This grant program has been authorized, but not yet been funded by the State of Alaska. We need to know which public school libraries intend to apply for this grant. We need a precertification form from each public school with a library program. Please fill out this form for your public school library and return it through your school district to the Alaska State Library in Anchorage by September 1, 2009. We will notify your school district when the program is funded.
DUE: September 1, 2009
1. / School Name:2. / School District:
3. / School Address:
City: / Zip:
4. / Contact Person: / 5. / Phone No.:
6. / Fax No.: / 7. / E-mail:
8. / Mailing Address for Grant Check:
9. / How many students attend this school?
10. Schedule of hours school library is open during the school week to students and number of hours school library is staffed:
Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Total Hours School Library is Open Per Week / Total Hours School Library is Staffed Per Weekto / to / to / to / to
Page one of five
Questions about this precertification form?
Contact the Alaska State Library at 1-800-776-6566
Return form to by September 1, 2009 to:
Alaska State Library,
344 West Third Avenue, Suite 125,
Anchorage, AK 99501
This grant program has been authorized, but not yet been funded by the State of Alaska. We need to know which public school libraries intend to apply for this grant. We need a precertification form from each public school with a library program. Please fill out this form for your public school library and return it through your school district to the Alaska State Library in Anchorage by September 1, 2009.
11. What is the budget that has been allocated to your school library for school year 2009-2010?
Please break out this budget into school district and non-school district funds. Do NOT include
the amount of the Alaska Public School Library Collection Development Grant you expect to
receive from the State Library.
2009-2010 School Library BudgetAllocated from School District / 2009-2010 School Library Budget Allocated from Federal or Other
a. / Personnel / Funds / Sources
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Benefits
b. / Collection (Library Materials)
1. Books
2. Subscriptions
3. Audiovisuals
4. Electronic Materials and Online Services
(Do NOT include Internet Service Provider Fees here)
5. Other Materials
c. / Other Expenditures
1. Building Operations
2. Furniture & Equipment
3. Travel
4. Supplies
5. Services, including Internet Service Provider Fees
6. All Other Unreported Expenditures
d. / Total
Page two of five
Questions about this precertification form?
Contact the Alaska State Library at 1-800-776-6566
Return form to by September 1, 2009 to:
Alaska State Library,
344 West Third Avenue, Suite 125,
Anchorage, AK 99501
This grant program has been authorized, but not yet been funded by the State of Alaska. We need to know which public school libraries intend to apply for this grant. We need a precertification form from each public school with a library program. Please fill out this form for your public school library and return it through your school district to the Alaska State Library in Anchorage by September 1, 2009.
12. Please provide the names of the people, job titles, and the number of hours worked each week for all staff paid to work in the school library. Do not include volunteers. If the library has more than one paid staff member, attach an additional sheet listing the name, job title, and hours worked for each additional person and attach a copy of the job description for each additional person.
Job title:
Hours worked in library each week:
Please attach a job description for this person to the application.
13. How many books are included in the school library collection? ______
If your library does not have an automated circulation system to provide this number, simply get an average of the number of books on a few shelves, then multiply that average by the number of shelves in that section of the library. You may need to do this individually for the easy/picture book section since those books have few pages, when compared to thicker books, such as juvenile fiction and juvenile non-fiction.
14. How large is the library space in square feet? ______
Include all areas occupied by the library, including those areas off-limits to the public. Include any areas shared with other agencies, if the library has use of the area.
15. Please attach 2-3 photographs of the library interior to this application.
16. Please attach a brief description of how you intend to improve your school library collection with
these grant funds.
Page three of five
Questions about this precertification form?
Contact the Alaska State Library at 1-800-776-6566
Return form to by September 1, 2009 to:
Alaska State Library,
344 West Third Avenue, Suite 125,
Anchorage, AK 99501
This grant program has been authorized, but not yet been funded by the State of Alaska. We need to know which public school libraries intend to apply for this grant. We need a precertification form from each public school with a library program. Please fill out this form for your public school library and return it through your school district to the Alaska State Library in Anchorage by September 1, 2009.
17. Every public school library that receives the Alaska Public School Library Collection
Development grant is required by law to promote library and information literacy standards
to students.
Our school promotes the Alaska Library/Information Literacy Content Standards by:
(Check as many as apply to your school library.)
□ …presenting library instruction on how information and resources are organized.
__ Dewey Decimal system
__ How to use online or card catalog if available
__ Basic search strategies
□ …promoting an understanding of the research process necessary to locate, evaluate, and
communicate information and ideas.
__ Evaluate a variety of resources to determine which are useful and appropriate
__ Evaluate information for validity, relevancy, currency, and accuracy
__ Organize information to create a product
□ …fostering independent reading, listening and viewing of print and non-print materials
that contribute to lifelong learning.
__ Targeted reading motivation programs (such as Iditaread, etc.)
__ Independent reading periods
__ Family reading activities
__ Author and illustrator studies
__ Author visits
□ …providing students the freedom to seek information needs beyond immediately available
__ Statewide databases via SLED
__ Interlibrary loan
__ Making available information on diverse local and world cultures and issues
__ Evaluation of opposing viewpoints
□ …instructing students about ethical, legal, and social behavior with respect to information
__ Internet safety instruction and policies
__ Intellectual freedom
__ Intellectual property rights and copyright laws
__ Proper use of citations and bibliographies
__ Definition and consequences of plagiarism
Page four of five
Questions about this precertification form?
Contact the Alaska State Library at 1-800-776-6566
Return form to by September 1, 2009 to:
Alaska State Library,
344 West Third Avenue, Suite 125,
Anchorage, AK 99501
This grant program has been authorized, but not yet been funded by the State of Alaska. We need to know which public school libraries intend to apply for this grant. We need a precertification form from each public school with a library program. Please fill out this form for your public school library and return it through your school district to the Alaska State Library in Anchorage by September 1, 2009.
Note: This grant precertification is a legal document. This precertification MUST
have two signatures from two different people.
School Librarian or School Library Staff Person:
Print or type name Title
Signature Date
School Principal:
Print or type name Title
Signature Date
Page five of five
Questions about this precertification form?
Contact the Alaska State Library at 1-800-776-6566
Return form to by September 1, 2009 to:
Alaska State Library,
344 West Third Avenue, Suite 125,
Anchorage, AK 99501