I would like to start out by saying it is a pleasure to serve as your Lay Director of the English Cursillo of the Diocese of Grand Rapids. As most of you know by now, Cursillo is in the process of revitalizing itself. We are on the right track and we hope to help it grow and spread throughout the diocese. It has taken a lot of hard work by the secretariat and regional and national to get things moving in the right direction again. And a lot of changes have been made to keep the integrity of the Cursillo intact. And we could not have done any of it without regional and nationals help and guidance. But I can report that we have turned the corner. Now we still have a lot of work to do and area to cover, but with your help we will achieve our goal of making Cursillo a big part of our diocese.
Now you may ask yourself what you can do to help. Well, there are a few things you can do and should be doing as often as possible:
(1) be active in a reunion group
(2) attend school of leaders regularly
(3) attendUltreya on a regular basis
These three items are our mission as Cursillistas to fulfill for our faith and church. Over the years, we have gotten distracted and off course. I am asking everyone to get back involved and share your gifts with others and remember what your weekend did for you. We all have busy lives and we all have excuses. If you recall your weekend you will remember that we wanted to help as many Catholics as we can feel that renewal of our faith. Now I do want to make one thing very clear. When you attend the school of leaders it is not just to work a team. It is all about enrichment in our faith and also to help build our community and help all our brother and sisters grow in their Cursillo. So let’s dust off ourselves and get back to building the Cursillo throughout our diocese. We also need a few good men to step forward and have a weekend. I know we have quite a few qualified men out there just waiting for that little tug to get you moving. Well, let this be a start to that tug to get you willing to lead a weekend and help enrich the lives of other men in our faith. We have eleven counties that we cover and we need to get Cursillo known in all eleven of them. So let us not look back, but look forward to make Cursillo a faith strengthening tool for all Catholics. The women have been doing their part now I need you men to put your faith in motion and step forward and become a rector. So give a lot of prayer and let God guide us into the future. My prayers are with you.
I also would like to let you know there is another women’s Cursillo weekend coming up on October 20thto 23rd, 2016 at St.Joseph’s in Belding. Rose Compo will the rectoress and her co-rectoress will be Josie Hiltz. Keep this date in mind and support this Cursillo.
Hugh White – Lay Director
May 16, 2016
English Cursillo of Grand Rapids Diocese