Equipment/Ramp Operator Training Program

Certification Criteria

Spring 2010

Version Number 2.0

Document Change Control

0.1 / January 2010 / Knowledge Solutions / Original draft
0.2 / February 2010 / Knowledge Solutions / Incorporated comments from Subject Matter Experts.
0.3 / February 2010 / Knowledge Solutions / Incorporated comments from Subject Matter Experts.
0.4 / February 2010 / Knowledge Solutions / Incorporated comments from Equipment/Ramp Operator Pilot
1.0 / February 2010 / Knowledge Solutions /
  • Post Pilot version.
  • Incorporated changes from the Train-the-Trainer/ Pilot Session on Feb 09 and 10.
  • Signed off by BCF and handed over to Operational Training

2.0 / April 2010 / Knowledge Solutions / Incorporated comments from first delivery of training materials

Table of Contents

Equipment/ Ramp Operator Certification Criteria

Purpose of the Certification Criteria

Conducing the Recertification

Conducting the Certification*

Using the Certification and Recertification Activities

Using the Certification and Recertification Verbal Scenarios

Invigilating the Written Certification Exam


Administrative Information

Appendix I: Certification and Recertification Activities

Appendix II: Certification and Recertification Verbal Scenarios

Appendix III: Hand Signals

Appendix IV: Ramp Adjustment Criteria by Category of Ramp

Equipment / Ramp Operator Certification Criteria

Equipment/ Ramp Operator Certification Criteria

Purpose of the Certification Criteria

The purpose of the Equipment/ Ramp Operator (EO) Certification Criteria is to provide the Examiner with the tools required to prepare for and evaluate the competency of:

  • an existing Equipment / Ramp Operator for a recertification of their BCF Ramp Operator Certificate; or,
  • a new Equipment/ Ramp Operator to obtain their BCF Ramp Operator Certificate.

Conducing the Recertification

Recertification consists of the following two components:

  • Recertification Activities—the examiner leads the candidate through a set of activities where the candidate will demonstrate competency in a number of pre-defined tasks.
  • Recertification Verbal Scenarios—the examiner asks the candidate to verbally answer a number of scenario-based questions.

A candidate must achieve a score of 90% on both components of Recertification to pass and have their BCF Ramp Operator Certificate renewed.

Conducting the Certification*

Certification consists of the following three components:

  • Certification Activities—the examiner leads the candidate through a set of activities where the candidate will demonstrate competency in a number of pre-defined tasks.
  • Certification Verbal Scenarios—the examiner asks the candidate to verbally answer a number of scenario-based questions.
  • Certification Written Exam—the examiner invigilates an 80 question multiple choice exam.

A candidate must achieve a score of 90% on all three components of Certification.

* Note: The details of Certification will be finalized during the development of SEA in 2010/11. This includes the development of the Certification Written Exam.

Prior to conducting either a Recertification or a Certification Session, it is the Examiner’s responsibility to notify all other appropriate impacted parties of the session in progress (e.g. Tower Controller, Loading Officer, Terminal Attendants, Ship’s Officers, and other Equipment/Ramp Operators etc.).

Using the Certification and Recertification Activities

The activities that will be tested on during certification and recertification are outlined in Appendix I: Certification and Recertification Activities. For each relevant activity the Examiner will assess the performance of the candidate and determine if the candidate’s performance meets the required criteria for assessment.

To achieve a score of 90% on the certification and recertification activities:

  • The candidate must pass all “critical pass or fail activities”.
  • The candidate must not exceed 30 demerit points on the sum of all other activities (i.e. all non critical activities).


  • Existing Equipment / Ramp Operators complete all activities that contain a  in the “Activity Required for Recertification” column that are applicable to the ramp(s) he/she is completing certification on.


  • New Equipment / Ramp Operator candidates complete all activities that are applicable to the ramp(s) he/she is completing certification on.

Using the Certification and Recertification Verbal Scenarios

The Certification Verbal Scenarios are outlined in Appendix II: Certification and Recertification Verbal Scenarios. The Examiner will assess the candidate’s ability to answer these scenarios accurately. The Examiner will select ten scenarios (preferably at least two from each category). The Examiner may decide to select additional scenarios as time permits. The candidate must correctly answer nine of the ten scenarios to achieve 90%.

Invigilating the Written Certification Exam

To be developed as part of SEA in 2010/11


The Examiner must always be in close attendance evaluating the candidate’s proficiency. The Examiner must always ensure the safety of him/her self, the candidate, and all colleagues.

