Graduate Field of Plant Pathology & Plant Microbe-Biology
Student Self-Assessment Form (Revised May/2012)
Date of Assessment ______
Name: / Semester/Year started in PPPMB:Date of Special Committee Meeting:
1. Special Committee:
Chairperson: / Major:
Co-Chair (if applicable):
Minor member: / Minor:
Minor member: / Minor:
Additional member:
Additional member:
2. Coursework Completed: (Since last committee meeting) add rows if needed
Number / Title / Grade / Number / Title / Grade
3. Laboratory Rotations (if applicable)
Supervisor: / Start Date: / End Date:
Supervisor: / Start Date: / End Date:
Supervisor: / Start Date: / End Date:
4. Teaching Experience: (Cumulative list)
Course / Supervisor / Semester/Year
Self-evaluation of teaching experience completed since the last committee meeting:
5. Funding source (cumulative list)Fall 20__: / Spring 20__: / Summer 20__:
Fall 20__: / Spring 20__: / Summer 20__:
Fall 20__: / Spring 20__: / Summer 20__:
Fall 20__: / Spring 20__: / Summer 20__:
Fall 20__: / Spring 20__: / Summer 20__:
Fall 20__: / Spring 20__: / Summer 20__:
Concerns and plans for future funding:
Grant or Fellowship applications submitted since the last committee meeting:
6. Research Activities:
Thesis outline/proposal completed (circle one) Yes No Not required by major advisor
List the overall and specific objectives of your research project:
Describe any research outcomes during the past year. (Describe findings, results, techniques, or other products that were developed or extended from the project.)
Describe any impediments or constraints to progress on your research project and your plans to overcome them:
List any publications or presentations from your research:
7. Miscellaneous information:
List any other information relevant to your graduate studies (e.g. honors, awards, committee service, professional organization service)
8. Please describe any difficulties you have encountered which may delay or impede your graduate studies. Discuss your proposed plans for overcoming these difficulties.
9. Student web pages:
Have you updated your student page this year? If not, when to do plan to do so?
10. Anticipated Milestone Dates
A-Exam - ______
Dept Seminar - ______
(PLPA 6810-Ithaca/6811 Geneva)
B-Exam - ______
Graduation - ______
I certify that the above information is accurate and portrays an accurate assessment of my graduate program in PPPMB.
Student Signature Date:
Assessment of student performance by Special Committee Chair:
Special Committee Chair signature Date
Special Committee Members Validation of the Assessments
My signature indicates that I am in agreement with the students self-assessment of progress and the with Special Committee Chair’s assessment of the students performance and progress.
Special Committee MembersName / Signature / Date
After all signatures are obtained, provide a copy of this document to both the Graduate Field Assistant and the Director of Graduate Studies, and check one below on each copy:
GFA copy ______DGS copy ______