Sacramento City College
Student Services Program Review Worksheet
Program Name: Health Services
Part A: DATA
1. Mission or purpose of program: (Example: The Cultural Awareness Center mission is to advance intercultural understanding and education through programs and activities that reflect the diversity of Sacramento City College’s students, faculty, and staff, as well as the community in which we live.)
The aim of Health Services is to provide preventative health care services to assist students in maintaining their health as they move toward their educational goals.
2. Staffing: List each staff position and their duties within the program:
Position Title (Example: Assessment SPA) / Job Responsibilities (Example: Administers & scores assessment instruments, maintains Assessment Center data)College Nurse (2) / Assesses & evaluates general health status of students & staff, administers appropriate assessments, provides confidential health counseling, establishes standards and procedures for first aid care, conducts an ongoing health education program, assists in maintaining a safe & healthful college environment, maintains liaison with community health agencies.
Clerk I (15%)- Shared with Disability Resource Center / Receptionist, answers telephone, maintains student health records.
3. Workflow: Describe (each step) how a work assignment flows through the program on campus and at off-campus sites, to include a typical procedure for providing services to a student. Use flow charts, if necessary, to describe the workflow. Consider questions such as: what initiates services; what preparation is involved; what services do students receive and how; how are services provided to off-campus sites; who is eligible for services and how is that determined; how are services tracked; and is there follow-up to initial services?
Steps / Descriptions1 / Students are seen on drop in basis. Referrals are either self-referral or referral by faculty, staff, or other student. All students and staff are eligible for service.
2 /
Services provided may include: health counseling and/or referral, health screening, first aid and emergency care, health education.
3 / If the service requested is not available, an appropriate referral to a community agency is made.4 / A daily log is maintained which includes the student’s name, reason for visit, and action taken.
6 /
Follow-up on individual student when appropriate
Additional Information:
1. Classroom presentations on various health topics are provided when requested by a faculty member.
2. Services are also provided to the Child Development Center including first aid and emergency care, in-service education for parents and staff, and assessment and referral.
3. Assist Disability Resource Center by assisting students with personal care.
4. Assist Athletic Trainer and Team Physicians in providing Athletic Physicals and providing follow-up on insurance problems.
5. Coordinate student insurance program by providing brochures and explaining policy to students.
6. Services to Outreach Centers are not provided on a regular basis. Health Education information, insurance brochures , etc. are provided when requested. Services such as BP screening have been provided when requested for a special event.
7. Collaborative projects, such as CSET Project with CSUS to provide chlamydia screening and treatment.
4. Funding: List all funding sources and amounts. What are these funds used for?
Budget Source Amount Spending Categories Example: PFE 8,000 Student Help General Fund 5,026 Nurse—evening and summer hours General Fund 1,880 Supplies General Fund 200 Travel General Fund 3,934 Physician - Athletics
1. Strengths of Workflow & Functional Analysis:
Serving students on a walk-in basis works well for students and staff. It allows them to be seen when it is convenient for them. There is usually a minimal wait to be seen.
2. Weakness of Workflow & Functional Analysis:
Due to the absence of a reception area in the Health Office (shared clerk is located______approximately 20 feet away in the Disability Resource Center), students typically walk directly to the doors of the nurses’ offices to request assistance. There is no one to greet the students before fully entering the area. When the nurse is already meeting with another student, it is not uncommon for a student seeking assistance to linger in the hallway directly in front of the nurse’s office door. This arrangement lends itself to interfering with student privacy. Telephone calls frequently are not answered when the nurse is unavailable in the office or out of the office. The absence of a dedicated position has also negatively impacted the unit’s ability to conduct follow-up with students served and assisting the college departments in maintaining their first aid supplies. The amount of work the clerk is required to do for the Disability Resource Center only allows Health Services needs to met at a very minimal level.
3. Goals and Actions: Please describe method(s) for improvement implementation.
These method(s) should be consistent with unit plan goals.
Goal 1: Enhance confidentiality and improve work flowAction / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
1a. /
Request additional clerical help
Goal 2:
Action / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
4. Resource Requests: Anticipated implications (budget item, facilities, staff, coordination)
Department Budget RequestBudget
Request / Operating Budget Increase / Instruction Increase / Computers / Equipment / Furniture / New Program Startup / Marketing Materials / Remodel Space / Faculty
Hires / Staff Hires / Student Hires / Temp Hires
4500 / $1000
5890 / $1000
1401 / 30%
Clerk position / 100% / x
Part A: DATA
1. Efficiency: How many students received services this year? (Attach data)
Helpful Hints: Show the number and variety of services you provided, show the hours and convenience of services as well. These are also your
key performance indicators that you will use for your unit plan.
Service is provided Monday through Friday from 7:30 am – 4:30 pm and Monday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 p m – 7:30 p m. Students and staff are seen on a walk in basis. We provided office visits to 5525 students. Students were seen for a variety of health related issues, including, but not limited to blood pressures & body fat measurements, vision & hearing screening, TB skin testing, emergency & first aid care, health education, health counseling, and community referrals. We also provided classroom presentations to classes on an average of 5 – 10 per semester. We coordinated four blood drives and provided chlamydia testing and treatment through a project with CSUS.
2. Student Equity: Which students were served in terms of ethnicity, age, gender, disability or any
characteristic relevant to this program’s services? (Attach data)
We do not keep records of specific information on the above, but the students and staff who use our services reflect the general student and staff population.
