1. My Definite Major Purpose: I know exactly what I want to achieve. I have written down my goal. I have memorized it and I have a burning desire to achieve it. I give thanks for my goal.
2. I use the Mastermind Principle by participating with a group of people who will help me to reach my goal. I realize that by working with like-minded people, I can reach my goal faster!
3. I Apply My Faith in everything I do, and I am successful. I believe in myself, I believe in helping others and I believe in the Mission of Savings Highway to help people to become financially free.
4. I have the habit of going the extra mile. I always do more than is expected of me. I realize this creates great returns for me in my life and I do it with a pleasing attitude.
5. I have a Pleasing Personality. People like to be around me because I truly care about their needs and I show them that I care. I smile and laugh often. I am happy and it shows.
6. I take Personal Initiative to make it happen. I don’t want for others to do what I can do for myself. I know that, “If it is to be, it’s up to me!” I seize good opportunities on a daily basis.
7. I exhibit a Positive Mental Attitude at all times. Therefore, others are attracted to me and my vision, and they support me in reaching my goal. I know that people follow positive people.
8. I use Self Discipline in all I do. My body and mind are temples of my soul. I work my plan happily every day. I feed my body, mind and spirit with good, healthy things.
9. I am Enthusiastic. People are drawn to my sincere enthusiasm. I am a money magnet. I am a people magnet. I love people and I show them my excitement. My enthusiasm is catching on!
10. I am Focused and Concentrated on my goal, my plan and my definite major purpose. I am in the process of achieving it now and nothing will get in my way. Because I know where I am going, others follow me and support me in reaching my goal.
11. Accurate Thinking. I think for myself. I constantly look to people who are successful and follow systems that are proven to work to produce success. I do not let other people’s opinions influence me, instead I look for facts and think accurately.
12. I Learn From Adversity and Defeat and turn it into prosperity. I realize that any failure is just temporary and it is a stepping stone to success. I also realize that I may have to go through some “no’s” in order to get to “yes’s” and I expect that. It does not bother me at all. I realize that this is just part of the process. I analyze what is working and what is not, and modify accordingly until I get the result I desire.
13. I Use Cooperation and Teamwork. I work with those who share my vision and the vision of Savings Highway, and I am totally committed. I see others jumping around to other “deals”, however, I remain 100% focused and will not move. I cooperate and work with those who will make a commitment to me and I do the same for them. I use the power of my team to reach success much faster than I could on my own. I support my team and they support me.
14. Creative Vision & Imagination. I understand that my mind is extremely powerful and worth Millions of Dollars. I find “How things CAN be done” while others look for ways they cannot. I tap into my creative vision on a daily basis through quiet time, study and planning and I am thankful for my life and my beautiful mind.
15. I maintain Sound Physical & Mental Health. I eat Well and Stay Positive. I feed my brain with successful information through books, audios and videos. I learn from them. I take notes and I apply what I learn in my daily life. I am focused on my success. I am healthy, wealth and wise. I am unstoppable!
16. I am a Master at Budgeting My Time And Money. I have rules for my time and finances and I stick to them religiously. I realize that Profits are better than wages, and my Savings Highway business can help me to make more profits, which can help me to become wealthy!
17. Infinite Intelligence: I tap into infinite intelligence, the source of all creation. I ask for and receive insights to use the powers of my mind to support me in creating the results I truly desire. I gladly receive success, wealth, abundance, health, and prosperity and I am thankful for all of the blessings I have in my life.
My Signature: ______Date: ______
Written by Steve Gresham, Adapted from the 17 Success Principles found in “Think & Grow Rich”.
May you enjoy abundance and be a blessing to others. Let your light shine!