Minutes of MHS PTSO Meeting

January 16, 2013

In attendance: Pat Kennedy, Debra Dias, Pat Wyer, Renee Hauserman, Greg Robertson, John Connolly, Suzanne Monkemeier, Terry Ziegler, Anne Meyer, Cathy Penney, Jodi Luppino, Anita McAndrew, Karin Szotak, Linda Finelli, Carla Brundage, Sue Boesnier, Brendan Winsper.

Co-Presidents Report

Pat Kennedy called the meeting to order.

Principal’s Report

·  Mr. Robertson reported that in the aftermath of Connecticut shooting a review of all schools within the district is under way. Homeland security will evaluate the district. A meeting regarding that review will be held on 2/5/13.

·  Mr. Healy will be out due to personal family obligations. Other teachers will be filling in for him as needed.

·  Project Aware's request for PTSO funds for new water fountains began a discussion with the BOE Buildings and Grounds committee. Mr. Robertson spoke with Lisa Ellis and once B&G determines what they can fund, Mr. Robertson and PTSO will meet to complete the request.

Students/Class Parents Update

Class of 2013: Anita McAndrew shared that the Senior Talent Show will be held on April 18th. The Gala will be held at FDU from 11 pm to 2 am. Terry Ziegler outlined the history of the Gala Committee which is comprised of class parents from each high school class. She has sent notification to class parents informing them of this responsibility and has asked for each class to provide her with the name of one person that will lead the effort for that class. They will be responsible for attending monthly meetings and coordinating their class’ specific task. Freshman class will be responsible for publicity, the sophomore class is responsible for transportation, the junior class is responsible for organizing chaperones for the event and the senior class is responsible for planning and contracting with the vendors used for the event.

Class of 2014: The class will be holding a rummage sale on 3/2/13. They are also planning a flag football event.

Class of 2015: Hoping to schedule Sklyr the Hypnotist for a date in February. The class officers are working on a unique “capture the flag” event for the spring.

Class of 2016: The class is planning a dodgeball tournament and working on an apparel sale.

Student Council Report

Susan Monkemeier reported the following: Student Council went to a consortium at Randolph and met with other school’s student councils. The group returned with many new ideas and renewed enthusiasm. A fundraiser for Valentine’s Day is planned as well as a consortium to be held at MHS. The Student Council requested the PTSO’s help with refreshments and suggested we may want to invite other PTOs to generate new ideas.

Vice President’s Report

Linda Finelli reported a nominating committee will be working to fill a slate of officers/committee chairs for next school year. The slate will be presented at the next PTSO meeting.

Assistant Principal’s Report

·  Mr. Connolly reviewed the school calendar for January and February

Treasurer’s Report

Pat Kennedy reported, for Linda Holm, the PTSO income and expenses school year to date.

Minutes Approval: The minutes from the November 2012 PTSO meeting were approved.

Committee Reports

Beautification: Purchased new planters that are in front of the building. Upcoming plans include service day participation and removing the holiday decorations. Sue will be looking for a replacement to take over this committee for next school year.

Newsletter: Deadline for submissions for next release is 1/31.

Directory: There continues to be a very low response rate for directory information even after an additional email was sent out. Meetings are planned to work toward a better solution for the next school year. If enough freshman families respond a freshman directory may be forthcoming.

Hospitality: Debbie Luttinger forwarded notice that hospitality is on track for the new year.

Web Page: Renee will need to be replaced for the next school year.

Booster Clubs:

Bullpen : No report.

Hockey: No report.

Soccer: No report.

Marching Dodgers: Pancake Breakfast at the Elks on 1/27.

Tip In Club: Pancake Breakfast at the Elks on 2/20 and lawn signs are for sale.

Diamond Club: Beefsteak Dinner at the Elks on 2/9.

PTSO Liaison Reports

Board of Education: No report.

Harding: No report.

MMA: There is a new wind ensemble that includes 50 students. The MMA will be holding the Dessert and Jazz fundraiser. They raised the ticket price this year to $15 per person. They partnered with MEF on a grant to acquire acoustic shelves and also with the elementary school PTSOs to purchase new posture chairs.

MEF: No report.

PPEC: A meeting is scheduled for February 5th titled, Navigating Through Your Child’s IEP.

MJS: No report

Old Business:

The Project Aware request for funding assistance for the purchase of two water fountains was put on hold pending BOE Building and Grounds committee’s review.

Two showings of the film Miss Representation will be scheduled at MHS within the next few months. Prompted by parent support the PTO purchased a copy of the film and curriculum and meetings have begun to see where media awareness can be included within the districts educational plan.

New Business:

Carla Brundage inquired if class pendants could be offered to students in addition to the traditional class rings that are currently offered. Mr. Connolly promised to ask Jostens.

Brendan Winsper asked if additional space other than the library could be opened up to students during common lunch. Mr. Connolly explained that there is also a quiet room available plus five tutorial classes each day. He will cover this in upcoming class meetings to ensure the students know of these additional opportunities.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Wyer, Secretary