Professor, Charles B. Browning Endowed Professor
Department of Agricultural Economics, Food & Agricultural Products Center
Oklahoma State University
114 Food & Agricultural Products Center
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-6055
Phone: (405)744-6272
FAX: (405)744-6313
Ph.D. Texas A&M University, Agricultural Economics, May 1997. Dissertation title: "Evaluating the Effects of Rice Quality Attributes on Consumer Preferences and Rice Demand."
B.S. Texas A&M University, Agricultural Economics, May 1991.
July 2007 – present Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University (Food and Agricultural Products Center).
Appointment: 60% Research, 30% Extension, 10% Teaching.
August 2004 – present Charles B. Browning Endowed Professor of Food Science, Food and Agricultural Products Center, Oklahoma State University.
Appointment: 60% Research, 30% Extension, 10% Teaching.
July 2002 – July 2007 Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University (Food and Agricultural Products Center).
Appointment: 70% Extension, 30% Research.
March 1997 – June 2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University (Food and Agricultural Products Center).
Appointment: 70% Extension, 30% Research.
January1996 – March 1997 Research Associate (50%) and Instructor (50%), Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University.
Current Duties with Appointment Percentages
60% Research, 30% Extension, 10% Teaching; Agricultural Economist and Browning Endowed Professor working in the area of value-added agriculture.
Journal Articles
Holcomb, R.B., J.L. Park, and O. Capps, Jr. "Revisiting Engel's Law: Examining Expenditure Patterns for Food At Home and Away From Home." Journal of Food Distribution Research 26,3(1995):1-8.
Park, J.L., R.B. Holcomb, K.K. Curry, and O. Capps, Jr. "A Demand Systems Analysis of Food Commodities for U.S. Households Segmented by Income." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78,2(1996):290-300.
Goodwin, H.L., Jr., R.B. Holcomb, and M.E. Rister. "Implicit Price Estimation of Rice Quality Attributes for Asian Americans." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 28,2(1996):291-302.
Goodwin, H.L., Jr., R.B. Holcomb, and M.E. Rister. "A Study of Asian-American Rice Demand." Journal of Food Distribution Research. 27,3(1996):41-48.
Tembo, G., R.B. Holcomb, P. Kenkel, and D. Tilley. “Using Mixed-Integer Programming to Determine the Potential for Flour Milling Industry Expansion.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 30,3 (1999):12-21.
Holcomb, R.B., and G. Muske. “The Role of Extension Specialists in Helping Entrepreneurs Develop Successful Food-Based Businesses.” Journal of Extension 38,1 (2000).
Goss, J., R.B. Holcomb, and C.E. Ward. “Factors Influencing Consumer Decisions Related to ‘Natural’ Beef.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 33,1(2002):73-84.
Hiziroglu, S., R.B. Holcomb, and Q. Wu. “Manufacturing Particleboard from Eastern Redcedar.” Forestry Products Journal 52,7/8 (July/August 2002):72-76.
Goodwin, H.L., Jr., R.B. Holcomb, and R. Shiptsova. “An Evaluation of East Russian Household Expenditures for Non-Dairy Animal Protein Sources.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 33,3 (2002):11-20.
Shiptsova, R., H.L. Goodwin, and R.B. Holcomb. “Primary Agricultural Product Demand in Post Communist Russia.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 20,2(Spring 2004):129-141.
Holcomb, R.B., and P. Kenkel. “Before the Bricks and Mortar: A Case Study of a New Generation Cooperative’s Planning Process.” Journal of Agribusiness 22,1(Spring 2004):77-91.
Shiptsova, R., H.L. Goodwin, and R.B. Holcomb. “Household Expenditure Patterns for Carbohydrate Sources in Russia.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 29,2(Summer 2004):296-307.
Hiziroglu, S., and R.B. Holcomb. “Some of the Properties of Three-Layer Particleboard Made From Eastern Redcedar.” Building and Environment 40(2005):719-723.
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Feasibility Templates for Value-Added Manufacturing Businesses.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 36,1(March 2005):232-235.
Ulmer, A., R.B. Holcomb, M.D. Woods, C. Willoughby, and D.S. Tilley. “Assessment of the Economic Impact of Firms Assisted by the Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Center.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 36,3 (November 2005):9-17.
