1000 Sermon Outlines
Volume Nine
Straight Things
"They Went Every One Straight Forward" Ezek. 1:12
The late Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, on his deathbed, said to an old friend: "If people should say of me that I tried always to go straight, there is perhaps no credit to me in that. It may have been mere indolence. The straight road always seemed to me the easiest."
To be straight, and go straight, is the soul and essence of a righteous life. We do well to see we have—
1. Straight feet in the walk of life, like the Cherubim—Ezek. 1:9, 12, 23.
2. Straight action in dealing with others, for this proves, that we are taught by grace—Titus 2:12.
3. Straight conduct in life, like Job the perfect—Job 1:8.
4. Straight dealing with others when tempted to do wrong like Joseph—Gen. 39:8, 9.
5. Straight life in business, like Daniel the faultless—Dan. 6:2-4.
6. Straight witness in testimony, like Elijah, in dealing with Ahab—1 Kings 18:18.
7. Straight work in the Lord's service, like Nehemiah—Neh. 4:6.
802. "Straight"
1. A Prayer. "Make Thy way straight before my face" (Psa. 5:8).
2. A Command. "Make straight in the desert a highway for our God" (Isa. 40:4).
3. A Prophecy. "The crooked shall be made straight" (Isa. 40:4).
4. A Promise. "I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight" (Isa. 45:2).
5. An Illustration. "The kine took the straight way" (1 Sam. 6:12).
6. A Direction. "Let thine eyelids look straight before thee" (Prov. 4:25).
7. An Example. "Straight feet" and "straight wings" (Ezek. 1:7, 23).
803. "Stripped"
1. The Devil's Work. "Which stripped Him" (Luke 10:30).
2. The World's Mockery. "They stripped Him" (Matt. 27:28).
3. The People's Humiliation. "Children of Israel stripped themselves" (Exod. 33:6).
4. The Friend's Action. "Jonathan stripped himself of the robe," etc. (1 Sam. 18:4).
5. The Enemy's Defeat, "And stripped off his armour" (1 Samuel 31:9).
6. The Saint's Humbling. "He hath stripped me of my glory" (Job. 19:9).
7. The Lord's Warning. "Lest I strip her," etc. (Hosea 2:3).
804. "Strong"
"The Lord Is Strong and Mighty" (Psa. 24:8)
What the Lord is to His people as the Strong One.
1. "A Strong Rock" for defense to save (Psa. 31:2, 3).
2. "A StrongTower" to protect from "the enemy" (Psa. 61:3).
3. "A Strong Habitation" to home for comfort and protection (Psa. 71:3).
4. "A Strong Refuge" to preserve from all ills (Psa. 71:7).
5. "A Strong Lord" in the might of His ability to shield all about us (Psa. 89:8).
6. "A Strong Hand" to gain the victory over every opposing force (Psa. 136:12).
7. "A StrongTower" is found in the Name of Jehovah to meet every emergency (Prov. 18:10).
805. "Strong" Things
1. Abraham was "strong in faith," because he believed what Jehovah said (Rom. 4:20).
2. Christ in the extremity of His need poured out His soul in prayer in "strong crying and tears" (Heb. 5:7).
3. The "strong meat" of God's Word is not for babes, but for those who are fully grown in grace and faith (Heb. 5:12, 14).
4. "Strong consolation" is found by those who rest in God's faithful Word and oath (Heb. 6:18).
5. Those who are weak in themselves find they are "strong" in God's grace (2 Cor. 12:10).
6. Those who are "strong in the Lord" have the ability to put on the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:10).
7. To be "made strong" through the ability of the Lord is to find ourselves capable in His power (Acts 3:16; 2 Tim. 2:1).
806. "Such"
The distinctiveness of designated ones and things.
1. "Such a voice" of appreciation was heard on the Mount of Transfiguration when the Father commended the Son (2 Peter 1:17).
2. "Such a High Priest" we have as described as being "holy, harmless, and undefiled" (Heb. 7:25, 26).
