Draft Brampford Speke Parish Council
Approved and signed minutes form the definitive legal record of council business.
In the interest of early publicationfor residents, this webpage carries the text of draft minutes approved by the chair and awaiting approval by the Parish Council.The draft minutes may also be made available directly to individual enquirers without access to the internet, on request.Draft minutes may be amended at the next council meeting before being signed. The approved minutes will then replace the draft minutes. If amendments are made, this will be noted in the minutes of the next meeting.
Minutes of the of the Parish Council Meeting held onWednesday 2nd April2014 at 7.30pm at the Village Hall.
Present In attendance
Cllr A. Wiles (Chair) Debbie Trelawny (Clerk)
Cllr S. Luxton EDDC Cllr D. Custance Baker
Cllr M. Merrett 1 member of the public.
Cllr M. Searle
Cllr R. Tillett
15 minutes Open Forum. A report was received of potential problems and risks created by the River Exe’s erosion of the river bank along the stretch approximately from the old ford, past Barnhill, to the footbridge. The Environment agency and Natural England are both aware of the issue as the land is SSSi land. The Clerk was asked to contact Highways to inspect the potential risks to the footbridge. The Clerk asked to be forwarded any recent correspondence on this issue by the owner of the land so that the Parish Council could investigate further.49/14. To receive apologies for absence. Apologies received from Cllr M. Greenerand DCC Cllr P. Bowden.
50/14Declarations of interest.No interests were declared.
51/14 Minutes.1. The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5th March 2014 were approved without amendment.
52/14. To receive an update on the outstanding tasks and actions for the Parish Council. Outstanding tasks and actions which the Parish Council wishes to monitor on a regular basis:
1. Improvements to Lake Bridge Footpath. In hand.
2. Replacement of the railings around the tree by the school. The work has been started.
Cllr E. Hollingsworth to follow up.
3. Letter to DCC about Hulk Lane. It was agreed to copy Thorverton Parish Council into the letter.
4. Salt for bin at top of Station Hill. In hand.
53/14. Housing development issues. There were no new updates on general development issues.
54/14. East Devon District Council (EDDC) matters. Cllr D. Custance Baker reported that there are changes to the Electoral Register which will now include every individual of voting age in a household.
Household waste is now being dealt with at the Exeter site.
Superfast Broadband.EDDC are considering taking on the project of supplying Superfast Broadband in its catchment for those homes not covered by the Somerset and Devon improvement scheme. The costs would be covered by a levy being paid by these households. It was noted that this seemed unfair on these households. There was discussion as the BritishTelecom website is saying that Brampford Speke will have superfast broadband from Stoke Canon exchange cabinet 1 in July 2014. It was agreed that Cllrs D. Custance Baker and M. Merrett will continue to explore and push every option to ensure that Brampford Speke benefits from this programme.
The email from a resident expressing concerns that the parish is included in the improvement scheme will be responded to by Cllrs A. Wiles and M. Merrett.
55/14. (Affordable) Housing Development at Upton Pyne. 1. Update from the Community Land Trust (CLT) on the Housing Development plans in Upton Pyne. Following the permission granted from EDDC in November 2013,it is anticipated that legal documentation will be signed in mid - April 2014 with work on site starting soon after.
56/14. Devon County Council (DCC) matters.
No report received.
The Parish Council noted the response from Highways dated 28th March 2014 regarding the poor drainage in soakaway between Brampford House and The Avenue. The situation will be monitored and the Clerk was asked to follow this issue up with Highways in September.
The surface water flowing off the field in Sandy Lane during prolonged and heavy rainfall was discussed in relation to the email received from Highways dated 19th March 2014. Cllr S. Luxton offered to speak to the farmer and then he will inform Cllr A. Wiles who will meet with the landowners too.
57/14. Footpaths.
No one expressed an interest in attending the latest strimming course.
