Technical difficulties; did not get to use google hangouts / facebook live for broadcast.
Slide presentation
- Getting increased community involvement at LHES (primarily due to Connect Church and FVUMC helping us out) – Lunch Bunch and Read and Feed Programs
- Plan on partnering with Ms McClay for multi-cultural event held in 1Q of 2018 – Celebration of School Diversity
- PTA Budget – need to raise $$ for 2018/2017 budget. Goal of $16K, have raised ~$3K towards budget.
- Wish-mas tree is being set up in the front lobby for parents / students to grab a wish to fulfill as opposed to purchasing a teacher gift. This functions by enabling purchases that benefit the entire classroom while keeping money in the teachers’ pockets.
- Volunteers needed for Holiday Store (December 5th – 9th) in addition to Staff Appreciation Lunch. Donations of $ are accepted.
- January Events =
- Buddy Bench unveiled (donated by Garbe family and Silver Star GS award by student who ran after school club to decorate).
- Multi-Cultural Event Planning
- Literacy Night
- February 16th is next General PTA Meeting
- Inclusion / Diversity: some parents expressing concern over student’s reaction to election. PTA remains committed to supporting all students / families regardless of background. If students / parents are concerned about any emotional issues, contact Ms McClay for further assistance.
- Magnet Status Discussion by MrBaulch
- Still working on determining magnet theme
- Will be implemented in 2018/2019 school year – will fund more teachers and special focused instruction
- LHES used to be a magnet school, but was revoked due to low rates of free/reduced meals and high proficiency. Combination of opening of newer schools in FV combined with decreased budget – families left LHES.
- Max school capacity ~600 students. Will enable classrooms to stay small.
- Will be tight next year due to construction Phase2
- Monika Hostler will be on hand to discuss LHES Magnet Status at next meeting
- Open Discussion
- Father / Daughter Dance? – Tennille is taking the lead on a dance night; are aware of need to remain inclusive to non-trad family structures
- Class Dojo application use for PTA communications? – in process of talking to Dojo admin and MrBaulch to determine feasibility of using this platform as opposed to repeat posting on FB, Twitter, Website, Remind and printed / electronic newsletters.
- R. Duffy discussed possible assistance from Jr Women’s League of FV and potential donation of upwards of $3k to the school for a need. Will discuss with A. Steele to determine need.
- Swift Chimney may be delayed 1 year due to cafeteria need – in process of getting Wake Audubon lead / LHES Architect and MrBaulch to evaluate potential locations for small roosting tower.