3. "Such power" was made manifest in Christ, that the people were bound to acknowledge it (Matt. 9:8).
4. "Such things" as are produced by wicked men are "worthy of death" (Rom. 1:32).
5. "Such as have need of milk" are those who are undeveloped in the spiritual life (Heb. 5:12).
6. "Such sacrifices" as doing good to others are evidences of grace, and bring glory to God (Heb. 13:16).
7. "Such things as we have," when enjoyed with contentment are always a means of grace (Heb. 13:5).
807. "Suddenly"
God is never before time, nor after, but He oftentimes acts suddenly.
1. A Sudden Revival. Cleansing and consecration characterized the revival in the time of Hezekiah, and of that revival it is said, "The thing was done suddenly" (2 Chron. 29:36).
2. A Sudden Arrival. When Christ was born in Bethlehem, and the angel announced the event, "suddenly a multitude of the heavenly host" was seen with the angel "praising God" (Luke 2:13).
3. A Sudden Conversion. When Saul of Tarsus was on his way to Damascus, "suddenly" there "shined round about him, a light from Heaven" (Acts 9:3, 4).
4. A Sudden Release. When Paul and Silas were imprisoned in Philippi, "suddenly there was a great earthquake, and every one's bands were loosed" (Acts 16:25, 26).
5. A Sudden Blessing. "And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven... and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit" (Acts 2:2, 4).
6. A Sudden Return. Our Lord's command is to watch for His Coming, "lest coming suddenly He find us sleeping" (Mark 13:35, 36).
7. A Solemn Warning. The sinner who is often "reproved and hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy" (Prov. 29:1).
808. Suppositions
"They Supposed" Acts 21:29
Nine-tenths of surmisings about others are born of suppositions, and the other tenth comes from prejudice.
1. The disciples supposed Christ was a ghost, but it was Himself—Mark 6:49.
2. Christ was supposed to be the son of Joseph—Luke 3:23.
3. Christ's parents supposed He was with them—Luke 2:44.
4. Mary supposed Christ was the gardener—John 20:15.
5. The jailer supposed the prisoners had fled—Acts 16:27. But they were all wrong.
809. "Sure Things"
1. A Sure Revelation in God's Word. "The sure word of prophecy" (2 Peter 1:19).
2. A Sure Promise to Faith. "Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end that the promise might be sure to all" (Rom. 4:16).
3. A Sure Election and Calling by adding to faith what the Lord enjoins. "Make your calling and election sure" (2 Peter 1:10).
4. A Sure Confidence. "Our confidence stedfast unto the end" (Heb. 3:14). The word "steadfast" is the same as "sure" in the above Scriptures.
5. A Sure Anchor of Hope. "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast" (Heb. 6:19).
6. A Sure Hold. "Hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end" (Heb. 3:6).
7. A Sure Trust. "Our hope (trust) of you is steadfast" (2 Cor. 1:7).
The words in italics are one and the same in the original.
810. Surprises
Of Certain Persons
1. Balaam was surprised to hear the ass speak—Num. 22:28.
2. Jonah was surprised to find lodgings in the belly of the sea monster—Jonah 1:17.
3. Nathanael was surprised to hear that the Lord had seen him under the fig tree—John 1:48.
4. Zacchaeus nearly tumbled off his perch when the Lord told him to come down from the sycamore tree—Luke 19:5.
5. Ahab exclaimed, when Elijah confronted him: "Hast thou found me, O mine enemy?" (1 Kings 21:20).
6. Gehazi was surprised to find Elisha knew the covetousness of his heart—2 Kings 5:20-27.
7. Hazael was surprised when the prophet revealed to him the wickedness of his purpose to oust his master as king—2 Kings 8:7-15.
811. Swallowed Up!
The word katapino means to swallow up, rendered "Drowned" and "Devour" under points 5 and 6.
