Good evening Sycamore Springs Middle School Families. Here is the SSMS Update for January 5, 2018.
Soccer (grades 7 and 8 only)
If your 7/8th grade child is interested in playing soccer, please have them fill out this Google form byMonday, January 8th. Students do not have to be in athletics to participate, but do need a current physical from the doctor. The purpose of this survey is to give us an idea of how many students are planning to try out and play for our competitive soccer teams. Thank you.
7/8th Boys Soccer
7/8th Girls Soccer
Spelling Bee:
Scripps Spelling Bee 2018 is coming to Sycamore!
Do you dream of seeing YOUR middle-school student on ESPN and winning a national championship? It starts here!
In January, we’ll have a school-wide competition and the last student standing will be the Sycamore Champion, and represent us at the Austin competition.
If your kiddo is the next Bee champion, first just click below and fill out the Google Form. You will be emailed the list of words to study for the competition. Then get ready to compete!
Sycamore Springs Middle School Spelling Bee 2018
Parents, would you like to be a judge or announcer?
Please fill out the above form and let us know you want to help!
Questions? Email us
PTA to Sponsor David’s Law Anti-Bullying Assembly Next Week
Sycamore Springs Middle School and PTA are excited to have speakers joining us from theDavid'sLegacy Foundation! They are coming to speak to our students about Cyberbullying onJanuary 10th! Learn more aboutDavid'sLegacy at Thank you PTA for bringing this special presentation to SSMS.
SSMS Showcase in January
Mark your calendars! On January 23rd from 6-8 p.m., SSMS will host a showcase for incoming 5th grade students from Sycamore Springs and Rooster Springs Elementary Schools. This showcase will highlight all the courses currently offered on our campus and give students an opportunity to see and experience them. Many of our current students will be involved in showcasing their current electives. Elective choice sheets for 2018-2019 for our current 6th and 7th grade students will be completed in early February.
For updates and information on all things SSMS, please check us out on online at
Click here to see the SSMS Daily Announcements
You can follow us on Twitter @sycamoresprgsms
Syc ‘em Tigers!
Dan Diehl, Principal
Sycamore Springs Middle School