Members Core curriculum group
Cadja Bachmann (Germany)
Profession:Medical Doctor, GP. Research assistant and medical teacher at the Institute of Primary Medical Care, Medical Faculty, University of Hamburg. Head of `Competency Centre for Simulated Patients´ at the medical faculty of HamburgUniversity. Examiner for state examinations, assessment in undergraduate medical education. Co-chair of the German committee “Communication and social competencies in medical education“, German Association of Medical Education.
University / organisation: Department of Primary Medical Care, Center of psychosocial MedicineUniversity Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Martinistr.52, 20246 Hamburg, Germany
Field of expertise: simulated patients, curricular development, communication skills training (under- and postgraduate) in medical education, research in communication and medical education
Effects of communication skills trainings
Patients expectations and communication
Communication curricula in medical education
Medical education: communication, assessment, learning and study habits
What I can / like to share with others outside tEACH: How to estabish a simulated patients programme
Contact : e-mail: x: 009-40-7410-53681
Maria del Rosario Dago Elorza (Spain)
Profession: Physician, specialized in Pediatrics
University / organisation: Working for the National Health Service
Target groups for teaching: Doctors in training for General Practise, GP specialists from the National Health Service, Doctors in training for Pediatrics and other specialities, Nurses from the National Health Servce.
Field of expertise: Teaching basic communication skills to the groups mentioned
Contact: E-mail
Elizabete Loureiro (Portugal)
graduated from the University of Minho, Portugal as a Clinical Psychologist and obtained an MSc in Health Psychology from the same University. She currently works at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto at the Centre for Medical Education. She is responsible for the Medical Student Support Office and is involved in Cooperation and Development Projects (ex. Edulink) with the Faculties of Medicine in Angola and Mozambique. She is a PhD student at the University of Porto and the aim of her research work is to provide the scientific pedagogical background to implement an integrated Communications Skills Programme for Portuguese Medical Education. She is also a researcher in a project: “CostProMed – Communication Skills Teaching Programme in Medicine”, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Special interests include the development of a communication curriculum for undergraduate medical course, faculty development and communication issues in heath teams.
Contact E-mail:
Afonso Miguel Cavaco (Portugal)
graduated from the University of Lisbon (Portugal) as a pharmacist in 1990, obtained an MSc in Community Pharmacy from the same University and a PhD in Pharmacy Practice and Policy from the University of London (UK) in 2006, under the supervision of Prof Ian Bates. In 2007, he was a post-doctoral Fulbright fellow at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (USA), working with Prof Debra Roter. Afonso holds a position as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon. He is responsible for the undergraduate teaching unit Pharmacy Lab, as well as cooperates in the organization of the pharmacy students 6 months internship. He is also involved in post-graduate courses related to Communication Skills for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Management. He has been an expert consultant at the Council of Europe EDQM (European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Health Care) in Strasbourg. His main research interest now is patient-provider interaction studies, using the Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS), in particular for medical and pharmaceutical consultations.
Contact: E-mail:
Sandra Winterburn(UK)
(RGN, RMN, and MSc Health Sciences) has a professional background in Adult and Mental Health Nursing. She currently works as a lecturer within the School of Nursing Sciences at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. She also works closely with the UK National Connected Communication Skills Training Programme which teaches communication skills to senior staff working within the field of Oncology.
- Special interests include the development of a communication curriculum for undergraduate nurses
- Communication issues in Long term conditions and end of life care
- Team building
Contact: E-mail
Rainer Haak(Germany)
currently works as director and head of the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology at the University Leipzig. He is a qualified specialist in preventive and restorative dentistry and finished his postgraduate studies “Master of Medical Education (MME-D)” in 2008. As a member of the steering committee of the “National catalogue of learning objectives in dentistry” he tries to implement the training of communication skills in the national dental curricula. Special interests include therapeutic decision making, minimal invasive caries therapy, problem-based learning and the development of a longitudinal communication curriculum for undergraduate dental students.
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Rainer Haak, MME
Friedrich-Louis-Hesse-Centre, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology, Nürnberger Str. 57, 04103 Leipzig
Contact E-mail:
Henry Abramovitch (Israel)
Profession: Clinical Psychologist/ Jungian analyst/Medical Anthropologist
Teaching in Tel Avivi University, Dept of Medical Education, Medical School.Teaching mostly medical undergraduates, but also post graduate and senior Mds.Recently I set up a network for those working in Culture and MentalHealth in Israel/Palestine.
Expertise: Cultural competence, Teaching OSCE, listening skills,