1. An Over Nice Critic. "Swallow a camel" (Matt. 23:24).
2. A Defunct Enemy. "Death is swallowed up in victory" (1 Cor. 15:54).
3. A Discouraged Believer. "Swallowed up with overmuch sorrow" (2 Cor. 2:7).
4. A Mortal Immortalized. "Swallowed up of life" (2 Cor. 5:4).
5. A Defeated Foe. "Assaying to do were drowned" (Heb. 11:29).
6. A Purposeful Adversary. "Seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8).
7. An Inanimate Helper. "Swallowed up the flood" (Rev. 12:16).
812. "Take Heed to the Sure Word of Prophecy"
1. Because of what it is. Jehovah says it is "My Word" (Isa. 55:11). It is His Word because He is its Author, because it reveals Himself through it, and it is His message to us.
2. Because of what it promises. "I will hasten My Word to perform it" (Jer. 1:12; 29:10). His promises are checks payable to bearer, cashed by faith, and enjoyed in communion with Himself.
3. Because of what it does. "Is not My Word like as a fire?" (Jer. 23:28, 29). As fire burns and warms, so the Lord's Word warms the heart of the saint to his blessing, and scorches the sinner to his undoing.
4. Because of what it commands. "Walk in My statutes, execute My judgments, and keep all My commandments" (1 Kings 6:11, 12). Mark the "If" of command, coupled with the promise, "I will perform My Word." Precepts obeyed secure pledges given.
5. Because of what it reveals. "He that heareth My Word" (John 5:24). This great verse reveals God's love in sending Christ; life is given to those who believe on Christ, the believer is passed out of death into life, those who have life "shall not come into condemnation," and are assured by Christ of their personal safety.
6. Because of what it contains. Christ again and again speaks of the message He brings as "My Word" (John 5:24; 8:31, 37, 43; Rev. 3:8, 10). This specific covers all He said as "The Word."
7. Because of what His Words impart. Ponder the following passages where Christ speaks of "My Words," and it will be found by means of them, He gives reliability—Matt. 24:35; life—John 6:63; salvation—John 12:47, 48; revelation—John 14:10; His presence—John 14:23; and promise of answered prayer—John 15:7.
"Believe His words,
His words are life and beauty,
His words command thy duty,
Believe His words."
813. Tears
1. The Tears of Faith. "Said with tears, Lord, I believe" (Mark 9:24).
2. The Tears of Humility. "Began to wash His feet with tears" (Luke 7:38).
3. The Tears of Service. "Serving the Lord with all humility and many tears" (Acts 20:19).
4. The Tears of Admonition. "Cease not to admonish every one night and day with tears" (Acts 20:31, R.V.).
5. The Tears of Concern. "Out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote unto you with many tears" (2 Cor. 2:4).
6. The Tears of Sympathy. "Remembering thy tears" (2 Tim. 1:4, R.V.).
7. The Tears of Earnest Supplication. "Supplications with strong crying and tears" (Heb. 5:7).
8. The Tears of Disappointment. "Though he sought it carefully with tears" (Heb. 12:17).
814. "Tell Me"
1. A Commissioner's Request. "Tell me, I pray thee?" (Gen. 24:23).
2. A Conquered One's Plea. "Tell me, I pray thee thy name?" (Gen. 32:29).
3. A Leader's Demand. "Tell me what thou hast done?" (Joshua 7:19).
4. A Temptress' Question. "Tell me, I pray thee?" (Judges 16:6, 10, 13).
5. A Prophet's Inquiry. "Tell me what thou hast in the house" (2 Kings 4:2).
6. A Master's Invitation. "Tell me what thy wages shall be?" (Gen. 29:15).
7. A Lover's Prayer. "Tell me, O Thou whom my soul lovest, where Thou feedest?" (Cant. 1:7).
815. "Temptation"
1. Falling through Temptation—Psa. 95:8; Heb. 3:8; Luke 8:13. God's testings are for our tempering, and not for our tripping.