Carlberg, J.G., C.E. Ward, and R.B. Holcomb. “Success Factors for New Generation Cooperatives.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 9,1(2006):62-81.
Johnson, A., and R.B. Holcomb. “Golden Rules of New Venture Creation.” Journal of Extension 44,2(April 2006), article #2IAW2,
Holcomb, R.B., and A. Johnson. “Launch Rules for Small Businesses.” Journal of Extension 44,2(April 2006), article #2IAW3,
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Challenges to Producer Ownership of Ethanol and Biodiesel Production Facilities.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 38,2(August 2006):369-375.
Holcomb, R.B., and A. Johnson. “A Review of Value-Added Centers: Objectives, Structures, Staffing, and Funding.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 39,2(August 2007):401-410.
Dunford, N.T., S. Hiziroglu, and R.B. Holcomb. “Effects of Age on the Distribution of Oil in Eastern Redcedar Tree Segments.” Bioresource Technology 98,14(October 2007):2636-2640.
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Conditions Necessary for Private Investment in the Ethanol Industry.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, forthcoming.
Gallardo, R.K., J.L. Lusk, R.B. Holcomb, and P. Rayas-Duarte. "Willingness-to-Pay for Attribute Level and Variability: The Case of Mexican Millers Demand for Hard Red Winter Wheat". Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, forthcoming.
Current Farm Economics/Visions
Holcomb, R.B., G. Muske, C. Lyford, and M. Woods. “Factors Affecting the Location Decisions of Oklahoma Food Manufacturers.” Current Farm Economics 71,2(1998):21-34.
Tembo, G., R.B. Holcomb, P. Kenkel, and D. Tilley. “Potential for Expansion of the Oklahoma Flour Milling Industry.” Current Farm Economics 71,2(1998):35-47.
Flores-Bastidas, J., R.B. Holcomb, M.D. Woods, and C.P. Lyford. “Factors Affecting Agribusiness Firm Location Decisions: A Site Selection Survey Approach for Oklahoma.” Visions 73,1(2000):25-30.
Book Chapters
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Feasibility of On-Farm or Small Scale Oilseed Processing and Biodiesel Production” in Transition to a Bioeconomy: Integration of Agricultural and Energy Systems, B.C. English, R.J. Menard, and K. Jensen, editors. Farm Foundation Press, 2008.
Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. “American Native Beef Cooperative: Challenges of Restructuring to Access Private Investment” in Co-operative Conversions, Failures and Restructurings: Case Studies and Lessons from the U.S. and Canadian Agriculture, Murray Fulton and Brent Hueth, editors, in press.
Abstracts/Papers in Professional Journals and Proceedings
Holcomb, R.B., J. Park, and O. Capps, Jr. “Revisiting Engel’s Law: Examining Expenditure Patterns for Food At Home and Away From Home.” Selected paper abstract from the 1995 AAEA meetings in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77,5(1995):1367.
Holcomb, R.B., P. Kenkel, and E. Acbol. “Assisting Producer Cooperatives in Selecting Value-Added Processing Activities.” Selected paper abstract from the 1999 SAEA meetings in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 31,2(1999):389.
Holcomb, R.B., G. Muske, and L.D. Satterlee. “Business Plans and Legal Requirements of Starting a Business.” 1999 Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting: Book of Abstracts, abstract 13-3.
McGlynn, W., and R.B. Holcomb. “From Producer to Processor: How the Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Center Helps Entrepreneurs Succeed.” Proceedings of the 19th Annual (2000) Oklahoma and Arkansas Horticultural Industries Show, pp. 3-8.
Holcomb, R.B. “Adding Value Can Improve Your Bottom Line.” Proceedings from Future Farms: New Ideas for Family Farms and Rural Communities, February 8-9, 2000, Oklahoma City, OK, pp. 25-27.
Holcomb, R.B. “More Than Just Wheat: Adding Value to Your Crop.” Proceedings from Future Farms: New Ideas for Family Farms and Rural Communities, February 8-9, 2000, Oklahoma City, OK, pp. 28-30.
