Career Exploration for Students – Elementary School

Source: Adapted from National Career Development Association

· Pay attention to the activities your child likes, books read, shows watched, or how he or she spends free time. Talk about related careers.

· When your child says, “I want to be a _____when I grow up”, ask them to describe that career. Help them to think of related careers.

· Use clip art to create career coloring pages for your child.

· Ask your child to define success. Ask what are ways to be successful.

· Purchase coloring books that highlight career areas.

· Starts a discussion with the statement: “What’s more valuable – time or money?”

· Discuss what activities your child likes or dislikes and why.

· Talk about your job(s).

· Talk about the jobs of relatives and family friends.

· Create a family career tree together.

· Have your child compare skill learned to chores done at home. How do they relate? How are they different?

· While paying bills, explain the jobs/services associated with various companies.

· Explain budgeting, and help your child create a budget.

· Create a daily activities time chart. How does that compare to a work day?

· As you watch TV with your child discuss the jobs/careers the characters have.

· Take your child to your work site.

· Research careers together on the internet.

· Visit college campuses on family vacations.

· Take field trips to companies or organizations that promote tours of their facilities.

· Encourage your child to create career posters or poems to enter into the NCDA Poster and Poem Contest. See