2. Praying against Temptation—Matt. 6:13; 26:41. God never leads us to sin in His tryings, but He does test that we may triumph—James 1:13, 14.
3. Enduring in Temptation—Luke 4:13; James 1:12; Luke 22:28. To stand the strain and the pain shows there is metal and material in us.
4. Delivered from Temptation—Rev. 3:10. He keeps out of the crucible sometimes, and certainly keeps the temper under control.
5. Succor in Temptation—1 Cor. 10:13; Heb. 2:18; 4:15. Satan may hedge us in, but he cannot roof us in.
6. Taken out of Temptation—2 Peter 2:9. His eye is watching, His heart is loving, and his hand is ready to rescue.
7. Christ our Example in Temptation—Luke 4:2, etc. Led by the Spirit, and equipped by His Word and armor, we are, trusting in the Lord, victors.
816. Ten Links in Genesis 1
Ten times in Genesis 1 the words "God said" occur.
1. Illumination. "God said, Let there be light" (v. 3).
2. Separation. "God said, Let there be a firmament" (v. 6).
3. Manifestation. "God said... Let the dry land appear" (v. 9).
4. Production. "God said, Let the earth bring forth grass" (v. 11).
5. Indication. "God said, Let there be lights... to divide the day from the night" (v. 14).
6. Multiplication. "God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly" (v. 20).
7. Reproduction. "God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creatures after his kind" (v. 24).
8. Identification. "God said, Let us make man in our image" (v. 26).
9. Benediction. "God blessed them, and God said... Be fruitful and multiply" (v. 28).
10. Satisfaction. "God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed... to you it shall be for meat" (v. 29).
817. Tests
"He That Judgeth (Testeth) Me Is the Lord" 1 Cor. 4:4
There is in the Mint a marvelously delicate machine for assaying the weight of gold. Sovereigns are made to pass through a tube, and when they come to the end, the machine acts so that those which are overweight are thrown to the right, and those under weight are thrown to the left. Only those of exact weight are allowed to pass on.
There are several things which will be tested at the judgment-seat of Christ.
1. The "hidden things" of the inner life will be made to stand out in the light (1 Cor. 4:5).
2. The "counsels," or the purposes of "the heart," will be manifest as they were known (1 Cor. 4:5).
3. The "work" of the Christian worker will be revealed as to its "sort" (1 Cor. 3:3).
4. The character of the material used in the Lord's service will be revealed—1 Cor. 13:11-13.
5. Any work that will not stand the test of the revealing fire will be "burnt up" (1 Cor. 3:15).
6. Our motives will be examined and scrutinized as to their purity—2 Cor. 5:9, 10.
7. Reward will be given to those who have faithfully served their Lord—Luke 19:16-19.
818. Tests to Try Spirits
There are seven tests in 1 John 4, that are useful to test any impression, spirit, or doctrine.
1. Does it confess the true humanity of Jesus Christ?—v. 2, 3.
2. Does it confess the true Divinity of Jesus Christ?—v. 9, 15.
3. Does it confess the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ?—v. 10, 14.
4. Does it tend to worldliness, and to a love of the outward?—v. 4, 5.
5. Do the deeply spiritually-minded agree with it?—v. 6.
6. Does it witness to the spirit of Divine love?—v. 7, 8.
7. Does it accord with the teaching of God's Holy Spirit? —v. 13. The teaching of the Holy Spirit is found in the hearts of believers and in the Scriptures which He has inspired. The first of these has been mentioned under test five. We ask, secondly: Does it accord with the Holy Scriptures? Not with one text, but with the combined teaching of God's Word?
819. "That Day" in Zechariah 14
The Day of the Millennium.
