Fifth Curriculum Map – DRAFT
/ Trimester 1 / Trimester 2 / Trimester 3 /Science / Block A
Physical Science – GLE 1: Mixtures of matter can be separated regardless of how they were created; all weight and mass of the mixture are the same as the sum of weight and mass of its parts
[FOSS Mixtures and Solutions] / Block B
Life Science – GLE 1: All organisms have structures and systems with separate functions
Life Science – GLE 2: Human body systems have basic structures, functions, and needs / Block C
Earth Systems Science – GLE 1: Earth and Sun provide a diversity of renewable and non-renewable resources
Earth Systems Science – GLE 2: Earth’s surface changes constantly through a variety of processes and forces
[FOSS Landforms]
Literacy Integration / Speaking and Listening
1.1 Communicate effectively while expressing an opinion, sharing information, describing a process, or persuading an audience. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.1.d
1.2 Listen to other’s ideas, form own opinions, and engage effectively in collaborative discussions. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.2.a, 1.2.a.i, 1.2.a.ii, 1.2.a.iii, 1.2.b, 1.2.b.i, 1.2.c
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.c, 2.2.e, 2.2.f, 2.2.h, 2.2.l
2.3 Use a range of decoding and vocabulary learning strategies to acquire and use grade-appropriate conversational, general academic and content-specific words and phrases. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.3.a, 2.3.a.i, 2.3.b, 2.3.b.i,, 2.3.b.vii, 2.3.d
3.2 Use the recursive writing process to create informative/explanatory and opinion pieces for variety of audiences and purposes. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.2.a, 3.2.a.i, 3.2.a.ii, 3.2.a.iv, 3.2.b, 3.2.b.i, 3.2.b.v, 3.2.c, 3.2.d, 3.2.d.i, 3.2.e 3.2.f
4.1 Conduct and presents relevant research that summarizes or paraphrases different aspects of a topic. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 4.1.a, 4.1.b, 4.1.c.ii, 4.1.c.iii
4.2 Support own analysis, reflection, and research by using evidence from texts and logical reasoning. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 4.2.a,, 4.2.a.vii, 4.2.c / Speaking and Listening
1.1 Communicate effectively while expressing an opinion, sharing information, describing a process, or persuading an audience. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.1.a, 1.1.a.i, 1.1.b, 1.1.c, 1.1.d, 1.1.d.i, 1.1.e
1.2 Listen to other’s ideas, form own opinions, and engage effectively in collaborative discussions. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.2.a, 1.2.a.i, 1.2.a.ii, 1.2.a.iii, 1.2.a.iv, 1.2.b, 1.2.b.i, 1.2.c
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.c, 2.2.e, 2.2.f, 2.2.g, 2.2.h, 2.2.i, 2.2.j, 2.2.k, 2.2.l
2.3 Use a range of decoding and vocabulary learning strategies to acquire and use grade-appropriate conversational, general academic and content-specific words and phrases. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.3.a, 2.3.a.i, 2.3.b, 2.3.b.i, 2.3.b.ii, 2.3.b.v,, 2.3.b.vii, 2.3.c, 2.3.c.i , 2.3.c.ii, 2.3.c.iii, 3.2.d
3.2 Use the recursive writing process to create informative/explanatory and opinion pieces for variety of audiences and purposes. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.2.a, 3.2.a.i, 3.2.a.ii, 3.2.a.iii, 3.2.a.iv, 3.2.b, 3.2.b.i, 3.2.b.ii, 3.2.b.iv, 3.2.b.v, 3.2.c, 3.2.d, 3.2.e, 3.2.f
4.1 Conduct and presents relevant research that summarizes or paraphrases different aspects of a topic. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 4.1.a, 4.1.b, 4.1.c.i, 4.1.c.ii, 4.1.c.iii, 4.1.c.iv
4.2 Support own analysis, reflection, and research by using evidence from texts and logical reasoning. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 4.2.a, 4.2.a.i, 4.2.a.iii, 4.2.a.iv, 4.2.a.vii, 4.2.c, 4.2.d, 4.2.e / Speaking and Listening
1.1 Communicate effectively while expressing an opinion, sharing information, describing a process, or persuading an audience. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.1.b, 1.1.c, 1.1.d, 1.1.d.ii, 1.1.e
1.2 Listen to other’s ideas, form own opinions, and engage effectively in collaborative discussions. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 1.2.a, 1.2.a.i, 1.2.a.ii, 1.2.a.iii, 1.2.a.iv, 1.2.c
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2c, 2.2.d, 2.2.e, 2.2.f, 2.2.g, 2.2.h, 2.2.i, 2.2.j, 2.2.k, 2.2.l
2.3 Use a range of decoding and vocabulary learning strategies to acquire and use grade-appropriate conversational, general academic and content-specific words and phrases. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.3.a, 2.3.a.i, 2.3.b, 2.3.b.i, 2.3.b.iii, 2.3.b.iv, 2.3.b.v, 2.3.c, 2.3.c.iii, 2.3.d
3.2 Use the recursive writing process to create informative/explanatory and opinion pieces for variety of audiences and purposes. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.2.a, 3.2.a.iii, 3.2.b, 3.2.b.ii, 3.2.b.iii, 3.2.b.iv, 3.2.b.v, 3.2.c, 3.2.d, 3.2.e, 3.2.f
