Oxford High School

Course Syllabus Instructor: Casey Prater

The following represents the order in which we will cover the chapters and topics. The amount of time that it takes to cover the material in each chapter will vary.

1st Semester

Chapter 1~ Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology

Chapter 2~ Chemical Basis of Life

Chapter 3~ Cells (Covered in 2 parts)

Chapter 4~ Metabolism

Chapter 5~ Tissues

Chapter 6~ Skin and the Integumentary System

Chapter 7~ The Nervous System

Chapter 8~ Special Senses

2nd Semester

Chapter 10~ Blood

Chapter 11~ The Cardiovascular System

Chapter 13~ The Respiratory System

Chapter 14~ The Digestive System and Body Metabolism

Chapter 15~ The Urinary System

Chapter 9 ~ The Endocrine System

Chapter 12~ The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses

Chapter 16~ The Reproductive System

The Anatomy and Physiology course is very unique from all other biology courses offered at Oxford High School. The major focus of this course is to explore the most complex machine ~ the human body. Because the human body is so complex, you should expect t to learn some rather technical terminology as we progress through the course. The bulk of your material will come from Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology. This textbook will also help strengthen basic biology skills covered in the Alabama High School Graduation Exam.

Although this course can be challenging at times, it is not meant to be intimidation. If you ever encounter a concept you don’t understand, please tell me promptly. I want you all to be successful and I will help you as much as I can to achieve that success. It is imperative that you stay focused and that you keep up with your assignments. Organization is the key to success in any course.


50% = Tests (most count as 100 points)

50% = Classwork, Homework, Quizzes, Labs, Projects, Journal Essays, etc.

I WILL NOT accept late assignments

Grades will be given for almost every assignment. Please don’t discount assignments that are worth just a few points, because they all make a difference in your final grade.

Materials Needed EVERY DAY:

Binder, pencil/pen (any color except red), paper, textbook, and homework. You will not be able to leave my room to get supplies. You will occasionally receive points for coming to class prepared.

Course Fee:

There is a $15.00 fee required by each student to help defray the extra costs of lab materials. This is due by October 2, 2009.


Labs are very important to this course. Several of these labs involve dissection. Substitutions for missed labs are limited to research papers on the topic covered. Please be present on all lab days. You will placed in groups to conduct lab exercises. You MUST participate 100% to receive credit for the lab. Your lab grade includes participation, proper use of materials, following instructions, and proper clean-up.

Make-up Assignments:

All missed tests and make-up assignments must be made up within 3 days (not school days) of your excused absence, or it will result in a “0”. If you do not turn in a valid excuse for you absence, you will receive half credit for your test. Make-up tests will be given before or after school only. You must make arrangements with me. Make-up tests are almost always essay, short answer, and labeling formats without answer choices. Make-up assignments are posted to the right of the front white board. If you are out the day before a scheduled test you are still required to take that test even if a study guide was given. I usually give at least 4 days notice of an upcoming exam.

Warm-up assignments

Please look to the board to see your warm-up assignment each day. These should take 3-5 minutes to complete. When you hear my bell ring you must turn in your assignment. If you have not completed it, you have until the end of the period to complete it for full credit and still complete any other assignment given.

Behavior and Discipline:

No food or drinks allowed in class.

You cannot leave my room during class including going to the restroom unless it is an emergency. Do not come to my room and ask to go to the restroom before class. You have wasted valuable restroom time by doing that.

There is to be NO SLEEPING in my class.

Do not touch anything that is not yours. This includes another body.

Whisper while talking. Only talk with permission.


Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating, to me, is also defined as copying someone’s vocabulary work, etc. If they had to complete the assignment on there own, so do you.


If you come through my door after the bell has rung you are tardy. You MUST get a pass to TE. NO exceptions or excuses.