1. Arrival. "The day of the Lord cometh" (v. 1).
2. Advent. "His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives" (v. 4).
3. Phenomenon. "In that day the light shall not be clear nor dark" (v. 6, 7).
4. Living Waters. "In that day living waters shall go out from Jerusalem" (v. 8).
5. Autocracy. "In that day there shall be one Lord" (v. 9).
6. Conflict. "In that day, a great tumult" (v. 13-15).
7. Holiness. "In that day there shall be upon the bells of the horses, holiness unto the Lord" (v. 20).
8. Separation. "In that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord" (v. 21).
820. The Christ Mind
1. A Right Mind through Christ. "In his right mind" (Mark 5:15).
2. A Ready Mind to Believe in Christ. "Received the Word with all readiness of mind" (Acts 17:11).
3. A United Mind in the Love of Christ. Joined together in the same mind—1 Cor. 1:10.
4. A Lowly Mind in the Humble Christ. "Lowliness of mind... This mind" (Phil. 2:3, 5).
5. A Steady Mind in the Word of Christ. "Be not soon shaken in mind" (2 Thess. 2:2).
6. A Girded Mind in the Truth of Christ. "Gird up the loins of your mind" (1 Peter 1:13).
7. A Sound Mind in the Spirit of Christ. "Spirit... of a sound mind" (2 Tim. 1:7).
821. "The Church of the Future"
According to the teaching of the Holy Spirit, the professing Church (that is, Christendom, not the spiritual body of Christ) will be a degenerate Church.
1. She will mix with the meal of God's Word the leaven of Rationalism—Matt. 16:6, as described by Christ in the parable of the leaven—Matt. 13:33.
2. She will admit into her community the bad company of the evil one—Matt. 13:4, 19, 32.
3. She will depart from the faith and simplicity of the Gospel—1 Tim. 4:1.
4. She will scoff at the truth of the Lord's return—2 Peter 3:2-4.
5. She will have a form of godliness, and know nothing of its power—2 Tim. 3:5.
6. She will be nauseous to the Lord, because of her lukewarm condition—Rev. 3:15-17.
7. She will be supported by the world, as depicted by the woman sitting on the scarlet beast—Rev. 17:3; and her end will be the lake of fire—Rev. 18:8.
822. "The Eight Spots of God's Children"
The spots are:
1. Faith—Galatians 3:14.
2. Life—John 1:12, 13.
3. Assurance—Romans 8:16.
4. Leading—Romans 8:14.
5. Obedience—2 Corinthians 6:15-18.
6. Persecution—1 John 3:1.
7. Love—Ephesians 5:1, 2.
8. Victory—Revelation 21:7.
823. The Faith
1. Miracle of Christ's Incarnation—Luke 1:35; 1 Tim. 3:16; Heb. 2:9-14.
2. Majesty of His Deity—Heb. 1:3; Rom. 1.4; Luke 8:28; Matt. 27:54.
3. Music of His Life—Acts 10:38; John 20:30, 31; Acts 2:22.
4. Manifoldness of His Atonement—Matt. 20:28; 26:28; Rom. 3:24, 25.
5. Might of His Resurrection—Eph 1:19, 20; Rom. 8:11; 1 Cor. 15:20-25.
6. Meetness of His Priesthood—Heb. vii; 8:1-5; Rom. 8:27, 34.
7. Manifestation of His Glory—Col. 3:4; Phil. 3:20, 21; 1 John 3:2.
"The Faith" is the truth of the Gospel. It is important to distinguish between "The Faith," and Faith. Faith is the act of believing, "The Faith" is what we believe.
824. "The Faith of Our Fathers"
"Contend for the Faith" Jude 3
At a Church Congress in Plymouth, the Mayor stated: "If we want to maintain England and this great Empire in the future, we can only do so as we bring up our children in the faith of our fathers."
"The Faith" is that upon which our fathers lived—namely, the truth of the Word of God, which may be briefly summarized as follows:
1. God in the Livingness of His Personality—1 Tim. 4:10.
2. Christ in the Saviorhood of His Deity—Matt. 16:16.
3. The Atonement of our Lord in His Substitutionary Sacrifice—Matt. 20:28.
4. The Holy Spirit in the Power of His Sanctity—1 Peter 1:2; 2 Thess. 2:13.