Kenkel, P., R.B. Holcomb, and E. Ac Bol. “Attitudes of Cooperative Managers and Board Members Toward Value-Added Enterprises and New Generation Cooperative Structures.” Selected paper abstract from the 2000 SAEA meetings in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 32,2(2000):396.
Flores-Bastidas, J., R.B. Holcomb, M.D. Woods, and C.P. Lyford. “Factors Affecting Agribusiness Firm Location Decisions in Oklahoma: A Site Selection Survey Approach.” Selected paper abstract from the 2000 SAEA meetings in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 32,2(2000):400.
Holcomb, R.B., H.L. Goodwin, Jr., and R. Shiptsova. “Household Expenditure Patterns for Carbohydrate Sources in Russia.” Selected paper abstract from the 2000 SAEA meetings in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 32,2(2000):404.
Mueseler, M.E., R. Terry, Jr., and R.B. Holcomb. “Evaluation of a Workshop for Agricultural Entrepreneurs.” Proceedings of the 27th National Agricultural Education Research Conference, pp. 367-377.
Carlberg, J., R.B. Holcomb, and C.E. Ward. “Success Factors for Value-Added New Generation Cooperatives.” Selected paper abstract from the 2003 SAEA meetings in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 35,2(2003):430.
Zimmerschied, A., M.D. Woods, C. Willoughby, R.B. Holcomb, and D.S. Tilley. “Economic Impact Of The Firms Assisted By The Oklahoma Food And Agricultural Products Research And Technology Center.” Selected paper abstract from the 2003 SAEA meetings in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 35,2(2003):438.
Nkengoum, G.P., R.B. Holcomb, B.A. Kahn, and D.S. Tilley. “Feasibility of an Oklahoma Fresh Greens and Cowpeas Packing Cooperative.” Selected paper abstract from the 2004 SAEA meetings in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 36,2(2004):508.
Holcomb, R.B. and P. Kenkel. “The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat: A Comparison of Two Cooperative Equity Drives” NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 9 2005, online proceedings at
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Energizing a Cooperative Class with Cooperative Feasibility Software” NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 9 2005, online proceedings at
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Feasibility Templates for Producer-Owned Value-Added Businesses.” Selected paper presented at the 2006 National Value-Added Agriculture conference in Nashville, TN, on June 12, 2006. Conference proceedings paper available at
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Feasibility of a Cooperative Winery.” NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, November 3, 2006, online proceedings at
Gallardo, R.K., J.L. Lusk, and R.B. Holcomb. “Effect of Publicly-Released Quality Information for U.S. Hard Red Winter Wheat on Mexican Millers’ Welfare.” Selected paper abstract from the 2008 SAEA meetings in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 40,2(2008):727.
Gallardo, R.K., J.L. Lusk, R.B. Holcomb, and P. Rayas-Duarte. “Mexican Miller Demand for Hard Red Winter Wheat Attributes.” International Grain Quality & Technology Congress 2008: Submitted Abstracts, pp. 48-50.
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “American Native Beef Cooperative: Challenges of Restructuring to Access Private Investment” Proceedings of the NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives 2008 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 19-20, 2008.
Experiment Station Publications
Holcomb, R.B., M.E. Rister, B.D. Webb, R.K. Miller, K. Bett, A. McClung, and H.L. Goodwin, Jr. “Effects of Rough Rice Storage Time and Temperature on Aromatic Rice Grain Quality Characteristics.” TAES Texas Ag. Market Research Center (TAMRC), Texas A&M University. TAMRC Consumer Product Market Research Report No. CP 1-97, June 1997.
Holcomb, R.B., M.E. Rister, B.D. Webb, R.K. Miller, K. Bett, A. McClung, and H.L. Goodwin, Jr. “Effects of Post-Milling Storage Time, Temperature, and Packaging on Aromatic Rice Grain Quality Characteristics.” TAES Texas Ag. Market Research Center (TAMRC), Texas A&M University. TAMRC Consumer Product Market Research Report No. CP 2-97, November 1997.
Tilley, D.S., P. Kenkel, R.B. Holcomb, and T.J. Bowser. “Wheat Processing Feasibility in Oklahoma.” Food Research Initiative Program: 1997 Report, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report P-961 (Spring 1998): 5-7.
