingley, England: Emerald Publishing.
2016 Chapter Overview: “Navigating the terrain of positive organizing: An engagement with values.” In R. Koonce, P. Robinson & B. Vogel (Eds.) Developing leaders for positive organizing. Bingley, England: Emerald Publishing.
2015 Journal Article: “Wearing Multiple Hats? Challenges for Managers-as-Coaches and Their Organizations” co-authored with Pauline Fatien. International Leadership Journal, Fall 2015.
2015 Paper Presentation: “Widening the Lens of Leadership: Toward Advancing
Leadership Coaching as a Specialty. 8th Annual Coaching in Leadership and Healthcare, Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital. Boston, MA.
2014 Paper Presentation: “Widening the Lens of Leadership: Enhancing Leadership Literacy in Coaches,” 1st Annual Columbia University Coaching Conference, New York, NY.
2014 Pre-Conference Workshop: “Riding the Waves of Change: What Surfing Offers the Practice of Leadership,” 16th Annual International Leadership Association, San Diego, California
2013 Paper Presentation: Measuring Change in a Transformative Education Program
in Global Leadership: A Mixed Methods Study,” 15th Annual International Leadership Association Conference, Montreal, Canada.
2013 Paper Presentation: “Making a Difference: Transformative Learning in Relational Leadership Development” at 15th Annual International Leadership Association Conference, Montreal, Canada.
2013 Paper Presentation: “What Difference Does It Make? Transformative Learning and Relational Leadership Development” at 10th International Conference on Transformative Learning
2013 Article: Re-imagining Organizational Life and Leadership, published in Buddhism and Culture, Volume 1, 2013. Korea Buddhism Promotion Foundation.
2012 Paper Presentation (Refereed): “The Turn Toward Relationality: Incorporating a Participatory Paradigm in Leadership,” at the 14th Annual International Leadership Association Conference, Denver, Colorado.
2012 Doctoral Dissertation: “What Difference Does It Make? A Qualitative Inquiry into the Longer-term Outcomes of a Transformative Education in Relational Leadership.” Published August, 2012.
2011 Panel Presentation: “Applying ILA’s Guiding Questions,” at the 13th Annual International Leadership Association Conference, London, UK.
2011 Article: “Faculty Enacting Leadership: Seven Lessons in Developing a Leadership Program for Graduate Students,” published in Concept and Connections, A Publication for Leadership Educators, Volume 17, Issue 3.
2010 Article: Re-imagining leadership for the 21st century: Toward an ecology of values, ” co-authored with Elissa Perry published in Open Exchange, Spring Issue.
2010 Paper: Presentation: “Global Context for 21st Century Leadership” 12th Annual International Leadership Association Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
2009 Paper Presentation: “Global Leadership: A Perspective in Progress,”
International Conference in the Advancement of Management, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
2009 Paper Presentation, “Navigating the Sea of Complexity: Leadership
Development in the 21st Century, International Conference in the Advancement of Management, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
2008 Round Table Presentation: “Pathways to Global Leadership,” 10th Annual International Leadership Association Conference, Los Angeles, California
2006 Paper Presentation: “When Paradigms Clash: Practicing 21st Century Leadership in a Time of Transition,” 8th Annual International Leadership Association Conference, Chicago Illinois.
2006 Paper Presentation: “Systemic Consciousness and Leadership”
8th Annual International Leadership Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
2005 Paper Presentation: “Rendering the Invisible: Group Work and The Expressive Arts,” at the 6th Annual Conference of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association, San Francisco, California.
2003 Paper Presentation: “Until Death Do Us Part: Surfing and Adulthood,”
3rd Annual Groundswell Society Conference, Dana Point, California.
2002 Paper Presentation, “Recovering the Soul of Surfing: Leadership in a Time of Crisis,” 2nd Annual Groundswell Society Conference, Ventura California.
1998 Masters Thesis: “Widening the Knowledge Base: A Review of the Literature in
Small Group Dynamics for Facilitators of Learning Communities,” June 1998.
Sawako Suzuki, Ph.D.
809 54th Street
Oakland, CA 94608
Phone: 510 414 8575 [cell]
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Human Development and Education, December 2005
The Effects of Social Support on Mothers’ Parenting Self-Efficacy in Japan
Analyzed the ways in which childrearing support and criticism received from husband, parents, in-laws, and friends influence women’s parenting self-efficacy through its effects on parenting stress.
Susan D. Holloway (chair), Carolyn H. Hofstetter, Kaiping Peng
M.A. University of California, Berkeley
Human Development and Education, May 2001
A Critical Analysis of the Behavioristic Approach to Japanese Classrooms
Analyzed the perceived effectiveness of the Japanese educational methods and questioned the transferability of such methods to American classrooms, based on research findings in cultural psychology. Discussed the cultural contexts in which classroom practices are rooted.
Susan D. Holloway (chair), Kaiping Peng
B.A. DePaul University, Chicago
Psychology with honors (human development concentration), June 1999
Anger and fear facial expressions as coordinative motor structures in American, Japanese, and Chinese infants
Linda A. Camras (chair)
Saint Mary’s College of California, School of Education
Full Professor, July 2015 – present
Associate Professor, July 2010 – June 2015
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), July 2008 – June 2010
Adjunct Assistant Professor, July 2006 – June 2008
University of California, Berkeley, Graduate School of Education
Postdoctoral Researcher, February – August 2006
University of California, Berkeley, Graduate School of Education
Graduate Student Instructor/Researcher (part-time), 2000 – 2003
Children, Families, and Schools in Cultural Context
Cultural Context of Achievement-Related Beliefs
Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Educational and Developmental Research
Suzuki, S., Holloway, S. D., Kim, S., & Nagase, A. (under preparation). Validation of the Berkeley Parenting Self-Efficacy Scale-Revised (BPSE-R) for use with parents of young children.
