Stottesdon and Sidbury Parish Council

Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 23rd August 2016 at 7.30pm in Chorley Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs H Barratt (Chairman), R Abbiss, A Millington, D Young, J Hill.

Unitary Cllr Madge Shineton

Clerk: Mrs F Morris

Parishioners: 3

Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained procedures to the parishioners.

0) Public participation:

Vicky Franklin from Bagginswood had emailed Clerk regarding speeding tractors and road safety in particular for horse riders and requested more signage/traffic calming measures in the parish. Although there are quite a few bridleways in the parish many need road access before you get onto them.

Emily attended and explained that she had been knocked off her horse at the end of May between the Litley junction/Chorley Hall bends and both she and the horse received extensive injuries. Clerk explained that the Parish Council had not been made aware of this accident until Vicky emailed complaining about the speeding tractors. Councillors also confirmed that they were unaware of the accident.

Chairman explained that a local farmer had attended a meeting in June and explained the speeds of tractors etc. which was included in the last newsletter.

It was also pointed out that the Parish Council had written to all the equestrian businesses and had also written in the newsletters asking all horse riders to use the reflective jackets and also to put any reflective strips etc on their horses which does help drivers.

Clerk explained that she had been in touch with the Police, SALC and Insurance Company who all confirmed that this was not really a Council matter but one for the horse riders to bring to the attention of the Police with registration numbers of vehicles etc. They all felt that the Council had done everything within their powers to help. Clerk explained that the Parish Council can only do what they have the ‘powers’ to do within their legislation but were happy to help in any way they can.

Unitary Cllr Shineton asked if the horse riders were members of ‘Horse Watch’ (details given out) and also asked Vicky to mark on a map where she considered signage would be helpful and to email this to her and Clerk for further investigation and costings. Vicky was happy to do this and Vicky also offered to help in any way she could.

The Parish Council were happy to insert another item in the next newsletter due out at the end of September and Vicky agreed to forward this to the Clerk. Chairman thanked the parishioners for attending the meeting.

1) Apologies for absence:
Cllrs M Evans (work), S Crawford (away), T Casswell (away), S Allen (away), B Hamilton-Russell (dispensation). It was RESOLVED to accept these apologies.

2) Declaration of Interests:

The Localism Act 2011, Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012.
Members are reminded that they are required to leave the room during the discussion and voting on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, whether or not the interest is entered in the register of member’s interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer.


3) To confirm minutes of the meeting held on 25th July 2016:

These had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that they be signed as true record and Chairman signed these accordingly.

4) Matters Arising from the minutes:

(a) Progress report from Clerk:

Printer – finally arrived but problems installing it at present but hope to get this sorted at the weekend.

Website – handed over but need to update it all.

Road closure – signage caused problems but more has to be carried out in The Deserts next year. After discussions it was RESOLVED to write to Cllr Shineton with a copy to Chris Edwards, Steve Brown and Graham Downes asking in future that the Parish Councils are consulted regarding signage/diversion routes prior to any decisions being made.

Bus shelter repair – requested Mark Pearce to carry out this work.

(b) Any other matters arising:

5) Planning applications/permissions/refusals:

a) Reference: 16/02669/FUL (validated: 12/07/2016)

Address: Mass House Farm, Stottesdon, Kidderminster, Shropshire, DY14 8NL

Proposal: Installation of a Sewage Treatment Plant and Connecting Drain including Change of Use of land

Applicant: Xebec Projects Ltd (Mrs Denise Childe, 7 Oak Court, Woodlands, Grouville, Jersey, JE3 9AW)

Councillors requested further information regarding these plans which Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting. It was RESOLVED to accept these plans.

b) Reference: 16/03453/LBC (validated: 03/08/2016)

Address: Hall Farm House, Sidbury, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 6PY

Proposal: Replacement of 8x timber windows with 8x new hardwood double glazed windows to match existing to Grade II listed farmhouse

Applicant: Sidbury Estate (New Windsor House, Oxon Business Park, Shrewsbury, SY3 5HJ

Councillors studied these plans and it was RESOLVED to support these.

c) Permissions/refusals:

None received

d) Any other applications/permissions/refusals received after issue of the agenda:
Reference: 14/03937/COU (validated: 19/09/2014)

Address: Stanley Farm, Chorley, Bridgnorth, WV16 6PS

Proposal: Use of land for the stationing of one accommodation unit for on-site key worker; works to existing vehicular access track; installation of package sewage treatment plant

Decision: Grant Permission

Reference: 14/03842/FUL (validated: 09/09/2014)

Address: Stanley Farm, Chorley, Bridgnorth, WV16 6PS

Proposal: Use of land for the stationing of 3 log cabins for accommodation for rehabilitation centre clients, construction of passing places and installation of package sewage treatment plant

Decision: Grant Permission

Complaints re: land behind the Village Hall and also building plot next to Old Blacksmiths is being dealt with through Shropshire Council who has contacted both owners.