4.1 Conduct and presents relevant research that summarizes or paraphrases different aspects of a topic. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 4.1.a, 4.1.b, 4.1.c.i, 4.1.c.ii, 4.1.c.iii, 4.1.c.iv, 4.1.c.v
4.2 Support own analysis, reflection, and research by using evidence from texts and logical reasoning. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 4.2.a, 4.2.a.i, 4.2.a.ii, 4.2.a.iii, 4.2.a.iv, 4.2.a.v,, 4.2.a.vii, 4.2.c, 4.2.e
Social Studies / Age of Exploration (1491-1607)
Colonization (1607-1774)
History 1.1
Analyze historical sources from multiple points of view to develop an understanding of historical context
History 1.2
The historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas, and themes in North America from 1491 through the founding of the United States government
Geography 2.1
Use various geographic tools and sources to answer questions about the geography of the United States
Geography 2.2
Causes and consequences of movement Civics 4.1
The foundations of citizenship in the United States / American Revolution (1765-1783)
Constitution (1787-1789)
History 1.1
Analyze historical sources from multiple points of view to develop an understanding of historical context
History 1.2
The historical eras, individuals, groups, ideas, and themes in North America from 1491 through the founding of the United States government
Geography 2.2
Causes and consequences of movement
Civics 4.1
The foundations of citizenship in the United States
Civics 4.2
The origins, structure, and functions of the United States government / Economics
Economics 3.1
Government and market structures influence financial institutions
Economics 3.2
Use of financial institutions to manage personal finances (PFL)
Civics 4.2
The origins, structure, and functions of the United States government
Literacy Skill Development / Reading
2.1 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading literature. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.1.a, 2.1.d, 2.1.e, 2.1.j, 2.1.n
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.c, 2.2.e, 2.2.f, 2.2.h, 2.2.l
2.3 Use a range of decoding and vocabulary learning strategies to acquire and use grade-appropriate conversational, general academic and content-specific words and phrases. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.3.a, 2.3.a.i, 2.3.b, 2.3.b.i,, 2.3.b.vii, 2.3.d
2.4 Read fluently, varying expression, with sufficient accuracy to support comprehension. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.4.a, 2.4.a.i, 2.4.a.iii
3.1 Use the recursive writing process to create narratives and poems for intended audiences and purposes. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.1.a, 3.1.a.i, 3.1.a.ii, 3.1.a.iii, 3.1.a.iv, 3.1.a.v,, 3.1.c, 3.1.d, 3.1.d.i, 3.1.e. 3.1.f,
3.2 Use the recursive writing process to create informative/explanatory and opinion pieces for variety of audiences and purposes. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.2.a, 3.2.a.i, 3.2.a.ii, 3.2.a.iv, 3.2.b, 3.2.b.i, 3.2.b.v, 3.2.c, 3.2.d, 3.2.d.i, 3.2.e 3.2.f
3.3 Apply conventions of standard English grammar and usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling consistently. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.3.a, 3.3.a.iii, 3.3.b, 3.3.b.i, 3.3.b.v / Reading
2.1 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading literature. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.1.a, 2.1.c, 2.1.d, 2.1.e, 2.1.f, 2.1.j, 2.1.l, 2.1.m, 2.1.n
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2.b, 2.2.c, 2.2.e, 2.2.f, 2.2.g, 2.2.h, 2.2.i, 2.2.j, 2.2.k, 2.2.l
2.3 Use a range of decoding and vocabulary learning strategies to acquire and use grade-appropriate conversational, general academic and content-specific words and phrases. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.3.a, 2.3.a.i, 2.3.b, 2.3.b.i, 2.3.b.ii, 2.3.b.v,, 2.3.b.vii, 2.3.c, 2.3.c.i , 2.3.c.ii, 2.3.c.iii, 3.2.d
2.4 Read fluently, varying expression, with sufficient accuracy to support comprehension. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.4.a, 2.4.a.i, 2.4.a.ii, 2.4.a.iii
3.1 Use the recursive writing process to create narratives and poems for intended audiences and purposes. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.1.a, 3.1.a.iv, 3.1.a.v, 3.1.c, 3.1.d, 3.1.f
3.2 Use the recursive writing process to create informative/explanatory and opinion pieces for variety of audiences and purposes. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.2.a, 3.2.a.i, 3.2.a.ii, 3.2.a.iii, 3.2.a.iv, 3.2.b, 3.2.b.i, 3.2.b.ii, 3.2.b.iv, 3.2.b.v, 3.2.c, 3.2.d, 3.2.e, 3.2.f
3.3 Apply conventions of standard English grammar and usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling consistently. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.3.a, 3.3.a.ii, 3.3.a.iii, 3.3.a.iv, 3.3.b, 3.3.b.ii, 3.3.b.iii, 3.3.b.v / Reading
2.1 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading literature. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.1.a, 2.1.b, 2.1.c, 2.1.d, 2.1.e, 2.1.g, 2.1.h, 2.1.i, 2.1.j, 2.1.k, 2.1.m, 2.1.n