Parishes Together Fund 2013/14. The Council has received formal confirmation that the bid put in by Upton Pyne Parish Council as a joint project with BSPC has been successful. The fund of £704 to be shared between UPPC and BSPC. Cllr M. Searle agreed to speak to the Upton Pyne Footpath Warden about the plans to spend the money.
58/14 Planning:
1.The following decisions from EDDC on Planning Applications:
Stooks Barn. Cllr M. Merrett declared a personal interest. It was noted that the decision by EDDC was not in accordance with the recommendations from the Parish Council.
2. To consider any planning applications received since posting this agenda. Two applications for work on trees have been received: Barnhill Cottage no objection, no site meeting required.
Brampford House, Cllr E. Hollingsworth (Parish Tree Warden) offered to speak to the owner to determine which tree is referred to in the application.
59/14. Website and the Countywide Broadband Improvement Programme.
See item 54/14.
60/14. Village Hall. It was reported from the Council’s representatives on the Village Hall Trust that the Trust are considering the possibility of external storage and also ramped access into the hall.
61/14. Parish Maintenance:
1. To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme (NHWS) in Brampford Speke. Mrs J. Birmingham has agreed to talk at the APM.
2. To receive an update on the problem of sewage leaks from manhole covers in heavy rain in the south of the village. The Council has been informed that South West Water are looking at upgrading the pumping system. Cllr A. wiles remind SW that they have offered to speak to the Parish.Cllr A. Wiles and Mr A. Birmingham will continue to monitor and liaise with SWW. To remain on the agenda.
Sand bags policy. The Parish policy is to remind residents that sand bags are available and to contact the Clerk and Cllr S. Luxton. It was agreed that the Parish should not be included in a wider EDDC response to other parishes. More sandbags to be ordered. It was agreed that in September meeting the Parish Council will consider purchasing some sand for people to fill the bags if required.
62/14. Woodland Trust, free trees for communities.
1. Cllr E. Hollingsworth (Tree Warden) reported on this opportunity to plant trees in the parish. The Village Tree Group have applied for a pack of 420 trees suitable for 1 acre of wetlands. Natural England and the Environment Agency are both aware of this and may modify the scheme. It has to be a community project, the school have expressed an interest in being involved. Confirmation of the successful bid will be received in September.
63/14. Accounts:
1. The following accounts were sanctioned for payment:
a. Clerk’s wages and allowances March 2014 £156.00
Working at home allowance £10.00
B.T internet line rental £1.50
Travel for meeting on the 5th February 12 miles at 40p a mile £4.80
Reimbursement for printing ink £26.00
Total £198.30
2. Reimburse Cllr A. Wiles for service costs of the strimmer. £97.48
3. To receive the draft end of year Accounts (previously circulated). The Clerk explained that there was a miscellaneous receipt of £4.80. The accounts were approved.
4. It was agree to keep the current account with Santander and to transfer about half the amount from the deposit account with Co-op Bank into Santander due to the reports in the national news about Co-op Bank. The Clerk was asked to find a deposit account that would offer more interest than Co-op too.
16. To sanction any changes required on the Freedom of Information policy, Cllr M. Merrett will make any recommendations next month.
64/14. Preparations for the APMon the 23rd April 2014.
The following was agreed:
It was agreed to ask for a general public view point on how WW1 could be remembered in the Parish at the APM.
65/14. Information received for possible action.
16. Information received for possible action/discussion.The following werenoted, no action taken.
EDDC Code of Conduct training sessions.
EDDC Survey to see whether paying Parish/Town Councillors would encourage more residents to put their name forward to become Town/Parish Councillors.
66/14. Date of next meeting(s) and Proposals for agenda items.
APM April 23rd
AGM May 7th
June 4th
July 2nd
September 3rd.
Clerk: Debbie Trelawny 01884 855490, Leigh Pool, Silverton, EX5 4DA / Action
S.L and M.S
A.W and S.L
M.M, D.C.B
A.W , M.M
S.L , A.W
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