Certificate III, IV and V in Hospitality
Hospitality (THH02) Training Package
Technical Guide
Table of Contents
Scope and features of the toolbox 1
How do I install the toolbox on my server? 2
How do I make use of the communication tools? 2
The directory structure of this Toolbox 3
The Root Directory 3
The html directory 4
How can I deliver units and/or tasks individually? 6
To copy an individual unit: 6
To copy an individual task: 6
How do I customise the menu of units and tasks 6
Modifying the XML file 7
Modifying the XHTML equivalent file 8
How do I add, delete or change the order of content screens in a task? 9
How do I add, delete or change the order of screens in a resource? 10
Customising the glossary 11
Transferring the Toolbox to a learning management system 13
Minimum hardware/software requirements and installation advice for learners. 14
Hardware 14
Software 14
Plug-ins 14
Certificate III, IV and V in Hospitality – Technical Guide
Scope and features of the toolbox
The Hospitality Toolbox approaches learning in an innovative and challenging way and will enable providers to customise learning resources so they are relevant to their immediate audience. The toolbox provides online learning resources from seven units from the Hospitality (THH02) Training Package. Much of the online material is customisable. The toolbox has been designed and developed to conform with W3C Priority 1 Accessibility Guidelines and makes use of an integrated navigation system in order to improve accessibility.
The Hospitality Toolbox as released on the CD is a flexible learning resource that can be easily customised to suit individual learning needs and work environments.
The toolbox comes complete with its own internal navigation ready for installation onto a web server. The toolbox has been designed to incorporate online communication (email and discussion board) tools and you will need to add the necessary links to your choice of communication tools.
The toolbox may also be incorporated into a learning management system such as WebCT, to make use of that system’s tools (eg. communication tools) and features.
It is recommended that you make a backup copy of the Hospitality Toolbox CD in case the original becomes lost or is damaged.
How do I install the toolbox on my server?
To install the Hospitality Toolbox on your server, follow these steps:
1. Insert the Toolbox CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
2. Open a directory browser on your server computer and navigate to the drive that you inserted the CD into.
3. Either copy all the files and directories in the root directory of the CD-ROM to a nominated directory on your server, or
If you only wish to copy specific units or tasks then refer to the section How can I deliver units and/or tasks individually? on page 6.
There are no server side technologies utilised in this toolbox so it will not be necessary to configure anything extra to use the toolbox. After all the files are copied to the nominated directory on your server, it’s just a matter of opening a web browser and accessing the index.html page in the nominated directory.
If you rename any of the subdirectories, you will have to change the appropriate links in the content. Unless it is absolutely necessary that you rename, we recommend keeping the directory structure as is to prevent any errors from occurring.
If you have trouble accessing Flash content in the toolbox, it may be necessary to set the appropriate mime type for Flash (application/x-shockwave-flash). This should not be necessary for most installations.
How do I make use of the communication tools?
The Toolbox does not contain any communication tools (e-mail, discussion board or chat), but placeholders are provided to indicate where they should go. You will need to insert links to your tools in the HTML page located at html/comms/index.htm. This page can be accessed via the Communicate button at the top of the screen which is available on every page
Alternatively, if your training provider has their own e-mail system or electronic discussion board you may like to edit this page to say something like: “Please use our internal e-mail and discussion board system.”
The directory structure of this Toolbox
Each unit is contained in a directory with sub-directories for documents, images, flash files, and resources. Each unit directory is named with its unit code and a three-letter abbreviation of its name. These units reference the glossary feature, which is located in the glossary directory at the root level.
The files have been organised in a directory structure to make it easier to extract and deliver individual components of this toolbox. The following table outlines the directory structure and explains how to do this:
The Root Directory
Most files in the root directory are used to auto load the CD-ROM. The root directory also contains this a directory named guides that contains the Technical Guide and Teachers Guide. If you are installing the toolbox to your server, you do not need to copy the guides directory, autorun.inf, autohtml.exe or showhtml.ini.index.html / Entry page for the entire Toolbox.
