No 27-8/2003- TE –II (ii)Dated:18th November, 2003
All Heads of BSNL Circles
All other Administrative Offices/ Metro Districts/
Telecom Projects/ Telecom Regions.
Sub: Multiplicity of cadres of Sr. TOA/ TOA - clarification regarding.
Consequent upon the formation of BSNL and subsequent absorption of Group C & D staff in Non-Executive category, a demand has been raised in National Council for merging of all the four streams of Sr. TOA into a common cadre of Sr. TOA (G) which could be utilized for performing any job of Sr. TOA on need basis. The matter was examined in consulation with the recognized union and it was observed that merger of the four streams of Sr. TOA cadre would not be desirable due to complications of merger mechanism, seniority issues etc. However, it also emerged that in view of the changed working scenario and the technological changes, continuance of multiple streams of Sr. TOA cadre with limited scope of duties, would not be desirable in the current context.
Accordingly, in light of the decision taken in the 2nd meeting of the National Council, held on 28-05-2003, approval of BSNL Board is hereby conveyed for the following:-
(a)Henceforth, the only live stream in the Sr. TOA cadre in BSNL will be Sr. TOA (G) and the officials of this cadre will be utilized to perform any of the duties of Sr. TOA as per the requirements for which, if necessary, suitable training will be imparted to these officials. Fitness of the official in performing a particular job will be the sole criteria for assigning duties and responsibilities.
(b)The cadres of Sr. TOA (P), Sr. TOA (TL) and Sr. TOA (TG) are declared as wasting cadres and there would not be any further induction in any of the streams of Sr. TOA (P)/ Sr. TOA (TL)/ Sr. TOA (TG) cadres except through absorption of waiting qualified and trained officials from their respective erstwhile pre- restructured cadres, if such absorption cases are still pending in any circle/ SSA. The existing posts occupied by the officials in these three restructured cadres will be personal to them and shall stand abolished once the officials vacate the post on account of retirement/ resignation/ promotion, etc.
(c) Since in the pre-restructured cadre of all four streams i.e. TOA (G), TOA (P), TOA (TG), TOA (TL), practically there has been no induction since almost 18 years except through certain compassionate ground appointments in TOA (G) cadre, it has therefore been decided to declare the cadres of TOA (P)/ TOA(G)/ TOA(TG)/TOA(TL) in BSNL as wasting cadres. There would, henceforth, be no induction in any of these pre-restructured cadres by any
(d)means including compassionate appointments. The existing posts occupied by the officials in these four pre-restructured cadres will be personal to them and shall stand abolished once the officials vacate the posts on account of retirement/ resignation/ promotion etc.
(e)Above orders will take effect from the date of issue.
(G.R. Meghwal)
Jt. D.D.G. (TE)
Regd. Office: Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110 001
Corporate Office: B-148, Statesman House, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi- 110 001