UEC Board Meeting

February 4, 2009

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February 4, 2009 - 12:00 Noon

Van Boerum & Frank Associates

330 South 300 East, Salt Lake City, Utah

Members Present: Members Absent:

Trent Hunt, Chair ASHRAE Micheal McKamey ASCE

Joe Martone, Treasurer SAME Mike Norrie, 1st Past Chair SAME

Mike Buehner, Vice-Chair SEAU Tom Phelps IESNA

Dale Bennett, 2nd Past Chair ACEC Lenard Barney UCLS

Paul Oestreich IEEE Dan Church USPE

Todd Rindlisbaker ASHRAE Jim Thacher AIAA

David Merrill ASME

Kiran Bhayani AAEE

Peter Tang ITE

Marilyn Marshall SWE

David Cline SAME

Jeremiah Jones IEEE

Cliff Cole SEAU

Dannie Pollock AAEE

Susan Merrill Executive Secretary


Trent was delayed, so Mike Buehner began the meeting at 12:07 p.m.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 14, 2009

Motion: Dale Bennett moved to approve the minutes. Joseph Martone seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.


Joe reported that we have two banquet co-sponsors: CDM and EIMCO Water Technologies. We still need dues from AAEE and IES. Kiran mentioned that IES has had a change in officers. He will give Susan more current contact information. Kiran will take care of the AAEE dues today.

Joe mentioned that he paid the $7 corporate fee to the state of Utah and he shows the scholarship expenses in his report. The checks have been made out but not yet distributed.


A.  E-Week – Mike Buehner: Mike reported that we have pretty much completed the work of picking out menu items. He has been in contact with our speaker to see what preparations we need to make. We have to pay extra money if we want one large screen in addition to the monitors in the hall. If the speaker doesn’t want it, we won’t get it. Trent said Mike should call Lisa and tell her to comp. it. We need to bring our own projector. They have been nickel-and-diming us this year – they originally gave Mike a price of $53 per person and Mike knocked them down $10 to $43 per person. Their entire attitude has changed from two years ago. It is a different caterer this year and this new caterer does not have a liquor license. If we provide alcohol, it would have to be done by UEC. Because of liability issues, the Executive Committee has decided not to have a cash bar this year. Mike has contacted the co-sponsors and they will provide Mike with information to provide on the screens. We will probably be taking a loss on this banquet since we are only charging $45 per person and the food is costing us $43 per person. Mike needs to give the caterer a final count on Friday. So far we have 22 tables reserved which would seat 176 people. Our initial plans were for 200 people, so we are doing well. Mike has not heard yet from ACEC. Dale will check with Michael Smith.

B.  Publication Committee – Kiran Bhayani: Kiran reported that the publisher has put us behind schedule. They won’t have a proof ready until Monday. They are uncertain about the number of pages we will have because they have not sold the advertising they should have done. We had the information to them on time, but they have not put the Journal together yet. Trent said he talked to Bill at NewslettersInk and Bill claimed that they had lost a salesman and had been working on selling advertising since last October. Trent gave him three names of people who had not been contacted who had inquired about advertising in the Journal. Trent then gave them another 20 names to call for advertising. They had not called L-3 or Boeing or half of the engineering firms. Kiran feels that in the future we need to finish everything by December. Dale mentioned that he thought the deal with NewslettersInk was that they would sell the advertising and publish the Journal for us – if they lost, they lost, and if they made money, all the better. Bill at NewslettersInk claimed that they have always broken even in the past.

Trent wanted to know if all of our member societies had sent the UEC Banquet flyer to their membership. Susan sent it to all of the societies to distribute. The UEC Representatives need to be sure it is distributed to their membership.

Dale suggested that we should look for some other options for the Journal for next year.

Kiran mentioned that the UEC banquet was not mentioned at all in the ASCE newsletter that he just received. Dale said he would contact the ASCE Newsletter editor and ask him to send the flyer out to their membership.

We can probably take the banquet flyer out of the Journal because it will go out too late. Kiran said we have a good collection of articles and he is hoping that none will have to be cut out.

C.  Fund-raising – David Merrill: David reported that he has collected $4,625 so far, $3,000 of that is from our banquet co-sponsors CDM and EIMCO Water Technologies. David has commitments for more. Our numbers are not as high as last year.