Suzuki, S., Yamada, H., Holloway, S. D., & Yamamoto, Y. (under preparation). The effects of SES and perceived support on Japanese mothers’ development of parenting self-efficacy: An individual growth modeling.
Holloway, S. D., Campbell, E. J., Nagase, A., Kim, S., Suzuki, S., Wang, Q., Iwatate, K., Park, S. Y. (forthcoming). Parenting self-efficacy and parental involvement: Mediators or moderators between socioeconomic status and children’s academic competence in Japan and Korea? Special issue of Research in Human Development, Family context of academic socialization: The role of culture, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.
Yamamoto, Y., Holloway, S. D., & Suzuki, S. (forthcoming). Parental engagement in children’s education: Motivating factors in Japan and the US. School Community Journal.
Smith, J. G., & Suzuki, S. (2015). Embedded blended learning within an Algebra classroom: A screen-capture instructional technology experiment. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 31, 133-147. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12083
Suzuki, S., Holloway, S. D., Yamamoto, Y., & Behrens, K. Y. (2011). Perceived social support and parenting beliefs in Japan: A person-oriented approach. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(11), 62-76.
Suzuki, S. (2010). The effects of marital support, social network support, and parenting stress on parenting self-efficacy among Japanese mothers of young children. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 8, 40-66.
Holloway, S. D., Suzuki, S. & Yamamoto, Y. (2010). From kyôiku mama to monster parent: Changing images of Japanese mothers and their involvement in children’s schooling. Child Research Net website at
Holloway, S. D., Yamamoto, Y., & Suzuki, S. (2010). What is a good mother? Historical shifts, divergent models in urban Japan. In T. Thelen & H. Haukanes (Eds.). Parenting after the century of the child: Travelling ideals, institutional negotiations and individual responses (pp. 35-56). Farnham Surrey, UK: Ashgate.
Suzuki, S., Holloway, S. D., Yamamoto, Y., & Mindnich, J. D. (2009). Parenting self-efficacy and social support in Japan and the United States. Journal of Family Issues, 30, 1505-1526.
Proehl, R., & Suzuki, S. (2009). Transferring social justice initiatives into Lasallian schools. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 12, 457-474.
Yamamoto, Y., Holloway, S. D., & Suzuki, S. (2009). The dilemma of support: Parenting and mother-networks in Japan. Child Research Net website at
Holloway, S. D., Yamamoto, Y., Suzuki, S., & Mindnich, J. D. (2008, Spring). Determinants of parental involvement in early schooling: Evidence from Japan. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 10(1). Published online:
Holloway, S. D., Suzuki, S., Yamamoto, Y., & Mindnich, J. D. (2006). Relation of maternal role concepts to parenting, employment choices, and life satisfaction among Japanese women. Sex Roles, 54, 235-249.
Yamamoto, Y., Holloway, S. D., & Suzuki, S. (2006). Maternal involvement in preschool children’s education in Japan: Relation to parenting beliefs and socioeconomic status. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 21, 332-346.
Holloway, S. D., Suzuki, S., Yamamoto, Y., & Behrens, K. Y. (2005). Parenting self-efficacy among Japanese mothers. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 36, 61-76.
Holloway, S. D., Yamamoto, Y., & Suzuki, S. (2005). Exploring the gender gap: Women speak out about working and raising children in contemporary Japan. Child Research Net website at
Fuller, B., Holloway, S. D., Bozzi, L., Burr, E., Cohen, N., & Suzuki, S. (2003). Explaining local variability in child care quality: State funding and regulation in California. Early Education & Development, 14, 47-66.
Fuller, B., Holloway, S. D., Bozzi, L., Burr, E., Cohen, N., & Suzuki, S. (2001, August). Preschool and child-care quality in California neighborhoods: Policy success, remaining gaps. Working Paper Series 01-3. Policy Analysis for California Education.
Fuller, B., Chang, Y.-W., Suzuki, S., & Kagan, S. L. (2001, August). Child-care aid and quality for California families: Special focus on San Francisco and Santa Clara counties. Working Paper Series 01-2. Policy Analysis for California Education.
Sheu, C.-F., & Suzuki, S. (2001). Meta-analysis using linear mixed models. Journal of Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 33, 102-107.
Suzuki, S. (2000). Viewing from the inside out – Beyond the behavioristic approach to Japanese classrooms. Harvard Asia Quarterly, IV(4), 17-25.
Suzuki, S., & Sheu, C.-F. (1999, September). Using PROC MIXED in hierarchical linear models. MidWest SAS Users Group Conference, Conference Proceedings.
Nagase, A., Holloway, S. D., Suzuki, S., Kim, S., Iwatate, K., & Nishizaka, S. (2014, July). Beyond the parent-child dyad: Parents’ couple relationship, stress, and parenting competence in Japan and the US. Paper presented at the 22nd International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Reims, France.
Golz, N. S., & Suzuki, S. (2014, April). Library 2.0 and emerging communication technologies in community college libraries. Poster presented at the 2014 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Daoust, C., & Suzuki, S. (2014, March). Public Montessori elementary: Three models of implementation. Poster presented at the 2014 annual meeting of the American Montessori Society, Dallas, Texas.
Smith, J. G., & Suzuki, S. (2014, January). Hyper-blended learning using screen-capture instructional multimedia: A four-week experiment in Algebra II classrooms. Paper presented at the 2014 International Conference on Advanced Education and Management, Beijing, China.