2.2 Use a range of strategies efficiently to construct meaning while reading informational texts. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.2.a, 2.2c, 2.2.d, 2.2.e, 2.2.f, 2.2.g, 2.2.h, 2.2.i, 2.2.j, 2.2.k, 2.2.l
2.3 Use a range of decoding and vocabulary learning strategies to acquire and use grade-appropriate conversational, general academic and content-specific words and phrases. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.3.a, 2.3.a.i, 2.3.b, 2.3.b.i, 2.3.b.iii, 2.3.b.iv, 2.3.b.v, 2.3.c, 2.3.c.iii, 2.3.d
2.4 Read fluently, varying expression, with sufficient accuracy to support comprehension. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 2.4.a, 2.4.a.i, 2.4.a.iii
3.1 Use the recursive writing process to create narratives and poems for intended audiences and purposes. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.1.a, 3.1.b 3.1.c, 3.1.d, 3.1.f
3.2 Use the recursive writing process to create informative/explanatory and opinion pieces for variety of audiences and purposes. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.2.a, 3.2.a.iii, 3.2.b, 3.2.b.ii, 3.2.b.iii, 3.2.b.iv, 3.2.b.v, 3.2.c, 3.2.d, 3.2.e, 3.2.f
3.3 Apply conventions of standard English grammar and usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling consistently. Sample Evidence Outcomes: 3.3.a, 3.3.a.i, 3.3.a.ii, 3.3.a.v, 3.3.b, 3.3.b.ii, 3.3.b.iv, 3.3.b.v
Mathematics / Number Sense – GLE 1: 1.1 The decimal number system describes place value patterns and relationships that are repeated in large and small numbers and forms the foundation for efficient algorithms. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 1.1a, 1.1b, 1.1c, 1.1d
Number Sense – GLE 2: Formulate, represent, and use algorithms with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals with flexibility, accuracy, and efficiency. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 1.2a, 1.2b, 1.2d
Number Sense – GLE 4: The concepts of multiplication and division can be applied to multiply and divide fractions. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 1.4e, 1.4f / Patterns, Functions and Algebra – GLE 1: Number patterns are based on operations and relationships. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 2.1 a, 2.1b, 2.1c, 2.1d, 2.1e, 2.1f
Number Sense – GLE 2: Formulate, represent, and use algorithms with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals with flexibility, accuracy, and efficiency. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 1.2c
Number Sense – GLE 3: Formulate, represent, and use algorithms to add and subtract fractions with flexibility, accuracy, and efficiency. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 1.3a
Number Sense – GLE 4: The concepts of multiplication and division can be applied to multiply and divide fractions. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 1.4a, 1.4b, 1.4c, 1.4d, 1.4e, 1.4f, 1.4g, 1.4h / Shape, Dimension and Geometry – GLE 1: Properties of multiplication and addition provide the foundation for volume an attribute of solids. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 4.1a, 4.1b
Shape, Dimension and Geometry – GLE 2: Geometric figures can be described by their attributes and specific locations in the plane. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 4.2a, 4.2b, 4.2c
Number Sense – GLE 4: The concepts of multiplication and division can be applied to multiply and divide fractions. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 1.4d
Data, Statistics and Probability – GLE 1: Visual displays are used to interpret data. Example: Evidence Outcomes: 3.1a, 3.1a.i, 3.1.a.ii
Prevention and Risk Management -GLE 2:
Demonstrate pro-social behaviors that reduce the likelihood of physical fighting, violence, and bullying / HEALTH
Physical and Personal Wellness - GLE 1:
Demonstrate the ability to engage in healthy eating behaviors:
Physical and Personal Wellness - GLE 4:
Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills needed to discuss personal health problems to establish and maintain personal health and wellness
Physical and Personal Wellness - GLE 5:
Comprehend concepts, and identify strategies to prevent the transmission of disease
Emotional and Social Wellness – GLE 1:
Analyze internal and external factors that influence mental and emotional health
Prevention and Risk Management - GLE 1:
Access valid information about the effects of tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke, prescription, and over-the-counter drugs
Prevention and Risk Management - GLE 3:
Demonstrate basic first aid and safety procedures / HUMAN GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT
Physical and Personal Wellness - GLE 2:
Explain the structure, function, and major parts of the human reproductive system
Physical and Personal Wellness - GLE 3:
Describe the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur at puberty