D.  Membership – Paul Oestreich: Curtis Beck from AICHE (American Society of Chemical Engineers) was hoping to attend today, but had a conflict. He will try to attend our March meeting. Trent talked with the president of USGBC and he reported that it has been brought to the committee, but no decision has been made. Trent has not heard anything from ASPE.

E.  Awards Committee – Mike Norrie: Mike was not able to attend today but reported to Trent that he has sent the awards information to Mike Buehner for the presentation. He will be picking up the plaques tomorrow. Since he is not here today, Joe will need to reimburse him for the awards.

F.  Scholarship Committee – Joe Martone: The winners have been selected from each of the three schools and Joe wanted to express his thanks to those who served on the committee. Joe provided the information to everyone on the committee and let them choose independently, then he tallied the votes and there was a consensus. It worked pretty well. The committee did not have to come together to meet. Joe is having the checks blown up for the presentation. Susan Merrill will take pictures at the banquet. Trent asked if this process could be used for the other awards. It was felt that the other awards were more complicated and it would be better for the awards committee to meet and discuss the candidates in person.

G.  Legislative Committee – Micheal McKamey: Mike was not in attendance.


Tami Goetz was not in attendance; therefore, this item has been tabled until next month.


The following nominations have been requested by DOPL:

UBCC (Uniform Building Code Committee) Mechanical Advisory Committee – Wayne Clark Peterson (mechanical professional engineer) is eligible for reappointment to the Committee.

UBCC Plumbing/Health Advisory Committee – Nathan Lunstad (professional engineer) is eligible for reappointment to the Committee.

UBCC Education Advisory Committee – (new position) DOPL would like either a licensed architect or licensed professional engineer to serve on this committee.

Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Board – Kim Harris (professional engineer/mechanical) is not eligible for reappointment to the Board.

Uniform Building Code Committee – David L. Pierson (professional engineer) is not eligible for reappointment to the Board

Wayne Clark Peterson and Nathan Lunstad may be nominated for reappointment in their current

positions. DOPL would like UEC to nominate three people in order of preference for each of the

positions. DOPL often sends requests for nominations to individual engineering societies.

Nominations need to be submitted to DOPL no later than April 10, 2009. Susan will send out an e-mail to all societies letting them know that this information is on the website and if they would like UEC to nominate someone from their society, they will need to bring the nominee’s name and resume to the March UEC meeting. Nominees must come from UEC member societies in order to be endorsed by UEC.


The nominating committee needs to have a slate of nominees by our March meeting so they can be voted on in the April meeting. If anyone is interested in serving on the nominating committee, let Dale Bennett know. The person who is voted to be Treasurer is expected to be Vice-Chair the next year, then Chair the year after that, 1st Past Chair and then 2nd Past Chair (five year commitment).

The by-laws state: “No more than one elected officer shall be a representative of the same Member society. Officers will be chosen from those who are Member society representatives at the time the election takes place or who have been a UEC officer or a Member society representative at any time during the previous two years.” Peter Tang expressed a willingness to be the Treasurer. He will be serving as the ITE president next year, though. We will look at other candidates as well. Those who volunteered to be on the nominating committee are Trent Hunt, Mike Buehner, Paul Oestreich and Joe Martone with Dale Bennett as Chair.


Dale Bennett mentioned that for the first time in his 26-year career the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping and the Western Federation of Land Surveyors are jointly combining with UCLS (Utah Council of Land Surveyors) in a convention here in Salt Lake City February 20-23, 2009.

The UEC E-Week banquet is next Friday, February 13. 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. is social hour. Dinner is a 7:00 p.m. The presentation will begin after dinner. Parking validations will be available for parking to the east. Enter on the 2nd level of the building. All deliveries have to be made before 5:00 p.m. Susan will bring the centerpieces before that time. Displays must be brought before 5:00 p.m. There is a closet for coats and everyone will be responsible for his or her own coat. Helpers need to be at the 23rd Floor at 5:00 p.m. Trent will bring a laptop and projector. He will need the presentation file from Mike. Mike will be doing most of the presentation. We should know by Monday if the governor will be coming. Susan will check with Mike McKamey.


We did not have a motion to adjourn.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:11 p.m.