3. Effectiveness: How did the services affect student outcomes? (Attach data)
Helpful Hints:: There are a variety of ways you can show that your services contributed to positive student outcomes. Examine ways to show that students who participated in the unit’s services: registered for college; enrolled in classes; were placed successfully; established an educational plan; followed through to referred services; stayed in school their first semester; succeeded in their courses.
Although we do not keep tangible data, we know that good health contributes to student success. Helping students find appropriate care and health education in prevention and self care helps to lessen time lost from class due to illnesses.
1. Strengths of Accountability:
Daily visit log helps us to show the number of students/staff seen and the services that were provided.
2. Weaknesses of Accountability: Lack of clerical assistance prevents us from maintaining more detailed records and statistics.
3. Please describe method(s) for improvement implementation. These method(s) should be
consistent with unit plan goals.
Goal 1: Improve record keeping.Action / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
1a. /
Request additional clerical assistance
Goal 2: Enhance services provided.
Action / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
2a. / Continue to support plans for relocation and health fee
4. Resource Requests: Anticipated implications (budget item, facilities, staff, coordination)
Department Budget RequestBudget
Request / Operating Budget Increase / Instruction Increase / Computers / Equipment / Furniture / New Program Startup / Marketing Materials / Remodel Space / Faculty
Hires / Staff Hires / Student Hires / Temp Hires
One clerk position
Part A: DATA
1. Student Satisfaction: What student input/feedback do you have regarding services?
Helpful Hint: This does not have to be a scientific project. Consider asking students how they like the service during specific days of the semester. Put questionnaires or a suggestion box in your area. Follow up with students with a phone call and ask what was helpful or what was a barrier for them.
We continually receive positive verbal feedback from students. We have completed two students satisfaction surveys which were positive.
2. What faculty and staff input/feedback do you have regarding services ? (Attach data)
Helpful Hint: This does not have to be a comprehensive campus survey. Contact the people you work with and ask them how your unit is doing. Record their comments. Get information and feedback that is meaningful to your unit.
We work closely with the P. E. , Health Education, and FCS faculty. We have received positive feedback from faculty. The number of faculty that have incorporated services that we provide, such as BP screening and body fat measurement into their course requirements, have increased. Both faculty and staff are positive about our services such as BP screening.
3. How are the services communicated to students, potential students, and the campus?
(Example: The Early Assistance Program contacts instructors by e-mail, voicemail and letters. Students are contacted by mail or phone. There is a Los Rios online site under construction.
We have brochures outlining our services on our literature rack. For special events, we utilize e-mail, flyers, bulletin boards, banners and the Express. We also publish a newsletter and generally outline the services in the first issue each year.
4. What are the documents, letters, and reports produced by the unit? (Please attach)
We publish a newsletter on various health topics. In addition, we produce many of our own brochures on health topics such as colds & flu and body fat.
1. Strengths of Communications & Relations: Access to student e-mail increases exposure. Flyers are distributed to faculty and staff to notify students of upcoming events. Flyers and brochures are always available in literature rack outside of Health Office.
2. Weaknesses of Communications & Relations: Faculty and staff do not always communicate news to students. No consistent clerk to answer all calls and provide information when the nurses are out of the office
3. Please describe method(s) for improvement implementation.
These method(s) should be consistent with unit plan goals.
Goal 1: Improve communicationAction / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
1a. /
Request additional clerical help
Goal 2:
Action / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
4. Resource Requests: Anticipated implications (budget item, facilities, staff, coordination)
Department Budget RequestBudget
Request / Operating Budget Increase / Instruction Increase / Computers / Equipment / Furniture / New Program Startup / Marketing Materials / Remodel Space / Faculty
Hires / Staff Hires / Student Hires / Temp Hires
1 Clerk position
Part A: DATA
1. What computer equipment and office machinery is used in this program?
Each nurse has a computer and the office has one printer. A Beltone Audiometer, Titmus Vision Tester, otoscope, 3 blood pressure cuffs, Therma Scan thermometer, balance scale, and Omron Body Fat Analyzer are used. _____
2. What software programs are used for daily operations of the program?
Eden, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint), Corel WordPerfect, and Print Master Gold Publishing Suite are used. People Soft
will be implemented June 2002.
3. What is the level of training for the staff and how is the staff trained?
Both nurses have taken various computer classes offered by the district. However, the majority of the computer skills of both nurses have been self taught. We will attend People Soft training during April 2002
4. How does the equipment and software interface with other campus systems?
Eden and Microsoft Outlook and People Soft interfaces with other campus systems.
5. What online or distance services does the program provide?
1. Strengths of Technological Resources:
The nurses are able to provide a variety of services using the various technical equipment. The computers are an important resource used to keep current on recent medical advances and obtain health education materials for students.
2. Weaknesses of Technological Resources:
Much of the equipment, such as the Titmus Vision Tester and Audiometer are over 15 years old and could be updated with the latest technology
3. Please describe method(s) for improvement implementation.
These method(s) should be consistent with unit plan goals.
Goal 1: Up date with equipment using the latest technologyAction / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
1a. / Request funding for new vision and hearing testing equipment , and new balance scales.
Goal 2:
Action / Linkage to Other Plans / Year End Status & Accomplishments
4. Resource Requests: Anticipated implications (budget item, facilities, staff, coordination)
Department Budget RequestBudget
Request / Operating Budget Increase / Instruction Increase / Computers / Equipment / Furniture / New Program Startup / Marketing Materials / Remodel Space / Faculty
Hires / Staff Hires / Student Hires / Temp Hires
Titmus Vision Tester / $1600 /