The Lilly Project for the Exploration of Vocation
Exploration, Reflection, & Commitment
How to Apply for All Summer Vocational Exploration Programs
Application Do’s
- Look at program descriptions and application materials–Each application has its own check list
- Start early and be thorough with yourresearch
- For those who will need to put together their own program and partner organization, the list of host organizations associated with each program’s recipients may be helpful
- Collect accurate budget information
- Students will need to supply budget information at time of application
- For specific details on what Lilly funding will cover, go to the FAQs about funding under Summer Vocational Exploration.
- Talk to past participants – they are very eager to help you AND they’re a great source of information
- Ask for references early—they are due the same day as your application
- You need two references: 1) one from a COW professor from whom you have taken a class, and 2) one from someone who has been in a supervisory or responsible position for something you have been involved in outside the classroom, e.g., work, volunteer experiences, athletics, music or arts, etc. References from peers, relatives and family friends should be avoided.
- Ask the people giving you recommendations to send it to us directly (electronically, if possible.) If you are asking someone who does not use a computer, print it out and send it to them along with a stamped envelope addressed to Karen Parthemore.
- Make sure you let the person know what it is you are applying for and why. Show them information about your potential host organization. Show them a draft of your personal statement.
- If you ask for a reference from someone who is on the selection committee, s/he may decline to give one to you –conflict of interest
- Make sure you thank those giving you the references and let them know the results of your application afterward
- Get feedback on drafts of your application from professors, staff, parents, and others whose opinions you value. Make use of the WritingCenter to put a final polish on your personal statement.
- Have someone from Career Services review your resume or provide guidance on how to write one. Your resume is one piece of information that tells the selection committee 1) how your proposed project fits into the experiences you have had to this point, and 2) how your experiences will contribute to you going through with your proposed project successfully.
Application Details
Due date: Feb. 13- by 8:00 a.m. to Karen Parthemore -
Means of submission: ELECTRONIC – put your name and the program you are applying for in the subject line of EVERYTHING you send us – help make it easy to keep track of your documents
Review of applications: begins immediately
Interviews begin: late February – unfortunately, not everyone who applies will be interviewed
Notification: before Spring Break