WWPA April 2014 Meeting notes
Meeting called to order at 6:33 p.m. by President Lisa Stout.
Attendance: Carol Hartmann, Nicholas Karls, Chris Olson, Lisa Stout, Holly Henderson and Jackie Jurvelin.
Tom from The Chippe Shoppe stopped in to talk about the fundraiser for next fall and lil’ shoppers which will be held in December 2014. He brought in a catalog that had some of the items we will be selling. We discussed some ideas about a party for all kids/ kids who meet a certain selling goal. We will talk more about that in the Fall. Carol asked if a Spring or Fall fundraiser does better sales? Tom said a Fall fundraiser usually makes more money.
Secretary report from March was read and approved.
Treasurer report from March was read and approved.
Ongoing Business: Incentive Program has 34,722 pts. There is a catalog (or go online) that the principals can go through to purchase items for the schools.
Family Fun Night: Lisa will try to get someone to play music. Can we get Hula Hoops from Mr. Ames? Mr. Karls will check on this. Lisa also has 5 HS students coming to do face painting. Carol will order more face paint and lei’s for FFN. Mr. Karls will get a movie going in the cafeteria. We will plan on 400 people. Dr. Olson will send out a volunteer form to the teachers and staff to see if anyone is interested in helping with the limbo, greeter, someone to help at ice cream table if needed. April 24th is Family Fun Night.
New Business: We are looking for new volunteers to be President, VP, and Secretary for next years WWPA. Claire Stanuae has expressed interest in being Secretary and Holly Henderson has expressed interest in being VP. Lisa Stout might be talked into being President for one more year. We will discuss this again next month.
Teacher Appreciation week is May 5th-9th. Should we have a theme for each day?
Monday- coffee and muffins
Tuesday- fruit platters
Wed. - sweet treats
Thurs.- give a trinket of some sort to staff
Friday- Sub. sandwich lunch
We will get this set up through email of the WWPA officers.
Parent Outreach: Dr. Olson just finished writing a grant for $30,000 for Read to Lead. This money would be used for literacy materials and parent outreach materials to be sent home with families.
Principal/Teacher requests: Field Day requests coming for GLW next month. Volunteers will be needed for Field Day. Field Day is the last day of school. Parent picnic for GLW is May 28th.
Thanks to WWPA for money for West bounce house for Field Day, books for West/BELC, and Al Ringling theater for West Spring Sing.
Meeting adjourned by President Lisa Stout at 7:35 p.m.