What One Person Can Do Micah 6
Stry of a boy wlkng on a bch lttrd w thsnds of strfsh, sees old mnpck up & thro in2 ocean
Boy says to the old man what are U doing, Old man replies I am pick up and….
Boy says why, what diff, cant U see thousands, Old man replies mak diff to ths 1
SomeX’s U&I might feel like the boy w the problems in world or in our country – thsnds
We wonder and question can we do anything to make a diff in our nation/world??
Micah, the 8th c BC prophet felt something like that in his nation of Judah
M sw godlessness, idolatry, immorality go on his nation – wht can one person do?
I. Complaint Against The Nation 1-7
1-7 deal with the nation
A. Hear what the Lord says 1,2
The mntains – cities on the mntains, called[lik witnesses 2hear [2X’s] sim2chap 1
Lord’s cmplnt–indctmnt, chrgs rd, announced, note legal terms [plead1 testify3]
Lord will contend w Israel [specifically Judah
B. Basic complaint 3-5
Lord’s searching questions to His people of His actions 3
Lord’s redemptive work – brought, redeemed, sent you Moses and Law 4
People have forgotten the righteous actions of the Lord, Nb 22 Balak/Balaam 5
U remember when it makes a diff in your life, Judah had forgotten
C. Revealing Questions 6,7
Questions show the nation forgotten the Lord in religious practices
Does God have a complaint against the US?
II. What One Person Can Do 8
V8 is one of those incredible verses J3:16;13:34; Mt 22:37; Dt 10:12; 1Sm15:22
A. The Lord has shown U what is good
Th Lord has shwn[dclrd, mdknwn]U, O man – instead of speaking to the nation
The address is to a person, the individual, what one person can do
You may liv in a nation w a divine indictment but still something U can do
What is good – the world around U may not know good from bad, but the
Lord has shown U what is good – biblical learning, family upbringing
Dt 30:15; Is 1:17; 38:3; Jer 6:16; 1Sm 12:23; 2Ch6:27;
B. What the Lord requires of you, require in the sense of seek, demands, asks for
The Lord has shown U good, here are 3 things U have been shown now do them
1. To do justly – doing what is right, behaving in a right and upright manner,
Not just talking about justice, but doing just and right things
Actions consistent with justice, righteousness
2. To love mercy–lovingkindness, but two words in Hebrew love what? Mercy
God is just, God is merciful, U hv rcvd mercy from God, love mercy othrs
3. To walk humbly with your God–
Walk – the way we normally move through life, everyday living
humbly only use in Bible, modestly, appropriate to God, reverence
beingarnd God, experiencing His presence and work shldproduc humility
III. Consequences To The Nation 9-13
A. Details of the complaint 9-12 i.e. some specific sins in Judah
10 Still treasures of wickedness among Ushort measures i.e. cheating
11 wicked scales and bag of deceitful weights
12 rich men full of violenceinhabitants speak liesdeceitful toungues
B. Divine consequences of the sin 13-15
13 The Lord will make the nation sick [begn to destroy], desolate bcs of ntnl sins
14 eat but not be satisfied, hunger, carry away but not save, what saved taken
15 sow but not reap, tread but not anoint, make wine but not ddrink
C. Summary – U hld 2laws of Omri/Ahab1KN16:23f &wlk in their ways tht I dstry U 16
Does the US deserve the consequences of our national sin? Boice, p352 bottom…