6) Email received from Vicky Franklin re: Road Safety/horses:

This had been discussed at the beginning of the meeting and it had been suggested that the horse riders joined Horse Watch and that a map marking suggestions for signs be forwarded to Cllr Shineton and Clerk together with an item for inclusion in the next newsletter.

7) SALC report:

No report due to holiday period.

8) Unitary Councillor’s report:

Cllr Shineton reported on the following:

·  Health meetings going on – lots of misinformation has been given out.

·  Parking at Dr’s Surgery – as the old Fox and Hounds car park has been sold problems will occur for patients/Dr’s and staff at the surgery. The flower tubs outside Glebe Farm Barn are encroaching on the highway and it was also suggested that the triangle by Hall Farm entrance be considered for enlarging the small parking area and further discussions should take place with the Povall family. After discussions it was RESOLVED that the Clerk writes to Graham Downes and Steve Brown asking them to contact the owners at Glebe Farm Barn and also enter into discussions with the Povall family directly or facilitated by the Parish Council regarding using the triangle of land for parking.

·  SC Bus Strategy Consultation.

·  Bridgnorth Community Bus – timetable worked out now for Saturdays and Cllr Shineton will let Clerk have a copy for inclusion in the next newsletter.

·  A suggestion had been made regarding using any spare seats on school buses (pay fare).

·  Speeding will be on the agenda at Kinlet PC on 12th September.

Chairman thanked Cllr Shineton for her report and Cllr Shineton left the meeting.

9) Financial matters:

a) Outstanding payments:

Clerk’s salary - £xxx

HMRC PAYE - £128.98

Viking (printer, ink) - £295.32

Clerk’s expenses - £37.81

Mazars LLP - £120 – audit fee

It was RESOLVED to pay these cheques.

b) Income since last meeting – no statement received for deposit account.

c) Bank statement/Quarterly bank reconciliation:

Clerk provided Cllrs with the bank reconciliation up to the end of June, together with up to date bank statements. It was RESOLVED to accept these and they were duly initially by Councillors.

d) Audit:

The audit had been completed with no issues raising concern. Clerk pointed out that Mazars had telephoned asking why the reserves were high which Clerk confirmed as ‘forward planning’ due to services being transferred from SC to PC’s and also possible purchase of land for car parking/playing field. Mazars were happy with this explanation.

Cllrs thanked Clerk for her work on the accounts/audit. Clerk will complete satisfaction questionnaire.

10) Parish matters/problems:

a) Parish problems:

Midwinters bend verge needs cutting back – Clerk will ask Willowdene to strim this and also Station Road bank and the bank opposite the school.

Potholes – Moon House Bank – any ideas when any permanent work will be carried out here?

Wribley Bank – any ideas when this work will be carried out?

Bakehouse Lane bridleway – 1 further tree is to be removed but the original blockage has been removed.

b) Parish Watch:

4 x 4 stolen from Old Rectory Farm, Sidbury

White van been seen around the parish.

Search for Andrew Green continues.

Cllr Barratt confirmed that all gates into her fields had been opened on Friday 19th September. Cllr Abbiss reported that they had also been opened up Stanley Lane and cattle had escaped.

11) Correspondence:

Emails forwarded include: (All noted as received unless comments made)

SALC Bulletins

Alterations to the electoral register

Severn Valley Country Park Bulletin August 2016

Cleobury Country - Sage AAT Level 2 Award in Computerised Accounts - NEW Course

Shropshire Housing Group Stakeholder event - Thursday 8th September 2016, 1.30pm @ Shrewsbury Town FC – anyone interested in attending? Cllr Abbiss may attend.

SALC - HWS - Press release: Physiotherapy Services in Shropshire

Safer West Mercia Plan Consultation

Connecting Shropshire - Broadband Public Consultation

SALC - Developing Capacity in Smaller Councils and Devolution - Survey (and clustering)

Cleobury Country - Level 4 Award in Health & Safety - 14,15,16,22 & 23 September 2016

Cleobury Country - Emergency First Aid at Work - 27.09.16

SALC - Update from Outdoor Partnerships for TPCs

Any other correspondence received after issue of agenda

22/8/16 - Rachel Datlen email: ‘Just in case anyone queries what we are doing up at our field as there is a digger up there, we are creating a shallow wildlife pond’. – Pool Orchard, Harcourt.

MP – Update from Philip Dunne

Receipt received re: donation to West Mercia Search and Rescue.

12) Date of next meeting:

26th September 2016

Apologies received in advance from Cllrs R Abbiss and S Allen.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.17pm.

Cheques written:

Mrs F Morris - £xxx

HMRC PAYE - £128.98

Viking - £295.32 (printer and ink)

Mrs F Morris – expenses - £37.81

Mazars LLP - £120

Signed: Date:

These minutes were approved at the meeting on 26th September 2016

Stottesdon and Sidbury Parish Council meeting 23rd August 2016 Page 1020