/html / This directory contains all other text, images and media content, organized in sub-directories.
/guides / This directory contains the Teachers Guide and this Technical Guide.
The html directory
/html/comms / This directory contains a placeholder for the communication tools. Insert links to your communications tools on this page./html/css / This directory contains the style sheets used for all pages throughout the toolbox.
/html/glossary / This directory contains all files used in the glossary function.
/html/images / This directory contains all images used outside of unit content pages such as Toolbox headers and footers.
/html/js / This directory contains all external javascript (.js) files used throughout the Toolbox.
/html/media / This directory contains flash used outside of unit content pages such as main navigation and headers.
/html/thhgga07b_cos / This directory contains all files used in unit Control and Order stock.
/html/thhgga08b_psp / This directory contains all files used in unit Plan and establish systems and procedures
/html/thhgle01b_mwo / This directory contains all files used in unit Monitor work operations
/html/thhgle02b_whs / This directory contains all files used in unit Implement workplace health, safety and security procedures
/html/thhgle06b_msp / This directory contains all files used in unit Monitor staff performance
/html/thhgle07b_rss / This directory contains all files used in unit Recruit and Select Staff
/html/thhgle13b_mfb / This directory contains all files used in unit Manage Finance Within a Budget
/html/tour / This directory contains files used in the tour feature.
Unit directories:
These directories are named as follows:
thhgga07b_cos Control and Order stock
thhgga08b_psp Plan and establish systems and procedures
thhgle01b_mwo Monitor work operations
thhgle02b_whs Implement workplace health, safety and security procedures
thhgle06b_msp Monitor staff performance
thhgle07b_rss Recruit and Select Staff
thhgle13b_mfb Manage Finance Within a Budget
Each unit has a standard directory structure, which is detailed below. Unit Control and Order stock is used as an example.
thhgga07b_cos/documents / This directory contains all Microsoft Word and PDF documents used within the unit.
thhgga07b_cos/images / This directory contains all JPEG and GIF images used within the unit.
thhgga07b_cos/media / This directory contains all flash files used within the unit.
thhgga07b_cos/resources / This directory contains all of the files required to display resource pages, such as frameset, headers and footers. It does not contain any educational content. The contents of the resources directory in each unit are essentially identical, and are replicated inside each unit to simplify disaggregation.
thhgga07b_cos/resources/content / This sub-directory contains all of the resource content pages for the unit.
thhgga07b_cos/taskx / This directory contains all of the pages that comprise a task within the unit. There are between two and five task sub-directories in each unit, numbered sequentially.
How can I deliver units and/or tasks individually?
You can choose to display only selected units, or selected tasks from one unit, on your server. It is important that you maintain the overall directory structure within the nominated directory on your server to make sure that links between pages remain functional.
To copy an individual unit:
Copy the files that are required by the unit:
· The entire css directory
· The entire js directory
· The entire images directory
· The entire media directory
· The entire glossary directory
Then, copy the relevant unit materials:
· The relevant unit directory. Eg thhgga07b_cos
To copy an individual task:
Follow the steps above and then remove the task directories within the unit directory that are not required:
Eg. To copy only the Stock levels and records task, which is task 1 of the Control and Order stock unit, delete:
· thhgga07b_cos/task2
· thhgga07b_cos/task3 and
· thhgga07b_cos/task4
How do I customise the menu of units and tasks
The main menu in the Toolbox uses a flash driven navigation system. This system uses an easily edited XML file, media/xml/menu_data.xml, to allow non-programmers to change the list of units and tasks presented in the menu. A simple XHTML equivalent, main_menu_text.htm, is also provided for computers that cannot display Flash or do not have the Flash plugin. Both of these files can be edited with any simple text editor. They must both be changed to change the order or number of units and tasks presented to the learner.
Modifying the XML file
The XML file is a text file that lists the units and tasks that make up the Toolbox and the pages that should be displayed when the student clicks an element in the menu. The units and tasks will be displayed in the order in which they appear within the XML file.