Certification or Recertification Activity / Duration
Maintain a Safe Worksite
Note: The activities in this section must be assessed once per terminal.
  • Lead by Example
/ 5 min
General Knowledge of Ramp Equipment
Note: The activities in this section must be assessed once per terminal.
  • Knowledge of Ramp Construction and Operating Systems
/ 35 min
  • Identify Ramp Controls and Functions
/ 40 min
  • Provide Service to the Ship
/ 15 min
  • Conduct Ramp Inspection
/ 30 min
  • Maintain and Use Documentation
/ 5 min
Respond Appropriately to Emergencies
Note: The activities in this section must be assessed once per terminal.
  • Respond to Emergencies
/ 5 min
Knowledge of Ramp Specific Operating Procedures
Certification Activity:
Note: The activities in this section must be assessed for each ramp and/ or level of ramp a candidate is being certified on except the Untie the Ramp and Night Tie-up (at end of day) Activities which must be done at least once per terminal. The activities in this section should be completed during one unload/load cycle; therefore, there is no duration indicated for these activities.
Re-certification Activity:
Note: The activities in this section must be assessed for each ramp and/ or level of ramp a candidate is being certified on except the Untie the Ramp and Night Tie-up (at end of day) Activities.
A single Untie OR Night Tie-up activity must be carried out on one ramp (double level where applicable). The Untie or Night Tie-up activity that is not carried out will be assessed as a verbal scenario. The activities in this section should be completed during one unload/load cycle; therefore, there is no duration indicated for these activities.
  • Untie the Ramp
/ Unload/Load Cycle
  • Set the Ramp for Vessel and Tide
/ Unload/Load Cycle
  • Connect the Apron to the Vessel
/ Unload/Load Cycle
  • Conduct Ship to Shore Verbal Communications re: Stop Traffic Procedures
/ Unload/Load Cycle
  • Oversee the Transfer of Traffic
/ Unload/Load Cycle
  • Make Ramp Adjustments as Required
/ Unload/Load Cycle
  • Complete Shore Closure
/ Unload/Load Cycle
  • Park and Secure the Ramp
/ Unload/Load Cycle
  • Night Tie-up (at end of day)
/ Unload/Load Cycle
Verbal Scenarios
  • Select ten verbal scenarios from Appendix II
/ 60 min
Written Exam
Note: The Written Exam is only completed during the Certification Process and will be developed under SEA in 2010/2011.
  • Invigilate Written Exam
/ 60 min

Administrative Information

Candidate Name:
Examiner Name:
Candidate is being certified: /  / Date(s) of certification:
Candidate is being recertified: /  / Date(s) of recertification:
Certification / Recertification Activities
For each Ramp Type tested, check that Candidate has achieved a score of 90%
  • Candidate has “passed” all “critical pass or fail activities”.
  • Candidate has not exceeded 30 demerit points on the sum of all other activities.

Ramp Type (s) and Berth : / Berth #
 / Foot passenger / 

 / Conventional Double Level / 

 / Active Lift Double Level / 

 / Conventional Single Level / 

 / Active Lift Single Level / 

Certification / Recertification Verbal Scenarios
Candidate has achieved a score of 90%. / 
Certification Written Exam * (to be developed)
Candidate has achieved a score of 90%. / 