Holcomb, R.B., M.E. Rister, L.A. Faltisek, B. Webb, R.K. Miller, K. Bett, and H.L. Goodwin, Jr. “Correlations Among Grain Characteristics Used to Determine the Effects of Rough Rice Storage Time and Temperature on Aromatic Rice Quality.” Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, TAMU Faculty Paper FP 98-6, April 1998.
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Financial Assessment of an Alfalfa Dehydration Plant to be Located in Major County.” Oklahoma State University, Department of Agricultural Economics Faculty Paper AE-9847, May 1998.
Holcomb, R.B., C.P. Lyford, and M.D. Woods. “Factors Affecting Agribusiness Firm Locations in Oklahoma.” OSU Food Research Initiative Program: 1998-99 Research Report, OAES Report T-978, March 2000, p. 12-14.
Bowser, T.J., M. Fram, C. Peterson, J. Niwa, A. Niwa, R.B. Holcomb, and P. Kenkel. “Continuing Development and Evaluation of Shelf-Stable, Ready-to-Eat Food for Box Turtles.” OSU Food Research Initiative Program: 1998-99 Research Report, OAES Report T-978, March 2000, p. 15-16.
Kenkel, P., R.B. Holcomb, and E. Ac Bol. “Attitudes of Cooperative Managers and Board Members Toward Value-added Enterprises And New Generation Cooperative Structures.” Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station publication P-997, May 2003.
Zimmerschied, A., M.D. Woods., D. Tilley, R.B. Holcomb, and C. Willoughby. “Case Study of Selected Economic Impacts of Services Provided by the FAPC.” Food Research Initiative Program: Spring 2004, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station publication P-1000, May 2004.
Wathen, B., R.B. Holcomb, M. Taylor, J. Shrefler, and J.C. Robinson. “Oklahoma Candy Onion Production: Projected Net Income, Price Risk, and Yield Risk.” Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station publication P-1005, October 2004.
Campiche, J., R.B. Holcomb, and C.E. Ward. “Impact of Consumer Characteristics and Perceptions on Willingness-To-Pay for Natural Beef in the Southern Plains.” Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station publication P-1006, October 2004.
Willoughby, C., R.B. Holcomb, J. Brooks, S.C. Stone, and M. Woods. “Economic Impact of ‘Made In Oklahoma’ Coalition Member Companies:2004.” OSU Department of Agricultural Economics paper AE-05092, May 2005.
Willoughby, C., R.B. Holcomb, J. Brooks, A. Graves, and E. Early. “The Impact of ‘Made In Oklahoma’ Coalition Member Companies on Oklahoma’s Economy: 2006.” OSU Department of Agricultural Economics paper AE-07030, May 2007.
Gallardo, R.K., J.L. Lusk, R.B. Holcomb, and P. Rayas-Duarte. “Mexican Millers’ Willingness-To-Pay for U.S. Wheat Quality and Consistency.” Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station publication, forthcoming 2009.
Gallardo, R.K., J.L. Lusk, and R.B. Holcomb. “Implicit Price Estimation of Selected Hard Red Winter Wheat Quality Characteristics.” Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station publication, forthcoming 2009.
Extension Publications
Holcomb, R.B., G. Muske, and P. Kenkel. “Developing a Business Plan for Value-Added Agricultural Products.” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet F-909.
Holcomb, R.B., and P. Kenkel. “Food and Kindred Products Manufacturing: Status and Trends for Oklahoma, Surrounding States, and the U.S.” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet F-910.
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Developing and Administering Compensation Plans.” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet WF-911.
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. “Developing and Conducting Performance Appraisals.” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet WF-912.
Holcomb, R.B., G. Muske, C. Lyford, and M. Woods. “How Can Oklahoma Communities Attract Food Manufacturing Companies?” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet WF-914.
Muske, G., B. Brown, M. Clark, R.B. Holcomb, and L. Byford. “Food Business Basics: The Owner’s Guide.” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service publication HBB-10.
Holcomb, R.B. “Overview of the Domestic Wheat Gluten Industry.” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet WF-599.
Holcomb, R.B. “Food Industry Overview: Frozen Pizza.” Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet FAPC-103.