The first unit in the XML file, Control and Order Stock, is shown below
<unit name="Control and Order Stock" url="thhgga07b_cos/index.htm" description="This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to control and order stock in a range of tourism and hospitality enterprises" elements="thhgga07b_cos/competency.htm">
<task name="Task 1: Stock levels and records" url="thhgga07b_cos/task1/page01.htm" />
<task name="Task 2: Follow up orders" url="thhgga07b_cos/task2/page01.htm" />
<task name="Task 3: Organise and administer stocktakes" url="thhgga07b_cos/task3/page01.htm" />
<task name="Task 4: Minimise stock losses" url="thhgga07b_cos/task4/page01.htm" />
Each unit is defined in two parts; the <unit> tag and the <tasks> tags. The <unit> tag has four parts that can be edited (in bold text below):
<unit name="name" url="url" description="description" elements="elements">
· name – This should consist of the unit name. E.g. Control and Order Stock. Should any changes need to be made, make sure you only edit the text between the inverted commas ("").
· url - Link to the introduction page for the unit. Changing the url should not be necessary. Should any changes need to be made, make sure you only edit the text between the inverted commas ("").
· description – A very brief description of the unit. Descriptions should be about 20 words long. If you change the description you must check the main menu to ensure that the new description fits in the available space. Should any changes need to be made, make sure you only edit the text between the inverted commas ("").
· elements - Link to the Elements of Competency page for the unit. Changing the elements should not be necessary. Should any changes need to be made, make sure you only edit the text between the inverted commas ("").
The <task> tag has two parts that can be edited (in bold text below):
<task name="name" url="url" />
· name – This should consist of the task name. E.g. Task 1: Stock levels and records. Should any changes need to be made, make sure you only edit the text between the inverted commas ("").
· url - Link to the first page of a the task. Changing the url should not be necessary. Should any changes need to be made, make sure you only edit the text between the inverted commas ("").
Modifying the XHTML equivalent file
The XHTML equivalent provides exactly the same functionality as the Flash main menu but in a simpler form that can be used by users of screen readers or those who do not have the Flash plugin installed on their web browser.
The first unit in the XHTML equivalent file, Control and Order Stock, is shown below
<h2 id="main_menu">Control and Order stock</h2>
<p>This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to control and order stock in a range of tourism and hospitality enterprises</p>
<li<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="OpenElements('thhgga07b_cos/competency.htm')" title="Opens the elements of competency in a new window">Elements of competency</a</li>
<a href="thhgga07b_cos/index.htm">Begin Unit</a>
<li<a href="thhgga07b_cos/task1/page01.htm">Task 1: Stock levels and records</a</li>
<li<a href="thhgga07b_cos/task2/page01.htm">Task 2: Follow up orders</a</li>
<li<a href="thhgga07b_cos/task3/page01.htm">Task 3: Organise and administer stocktakes</a</li>
<li<a href="thhgga07b_cos/task4/page01.htm">Task 4: Minimise stock losses</a</li>
The XHTML equivalent file should be modified with exactly the same information that was entered into the XML file.
Editable items appear below in bold:
<h2 id="main_menu">Unit title</h2>
<p>Short Description</p>
<li<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="OpenElements('Elements of competency URL')" title="Opens the elements of competency in a new window">Elements of competency</a</li>
<a href="Introduction page URL">Begin Unit</a>
<li<a href="Task 1 URL">Task 1 title</a</li>
<li<a href="Task 2 URL">Task 2 title</a</li>
<li<a href="Task 3 URL">Task 3 title</a</li>
<li<a href="Task 4 URL">Task 4 title</a</li>
How do I add, delete or change the order of content screens in a task?
The ordering of pages in a task is controlled by the filenames of the pages themselves. Pages in a task are numbered sequentially starting with page01.htm. A three page task would therefore consist of three files names page01.htm, page02.htm and page03.htm. Page numbers lower than 10 are prefixed with “0”.