Appendix I: Certification and Recertification Activities

Candidate Name: / Employee Number:
Date: / Score:
Certification Activity / Criteria for Performance Assessment / Maximum Approx.
Duration / Activity Required for Recertification / Critical Pass or Fail / Demerit Points / Meets Criteria / Notes on candidate performance etc.
Maintain a Safe Worksite
Note: The activities in this section must be assessed once per terminal.
Lead by Example
Don proper uniform and PPE / The candidate must be wearing:
  • Steel toed shoes
  • BCF Uniform
  • Security Identification Card
  • High Visibility Vest, appropriate head gear and wrist cuffs.
/ N/A /  /  / 5
Use Stop Traffic Equipment appropriately / The candidate is able to demonstrate his/her ability to:
  • Use barriers.
  • Use available equipment for emergency stopping of traffic (e.g. stop paddles, flags, whistle, traffic lights, traffic wand, audible buzzer, etc.).
/ 5 min /  /  / 5
General Knowledge of Ramp Equipment
Note: The activities in this section must be assessed once per terminal.
Knowledge of Ramp Construction and Operating Systems
Demonstrate an understanding of the basic operational principles of the variations of ramps, including lift systems, at this terminal. / Candidate is able to provide a knowledgeable tour of all ramps at the terminal and explain:
  • The ramp type(s )employed in the terminal :
  • Single-level, Double-level, Passenger Walkway
  • Conventional vs. Active Lift
  • Hydraulic and/or Cable Counter Weights with Electric Motors
  • The hoist system(s) applicable to each ramp.
  • Principal structural components of each ramp including:
  • Ramp
  • Main Hoist
  • Apron Hoist(s)
  • Fingers
  • Locking Pins
  • Hanging Bars
  • Cab
  • Hydraulic Cylinder
  • Counter Weights
  • Hinge (ramp or apron)
  • Shackle
  • Proximity Switch
  • Apron
  • Link Struts
  • Barriers
  • Cables
  • Dolphin
  • Wing Wall
  • Gangway
  • Traffic Lights
  • Illuminating Lighting
  • Computer Aided Controls
  • Ship/Shore Power Connections
  • Water Supply Connections
  • Hydraulic Pump and Reservoir
  • Hydraulic Valves
  • Main Power / Lock-out Switch
/ 30 min /  /  / 15
State the load limits for ramps at this terminal. / Candidate can explain, state, and locate the following information for each ramp at the home terminal and the destination terminal:
  • Ramp Load Limit
  • Axle Limit
/ 5 min /  /  / 5
Identify Ramp Controls and Functions
Demonstrate knowledge and proper use of control functions / Candidate can identify controls and explain these functions:
  • Pump start/stop and emergency stop
  • Ramp raise and lower
  • Apron raise and lower
  • Float
  • Traffic Control Measures
  • Locking Pin
  • Link Struts
  • Barriers
  • Traffic Lights
  • Illumination Lighting
  • Automatic Tidal Adjustment (where applicable)
/ 30 min /  /  / 15
Knowledge of Controller Systems (PLC) and operator’s computer / Candidate can explain and properly use relevant computer aided controls.
Ensure candidate explains site specifics (i.e. interlock bypass). / 10 min /  /  / 10 / Applicable to terminals with ramps containing PLC.
Provide Service to the Ship
Facilitate water supply to the ship / Candidate is able to:
  • Facilitate access to the fresh water supply hose by the ship’s crew.
  • Properly stow and cap the fresh water supply hose.
  • Understand the requirements for flushing the water line.
/ 5 min /  /  / 5
Identity electricity system to the ship / Candidate is able to:
  • Locate Ship-Shore Power System and explain how this operates.
/ 5 min /  /  / 5
Identify pump ashore facility to the ship / Candidate is able to:
  • Identify Pump Ashore equipment.
  • Identify safety issues.
/ 5 min /  /  / 5 / If applicable at your terminal.
Conduct Ramp Inspection
Perform Level 1 and 2 Inspection and Record Keeping / Candidate can:
  • Explain when a Level 1 (i.e. at the start of each watch shift) and why (i.e. disclosing of obvious defects) the inspection is required.
  • Explain when a Level 2 (i.e. weekly) and why (i.e. disclosing of defects) the inspection is required.
  • Complete a Level 1 and Level 2 Inspection safely and efficiently using appropriate site specific documentation (i.e. Checklist in Ramp Operations Manual).
  • Record facts of inspection in the Ramp Log Book.
  • Explain the need to report any defect, deficiency or operating difficulty to his/her supervisor.
/ 30 min /  / 
Maintain and Use Documentation
Use Ramp Logbook, Worksafe Equipment Logbook and Ramp Manual / Candidate can:
  • Understand the requirement and use of the Ramp Logbook including recording of:
  • Level 1 and Level 2 Inspections.
  • Arrival/departure times of the ship.
  • Ramp adjustments made outside of the operational schedule.
  • Tidal conditions.
  • Other pertinent information.
  • Understand the requirement for and use of the WCB Equipment Logbook including:
  • Meeting WCB Occupational Health and Safety Regulation requirement.
  • Understand the requirement for and use of the Ramp Manual.
  • Recognize the importance of reviewing entries in the logbooks.
  • Locate the Ramp Manual efficiently.
  • Recognize the importance of reviewing the Ramp Manual periodically.
/ 5 min /  /  / 5
Respond Appropriately to Emergencies
Note: The activities in this section must be assessed once per terminal.
Respond to Emergencies
Participate in an Emergency Stop Traffic Drill / Candidate is able to successfully participate in an Emergency Stop Traffic Drill. / 5 min /  /  / The drill must be coordinated with terminal staff and the ship’s crew.
Complete emergency responses required at site / Candidate is able to complete emergency responses required at site. For example:
  • Use block and tackle to set up overhead walkway.
  • Apron removal by chain hoist in the event of power or hydraulic failure.
/  /  / 5 / If applicable at your terminal.
Knowledge of Ramp Specific Operating Procedures
  • The activities in this section must be assessed for each ramp and/ or level of ramp a candidate is being cleared on except the Untie the Ramp and Night Tie-up (at end of day) Activities which must be done at least once per terminal.
  • The activities in this section should be completed during one unload/load cycle; therefore, there is no duration indicated for these activities.

Untie the Ramp
Complete untie procedures - general / Candidate is able to facilitate a safe untie of the vessel by following these steps:
  • The ship will push into the wing walls.
  • Depending on the ramp type, Terminal Attendants or deck crew are responsible for the removal and storage of the access gangway. Equipment/Ramp operators are to stay in the vicinity of their controls.
  • Ship’s personnel will attach the day tie-up lines.
/ Unload/load cycle /  /  / 5
Complete untie procedures – pins /
  • The Equipment/Ramp Operator will facilitate safe access to the underside of the apron by raising the ramp and apron sufficiently above the ship’s deck and shall ensure the ramp is pinned and the apron is either pinned or secured by cable. The Equipment/Ramp Operator will signal (visually and audibly) to the loading officer when ramp and apron are secure and that the crew can safely proceed with the un-tie.
  • Upon completion of work under the apron, and at the direction of the Main Deck Loading Officer, the Equipment/Ramp Operator will remove the apron pins and lower the apron onto the deck of the ship in preparation for the transfer of traffic.
/ Unload/load cycle /  /  / If applicable at your terminal.
Set the Ramp for Vessel and Tide
Conduct visual check of ramp / Candidate must demonstrate the ability to conduct a visual check of the ramp by following these steps:
  • Check pin status.
  • Ensure no hazards on ramp.
  • Ensure ramp is clear (e.g. no snow or ice).
/ Unload/load cycle /  / 
Set ramp for variations in vessels and tidal conditions / Candidate must demonstrate the ability to set the ramp for vessel and tidal conditions by:
  • Demonstrating the ability to locate and understand a tide chart.
  • Noting tidal movements and checking tide level.
  • Confirming incoming vessel type.
  • Using appropriate equipment to position the ramp.
  • Use of plumb line.
  • Following these steps when setting a conventional ramp for ship and tide:
  • Raise the ramp only enough to remove the weight of the ramp from the locking pins in the hanging bars.
  • Fully withdraw the locking pins from the hanging bar.
  • Lower the ramp to the correct plumb line position. If there is no plumb line, lower the ramp to a position approximately two feet above the ship’s deck as the ship approaches the dock.
  • Center the locking pins with the appropriate hanging bar hole using the “pin position indicator”.
  • Fully insert the locking pins into the hanging bars and lower the ramp until the locking pins bear fully on the hanging bars.
  • Always visually check locking pins on conventional ramps.
/ Unload/load cycle /  /  / 15
Position, Engage & Inspect the Locking Pins / Candidate must demonstrate:
  • An awareness of the complete travel distance of the ramp and available pin positions (depending on high or low tide).
  • That the apron, when lowered onto the deck, is not too flat or too steep.
  • That the ramp must be set onto the pins once they are engaged.
  • The responsibility of the Operator to visually verify the pins are in place (i.e. Locking Pins are inserted prior to traffic transfer on the ramp).
/ Unload/load cycle /  /  / If applicable at your terminal.
Connect the Apron to the Vessel
Connect the apron to variations in vessels / Candidate must demonstrate the ability to connect the apron to the ship by following these steps:
  • Lower the apron until it comes in contact with the deck of the ship.
  • Establish apron float.
  • Signal ramp secure to the loading officer.
  • Communicate ramp secure to Upper Ramp Attendant or Operator where necessary.
  • Advise the shore of the potential discharge of traffic.
/ Unload/load cycle /  / 
Conduct Ship to Shore Verbal Communications re: Stop Traffic Procedures
Communicate effectively with Loading Officer at all stages / Candidate is able to:
  • Conduct effective communication:
  • Prior to and after initial connection (including no stopping on aprons)
  • Prior to and after adjustments
  • During closure
  • Select and use appropriate communication device (i.e. hard-line telephone, walkie talkie, hand-held radio, hand signal, etc.)
  • Demonstrate the use of proper terminology and closed-loop communications.
/ Unload/load cycle /  /  / 15 / Also applicable to the Upper Loading Officer if conventional double level ramp.